Lets Discuss the Real Ratings

YOU sir a cool aid drinker
I see, your gripe begins with politicians you perceive as liberal..

Watch what a real liberal thinks...

1. what size of soda I can drink
Don't care
2. license as who can grow weed and where they can grow weed
3. who gets the government contracts who builds the solar panels
What is your issue with this?
4. who runs the rail roads
What is your issue with this?
5. how much water you can flush down your toilet
Unfamiliar with..
6. what I pay for ciggs
Should be?
7. what I pay for booze
Should be? (Keep in mind restrictions from alcohol sales come from republicans, "dry counties" are a direct result of Christian religious convictions..
8. what kind of food I can eat
Absurd. Nobody is limiting what you can eat
9. what I have to believe and who I must SERVE at my own place of business
You are free to believe whatever you want, you aren't required to "serve" anyone
10. how much energy I can use
You can use what's available unless some shortage requires conservation..
11. how much land I can use
You can use whatever you own for any purpose you wish..
12. how much I can make how much I have to pay
There is no limit on the amount of money you can make, the amount you must pay in taxes is related to your income, or at least it's supposed to..
13. how much health insurance I need or don't need
14. how many miles per gallon my car gets
15. what kind of seat belts I have to use or if I use them at all
OMG!@ The federal government is restricting my right to life!!! RAPE!
16. who gets my money in the form or grants and corruption,ACORN,Solyndra,etc,etc,etc
.just shut the Fuck up and get a clue...

Anyone that says fox is the best is just giving you their opinion. Its subjective.

BTW the search feature on RIU is powerful, so I did a few searches.
DesertDude never said that Fox was the best. There are only 2 posts of his in which those 2 words (and all variations of them) even appear, but read the post and its clear he never once said fox was the best.

This is an example of assumptions being made. I see it happens quite a bit around here. One guy says Fox news is the highest ranked network and other people read it and then assume that he means it is the best. Emotional thinkers tend to make assumptions based on what they THINK another person is trying to say, and do not dwell on what is ACTUALLY said.

I don't think you purposely lied about what someone else said, you just made an assumption and you were wrong about it, not a big deal as long as you own up to it.
Then he'd have to own up to the fact that ALL his opinions are based on assumptions.
what's also interesting is all that money that those politicians need to raise to spend on ads to change your mind or influence your opinions are going to become moot. Slowly but surely people are moving away from traditional advertising revenue based media. If the politicians can't change your mind with advertisements because you'r. Not watching them will they still need to sell themselves to ccorporations or special interests?
You DO know they run political ads on the internet?
The people telling you how to live, who to worship, what to believe, what should be illegal, what you can and can't put in your own body, who you can and can't marry, and what portion of income you should give to an imaginary being are "looking down their nose of moral authority"?

You, sir, are very confused, indeed...
If you re-read his post, you'll find that it is you that is confused.
I see, your gripe begins with politicians you perceive as liberal..

Watch what a real liberal thinks...

Don't care


What is your issue with this?

What is your issue with this?

Unfamiliar with..

Should be?

Should be? (Keep in mind restrictions from alcohol sales come from republicans, "dry counties" are a direct result of Christian religious convictions..

Absurd. Nobody is limiting what you can eat

You are free to believe whatever you want, you aren't required to "serve" anyone

You can use what's available unless some shortage requires conservation..

You can use whatever you own for any purpose you wish..

There is no limit on the amount of money you can make, the amount you must pay in taxes is related to your income, or at least it's supposed to..



OMG!@ The federal government is restricting my right to life!!! RAPE!

None of your responses bears inspections. Liberals have tried or actually succeeded in restricting all those freedoms. Oh, all those dry counties in Kentucky were enacted by Democrats, not Republicans as you falsely claimed.
You are so very very dumb. I'm not religious and know what you just said was dumb as shit.

You are so mother fucking stupid it's beginning to hurt my feelings.

That`s your own fault for squeezing it too hard when dealing with me. Try rubbing it.
So you deleted my post ? Jesus Fucking Christ is more damning than calling a Heb. a Jew...

no, i did not delete or even report your post in which you theorized a nefarious jewish kabal controlling the media and hollywood, a theory also espoused by KKK grand wizard david duke.

but i really do wonder why you and so many other righties on this site share so many conspiracy theories in common with KKK grand wizard david duke.
no, i did not delete or even report your post in which you theorized a nefarious jewish kabal controlling the media and hollywood, a theory also espoused by KKK grand wizard david duke.

but i really do wonder why you and so many other righties on this site share so many conspiracy theories in common with KKK grand wizard david duke.

Well then, I guess it wasn`t you. Must be that rollitup guy, He has a Nuke button and a crush on me so I better be careful.