Lets Discuss the Real Ratings

@ Wavels, it's not Fox v. MSNBC, as you seem to believe, it's Fox v. the internet, and clearly, the internet wins

Check any video on Fox's youtube channel (112,793 subscribers) and it will more than likely have negative ratings; https://www.youtube.com/user/FoxNewsChannel/videos

Compared to TheYoungTurks (2,007,323 subscribers); https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/videos

TYT network averages something like over 30 million unique hits a month, and they have multiple sister channels on their network that kill most Fox shows, also if you check the ratings at random you'll find that most of them will more than likely have positive ratings

So if you want to stick around and try to defend a dying media model, be my guest, FNC as well as the other old media outlets won't be around in a decade or two, and if they are they won't be anywhere near as influential as they are today, or were yesterday rather..
@ Wavels, it's not Fox v. MSNBC, as you seem to believe, it's Fox v. the internet, and clearly, the internet wins

Check any video on Fox's youtube channel (112,793 subscribers) and it will more than likely have negative ratings; https://www.youtube.com/user/FoxNewsChannel/videos

Compared to TheYoungTurks (2,007,323 subscribers); https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/videos

TYT network averages something like over 30 million unique hits a month, and they have multiple sister channels on their network that kill most Fox shows, also if you check the ratings at random you'll find that most of them will more than likely have positive ratings

So if you want to stick around and try to defend a dying media model, be my guest, FNC as well as the other old media outlets won't be around in a decade or two, and if they are they won't be anywhere near as influential as they are today, or were yesterday rather..

You may very well be correct in your prediction of future news markets and the viability of cable outlets. I agree.

I am simply pointing out the current palpable loathing expressed for the apparently transitory success of, and very existence of FoxNews and their business model.
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As if you don't share that exact contempt for MSNBC or anything you perceive as being left of center
There are many left of center providers of so called news.
What right leaning outlet besides Fox exists on network or cable TV?
Fox is it.
It is about choice, IMO.
There are many left of center providers of so called news.
What right leaning outlet besides Fox exists on network or cable TV?
Fox is it.
It is about choice, IMO.
So if Fox is the only right wing outlet, and according to you guys, they're the best, or they do the best in the ratings, why aren't there more right leaning outlets reporting the news?

It is about choice, and it's pretty clear people choose to go to the internet to read about news in the 21st century and old media is on the way out of the game completely because the model they use relies on ad revenue to function, and in order to sell ads you have to choose which stories to report which might not always be the most important or accurate. If you pull that shit on the internet you won't get any traffic. The incentive to report the most accurate, important information is greater than sensationalism. It's far from a perfect model but it's undeniably better than the other one.

Not to mention the demographics are completely in favor of new media
Of course, the obvious metric you haven't disclosed yet is the comparison of traffic to Conservative sites like Drudge/The Blaze, etc and liberal douchebaggery sites like HuffPo and ilk like them.
what's also interesting is all that money that those politicians need to raise to spend on ads to change your mind or influence your opinions are going to become moot. Slowly but surely people are moving away from traditional advertising revenue based media. If the politicians can't change your mind with advertisements because you'r. Not watching them will they still need to sell themselves to ccorporations or special interests?
Then you clearly haven't been around this forum very much

@desert dude claims FNC is "the best", @MuyLocoNC , @OddBall1st, @Mindmelted, @spandy, @nitro harley, are more members who come to mind who would probably claim as much..

So you would be incorrect with that assumption Mr. ISIS dude !i

There`s no such thing, all the NEWS outlets and Clear Chanel Advertising is own and edited by the same Jews that own and control Hollywood.....With a big cut going to Israel. Been that way for a long time now.
what's also interesting is all that money that those politicians need to raise to spend on ads to change your mind or influence your opinions are going to become moot. Slowly but surely people are moving away from traditional advertising revenue based media. If the politicians can't change your mind with advertisements because you'r. Not watching them will they still need to sell themselves to ccorporations or special interests?
Absolutely. You underestimate the power of greed. Do a few favors in office and then you get to go on a 'speaking tour.' Every elected or appointed official at the federal level is able to leverage their influence to trade for insane 'speaking costs.'

Hillary comes to mind immediately.

Then the biggest current asshole of humankind, Cheney.
That was included under the blanket definition I was using for "the internet"

Did I miss the post where you showed a comparison of internet traffic to Conservative sites versus internet traffic to liberal sites? Which, of course, was the gist of my earlier post. You claim it favors liberalism. I would refute that if the tide of citizens looking to the internet for their news are going to Conservative sites in greater numbers than a hack site like the HuffPo.

In fact, by going to fairly neutral sites, the argument could be made that they're getting a far less liberal bent to the news than they would get from the MSM.
Did I miss the post where you showed a comparison of internet traffic to Conservative sites versus internet traffic to liberal sites? Which, of course, was the gist of my earlier post. You claim it favors liberalism. I would refute that if the tide of citizens looking to the internet for their news are going to Conservative sites in greater numbers than a hack site like the HuffPo.

In fact, by going to fairly neutral sites, the argument could be made that they're getting a far less liberal bent to the news than they would get from the MSM.
lol you're joking, right?
lol you're joking, right?

I just went through EVERYTHING you posted and NOTHING comes close to answering my question other than the conclusion that YOU made. Everyone that I know, across all age groups has a tablet or smartphone now, including every relative I have over 50 years old. They all go to various sites for the latest news. I'm willing to bet Drudge kicks HuffPo's ass in traffic. I'm willing to bet foxnews.com kicks the living shit out of MSNBC.com and so on and so forth.

There are still FAAAAAAAR more Conservatives, Independents and moderate dems than there are hardcore libs. Unless they get sent there by story on Yahoo, who other than bootlicking, vapid asshole libs intentionally frequent shitholes like HuffPo? No one, that's who.
Then you clearly haven't been around this forum very much

@desert dude claims FNC is "the best", @MuyLocoNC , @OddBall1st, @Mindmelted, @spandy, @nitro harley, are more members who come to mind who would probably claim as much..

I don't really care to go dig through quotes to prove it, multiple members have made the claim Fox News is the best source for news on cable that it seems redundant to waste time looking for a quote, but if you're making the claim that nobody has claimed that I will

Would you like me to mail you your douchebaggery award?
I just went through EVERYTHING you posted and NOTHING comes close to answering my question other than the conclusion that YOU made. Everyone that I know, across all age groups has a tablet or smartphone now, including every relative I have over 50 years old. They all go to various sites for the latest news. I'm willing to bet Drudge kicks HuffPo's ass in traffic. I'm willing to bet foxnews.com kicks the living shit out of MSNBC.com and so on and so forth.

There are still FAAAAAAAR more Conservatives, Independents and moderate dems than there are hardcore libs. Unless they get sent there by story on Yahoo, who other than bootlicking, vapid asshole libs intentionally frequent shitholes like HuffPo? No one, that's who.
