Well-Known Member
CLASSIC right wing bias; CNN is as centrist a news organization as there is in America. MSNBC is left, but at least they concentrate on facts. To the average Fox News junkie, BBC has a liberal media bias, too.
What about al Jazeera? Is that left leaning? It's insurgent, but unfortunately the right wing has equated any story that tells the story of how the average American is disenfranchised by monied interests as 'liberal'. They've hijacked the term to the point of cliche, and irrelevance.
Again, I don't understand why anyone in this country who makes most of their earnings from wages would vote republican- except for reasons of economic and political ignorance... which describes the average Fox News junkie rather well.
The internet is no paragon of accurate news either, but at least you have choice and opposing viewpoints and the reader can make up their own mind. American media on both sides is dumbed down to the point where they all treat the viewer like an idiot.
Well, sir, if it was CLASSIC right-wing bias, would I be deeming Fox as too far right?
A true centrist (like myself) is attacked by both the left and right. But I can take it.

When my son comes home from college, he turns on Fox News, and so I have to watch it then. It sux. Way too far right for me.
I felt the same about CNN (in the opposite direction) years ago when I watched it.
Although I HATE to agree with @UncleBuck, he's right when he says that National Public Radio is a good source of news. I listen to it a couple times per week.
But I mostly read my news on the internet, cause I hate live TV. Too many damned commercials.