Lets Discuss the Real Ratings

Meanwhile, internet continues to crush cable network numbers and cable viewers continue to get older and older.

Say, ML, where do you suppose cable news will go once the 64+ aged viewers start dying off, ya know, because they don't have healthcare because they think Obama's a Muslim?

When was the last time print media like newspapers was relevant?

The shit you praise is on its way out you Fuckin dinosaur. Get used to it
Dinosaur is an apt description of my mother. She doesn't watch cable news but never misses the nightly local news. She still buys a paper every day even though I put a link on her desktop to the same paper she buys. Old habits die hard.

The generation that is dying off now is the generation that thought Cronkite only spoke the gospel truth and was their main news source, it's the generation behind them that are cable news junkies.

You say the Foxnews watchers will die off, I say the MSNBC watchers will grow up and leave that station. We may both be wrong or both right, time will tell.
Dinosaur is an apt description of my mother. She doesn't watch cable news but never misses the nightly local news. She still buys a paper every day even though I put a link on her desktop to the same paper she buys. Old habits die hard.

The generation that is dying off now is the generation that thought Cronkite only spoke the gospel truth and was their main news source, it's the generation behind them that are cable news junkies.

You say the Foxnews watchers will die off, I say the MSNBC watchers will grow up and leave that station. We may both be wrong or both right, time will tell.

Not saying that your mother is, because I don't know her at all. But it's pretty hard to dispute the poll numbers and statistics that show Fox News viewers are the most misinformed individuals, including those who don't read or watch news at all.
that is true, isn't it?

fox news viewers are less informed than those who watch no news at all.

and the righties brag about this constantly by talking about their ratings.

i would not brag about how my channel makes people dumber than watching nothing at all, but these idiots think that is an admirable thing.

i don't think these people are very bright.
Dinosaur is an apt description of my mother. She doesn't watch cable news but never misses the nightly local news. She still buys a paper every day even though I put a link on her desktop to the same paper she buys. Old habits die hard.

The generation that is dying off now is the generation that thought Cronkite only spoke the gospel truth and was their main news source, it's the generation behind them that are cable news junkies.

You say the Foxnews watchers will die off, I say the MSNBC watchers will grow up and leave that station. We may both be wrong or both right, time will tell.
You think young people watch MSNBC?

By and large, young people don't watch cable news, including MSNBC. The overwhelming majority of 18-35 year olds use the internet.

Cable news is a dying media, just like radio, just like print, its demise is inevitable

So praise cable news ratings in light of that information makes someone look pretty damn silly
Meanwhile, internet continues to crush cable network numbers and cable viewers continue to get older and older.

Say, ML, where do you suppose cable news will go once the 64+ aged viewers start dying off, ya know, because they don't have healthcare because they think Obama's a Muslim?

When was the last time print media like newspapers was relevant?

The shit you praise is on its way out you Fuckin dinosaur. Get used to it

That's quite a straw man you constructed for yourself to tackle. You pulled the entire argument out of your ass, why don't you go ahead and answer it as well?

I'll stand by my post of a very timely and entertaining update about the amount of viewers who can tolerate liberal programming. They couldn't ever seem to maintain a radio audience and now they can't even keep liberals' attention with movin' pictures.

That's quite a straw man you constructed for yourself to tackle. You pulled the entire argument out of your ass, why don't you go ahead and answer it as well?

I'll stand by my post of a very timely and entertaining update about the amount of viewers who can tolerate liberal programming. They couldn't ever seem to maintain a radio audience and now they can't even keep liberals' attention with movin' pictures.



You and your kind are more concerned about a popularity contest than you are about facts and intelligence. You really do need to get out more.
That's quite a straw man you constructed for yourself to tackle. You pulled the entire argument out of your ass, why don't you go ahead and answer it as well?

I'll stand by my post of a very timely and entertaining update about the amount of viewers who can tolerate liberal programming. They couldn't ever seem to maintain a radio audience and now they can't even keep liberals' attention with movin' pictures.


Not saying that your mother is, because I don't know her at all. But it's pretty hard to dispute the poll numbers and statistics that show Fox News viewers are the most misinformed individuals, including those who don't read or watch news at all.
With a much larger audience, the IQ numbers will generally tend to revert to a mean. That's just mathematical proof. The numbers are so lopsided that If I were a liberal i would claim that there was a CONSENSUS among Americans that Foxnews was the best news source on CAble TV. I would beat you over the head with this "fact" all day every day. In fact it would be the crux of my argument. To not be part of the fold makes you an outcast, a weirdo, a funny little man who lives in his mom's basement. You are a special unique little snowflake though, never forget that.

See how it works?
The overwhelming majority of 18-35 year olds use the internet.
This is true how you worded it. But if you actually meant that the majority of 18-35 year olds use the internet to find out about NEWS, you are so so wrong.

The Vast majority of 18-35 year olds use the internet for social interaction and entertainment. Only a small minority ever give a shit about the news.

By news I mean, local, regional and world changing events. Not a 5 car crash on the 110 or your Grandma's collection of Nazi memorabilia.
Not saying that your mother is, because I don't know her at all. But it's pretty hard to dispute the poll numbers and statistics that show Fox News viewers are the most misinformed individuals, including those who don't read or watch news at all.
How do you poll how smart or informed people are that watch a particular news station?
With a much larger audience, the IQ numbers will generally tend to revert to a mean. That's just mathematical proof. The numbers are so lopsided that If I were a liberal i would claim that there was a CONSENSUS among Americans that Foxnews was the best news source on CAble TV. I would beat you over the head with this "fact" all day every day. In fact it would be the crux of my argument. To not be part of the fold makes you an outcast, a weirdo, a funny little man who lives in his mom's basement. You are a special unique little snowflake though, never forget that.

See how it works?

Choosing to completely ignore facts is well within your rights. I'm not stopping you from continuing ignorance.
How do you poll how smart or informed people are that watch a particular news station?

You first ask the poll taker what political party they are affiliated with, then you ask them a series of questions. This is both outline by the polls and common sense.

Not to be a dick about it, but why can't you look this stuff up for yourself?
You first ask the poll taker what political party they are affiliated with, then you ask them a series of questions. This is both outline by the polls and common sense.

Not to be a dick about it, but why can't you look this stuff up for yourself?
Ring Ring Ring,,hello,,hi this is the huffington post here doing IQ tests and polls over the phone,,,what news station do you watch?I watch fox news,,huffington post:,,well you are a stupid dick head,,thanks for the IQ test over the phone,Hangs up phone, Well boss, I just done this poll over the phone, The poll says all fox news viewers are stupid dick heads, The results are in,
Ring Ring Ring,,hello,,hi this is the huffington post here doing IQ tests and polls over the phone,,,what news station do you watch?I watch fox news,,huffington post:,,well you are a stupid dick head,,thanks for the IQ test over the phone,Hangs up phone, Well boss, I just done this poll over the phone, The poll says all fox news viewers are stupid dick heads, The results are in,

No. That's not how it works. You should do some more research. I'm not here to educate you on that, go do that on your own. Once you've established a good understanding of how polls work, then I would be happy to engage in a debate to discuss the merits of your original claim.
No. That's not how it works. You should do some more research. I'm not here to educate you on that, go do that on your own. Once you've established a good understanding of how polls work, then I would be happy to engage in a debate to discuss the merits of your original claim.
lol,that's exactly how it works at the huff po,,the news source you so like to quote,
Then they have complete morons running around quoting those posts as fact,
lol,that's exactly how it works at the huff po,,the news source you so like to quote,
Then they have complete morons running around quoting those posts as fact,

You enjoy making shit up, that is clear; but is useless in an intelligent conversation.