Lets Discuss the Real Ratings

I would refute that if the tide of citizens looking to the internet for their news are going to Conservative sites in greater numbers than a hack site like the HuffPo.

did you mean the pulitzer prize winning huffington post? drudge doesn't have any pulitzer prizes.

maybe you think this is a big jewish conspiracy, like your fellow conservatives on the forum. it would match the other beliefs you share with david duke quite nicely.
Wow @Padawanbater2 these guys really have nothing to resort to except name calling and misdirecting. So very very sad.

They base nothing on fact but rather how they feel about something. SO very very sad.

Kinda like how Pada had the facts on who "WOULD PROBABLY CLAIM?"

I'm not wasting a good Red Forman quote on you.
Then you clearly haven't been around this forum very much

@desert dude claims FNC is "the best", @MuyLocoNC , @OddBall1st, @Mindmelted, @spandy, @nitro harley, are more members who come to mind who would probably claim as much..

I hate TV news. I don't watch TV at all, except when football or NBA playoffs is on.

CNN is too far left. Fox is too far right. IMHO.

I'm an internet junkie. There's where I get all my news.

CLASSIC right wing bias; CNN is as centrist a news organization as there is in America. MSNBC is left, but at least they concentrate on facts. To the average Fox News junkie, BBC has a liberal media bias, too.

What about al Jazeera? Is that left leaning? It's insurgent, but unfortunately the right wing has equated any story that tells the story of how the average American is disenfranchised by monied interests as 'liberal'. They've hijacked the term to the point of cliche, and irrelevance.

Again, I don't understand why anyone in this country who makes most of their earnings from wages would vote republican- except for reasons of economic and political ignorance... which describes the average Fox News junkie rather well.

The internet is no paragon of accurate news either, but at least you have choice and opposing viewpoints and the reader can make up their own mind. American media on both sides is dumbed down to the point where they all treat the viewer like an idiot.
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Half right. HuffPo kills drudge, but foxnews.com annihilates MSNBC.com.

Hard to believe there are that many douchebags that would spend time at an outhouse like HuffPo.
THP @ 4, NYT @ 5 and Reddit @ 1..

Not to mention the rest of the list..

So do you concede my point that the internet is predominantly liberal/progressive?
Whatever happened to reporting the TRUTH? A opposed to incessant spin, spin, Spin, SPIN?

After enough washing and enough spin, whatever truth there originally was has been wrung out... leaving just the dry husk.
What difference does it make what boot has its heel on your throat holding you down? The right boot or the left boot?
What does bother me is how the left looks down their nose in self righteous moral authority at everyone else,
THEY HAVE SHIT IN THEIR PANTS,,,and They smell worse than the people they point the finger at,
Crooked mother fuckers are worse than the republicans,
What difference does it make what boot has its heel on your throat holding you down? The right boot or the left boot?
What does bother me is how the left looks down their nose in self righteous moral authority at everyone else,
THEY HAVE SHIT IN THEIR PANTS,,,and They smell worse than the people they point the finger at,
Crooked mother fuckers are worse than the republicans,
The people telling you how to live, who to worship, what to believe, what should be illegal, what you can and can't put in your own body, who you can and can't marry, and what portion of income you should give to an imaginary being are "looking down their nose of moral authority"?

You, sir, are very confused, indeed...
It's interesting to note, none of the Republicans are discussing the matter of "facts", as in, Fox provides none, ever. They are more concerned about ratings than they are about facts. The Big Bang Theory and Empire are currently the two top rated shows on television, so that must mean the programming is based on facts. Well, the "thinking" crowd knows better.

hashtag just mother fuckin sayin
The people telling you how to live, who to worship, what to believe, what should be illegal, what you can and can't put in your own body, who you can and can't marry, and what portion of income you should give to an imaginary being are "looking down their nose of moral authority"?

You, sir, are very confused, indeed...
what size of soda I can drink.,,license as who can grow weed and where they can grow weed, what kind of gun I can own, who gets the government contracts who builds the solar panels, who runs the rail roads, how much water you can flush down your toilet, what kind of food I can eat, what I pay for ciggs, what I pay for booze,what I have to believe and who I must SERVE at my own place of business,how much energy I can use , how much land I can use,how much I can make how much I have to pay, how much health insurance I need or don't need,
how many miles per gallon my car gets, what kind of seat belts I have to use or if I use them at all,
who gets my money in the form or grants and corruption,ACORN,Solyndra,etc,etc,etc,
YOU sir a cool aid drinker,
Oh and just love the way they help the poor out, NAFTA,GATT, Then this health care bomb,
seems a lot of companys are cutting their employees hours back so they can get through the loop holes of obamao care, If they do not have full time employees,they do not have to provide the obamao care nor pay the penaltys of it,
Gee ,,the poor are not even more poor thanks to your retarded backward thinking,
The poor having friends like you they do not need any enemys
what size of soda I can drink.,,license as who can grow weed and where they can grow weed, what kind of gun I can own, who gets the government contracts who builds the solar panels, who runs the rail roads, how much water you can flush down your toilet, what kind of food I can eat, what I pay for ciggs, what I pay for booze,what I have to believe and who I must SERVE at my own place of business,how much energy I can use , how much land I can use,how much I can make how much I have to pay, how much health insurance I need or don't need,
how many miles per gallon my car gets, what kind of seat belts I have to use or if I use them at all,
who gets my money in the form or grants and corruption,ACORN,Solyndra,etc,etc,etc,
YOU sir a cool aid drinker,
Oh and just love the way they help the poor out, NAFTA,GATT, Then this health care bomb,
seems a lot of companys are cutting their employees hours back so they can get through the loop holes of obamao care, If they do not have full time employees,they do not have to provide the obamao care nor pay the penaltys of it,
Gee ,,the poor are not even more poor thanks to your retarded backward thinking,
The poor having friends like you they do not need any enemys

I particularly like your punctuation. But this: "Gee ,,the poor are not even more poor thanks to your retarded backward thinking," is just some gangster shit.