What do you recycle?


Well-Known Member
Tbh I'm sitting here kind of impressed that you even eat it and more so that you buy it on the block rather than ready grated.

I still think you're a dick though. So don't get too comfortable!
You have to get the fresh Parmesan cheese that grated shit in a bottle sucks.

But yeah I don't recycle shit and I burn furniture cause the dump won't take it unless you strip the fucking thing I do compost shit though so I'm a little green. Just retarded you need to go to the dump and separate all the recyclables I just said fuck this shit ain't no more green, all the shit is shipped to China and they smog the shit out of them cities. If it was possible I wouldn't buy nothing made in China ain't nothing green about China recyclables and all are polluting like a bastard.

But they make you think your doing the environment better but the sooner the world runs out of oil the better the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
wtf those truck stop prostitutes are fucking disgusting, i would not even touch one of those if i was paid. those are some lonely ass men being taken advantage of!

but they suck the best ill tell you what!!!

takes a man to know a man ya feel me??? ;p
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I throw everything away in the trash, to the landfill with it all! I would recycle if the trash service wants to pay me for my time.

i like that feller

and that was pretty informative

except the trees thing for every 1 tree we cut down we plant 2 in its place ive known that forever

so i honestly dont see where that one came from but thanks for posting that vid


Well-Known Member
The two of us produce very little waste, for two years the g/f would just take it to work with her and put in recycle there.
We are now forced to use the city contracted waste hauler at 23 bucks a month well not forced to use but forced to pay. (just a little bitterness there) So, nothing of redeemable value ever goes in, and the recycle they want "rinsed before placing in bin", well they can pay for the water to clean it before they sell it.

As far as the "Brown trash" that goes to landfill it's mainly road trash, coffee cups and the such maybe a pizza box once every 2 months.


Well-Known Member
have you seriously done anything with a lot lizard?

hell yeah

gets lonely being ty the trucker guy

lol the truth is

naw fuck that i dont want aids nor man anus

i just was talking like a trucker last night after someone exposed sky walker and the thread was getting awkward to read so i got together the fuck convoy and got up out of there


Well-Known Member
It sounds like an effort to recycle over there in the US. Over here we have the bins on every street so there's no excuse. The local government should make it easier for people plus there's no incentives.

I've seen it work well in Germany but let's face it, everything works over there. They make a financial incentive for people.

There's a huge filtration system here with people working the bins and scrapping metal etc. shops even sell kitchen bins with 3 compartments, what a chore!


Active Member
Here in Canada it's a mixed bag of recycling policies. Depending on the municipality. Where I am it's pretty much everything. My recycle stuff is now 5x the size of the "garbage". You have to remember there is no "away" when you throw something away.


Well-Known Member
Here in Canada it's a mixed bag of recycling policies. Depending on the municipality. Where I am it's pretty much everything. My recycle stuff is now 5x the size of the "garbage". You have to remember there is no "away" when you throw something away.
Thats the reason I stopped recycling...it was such a mess....its bad that I stopped i know. 2 good things about it...1. its good for the earf 2. you get creative with your trash. IMO our tax dollars should pay for them to do it. Yellowstone Park does it, composts it..
fuck Im so fried i had to edit this too many times:P


Active Member
Thats the reason I stopped recycling...it was such a mess....its bad that I stopped i know. 2 good things about it...1. its good for the earf 2. you get creative with your trash. IMO our tax dollars should pay for them to do it. Yellowstone Park does it, composts it..
fuck Im so fried i had to edit this too many times:P
All my stuff goes in a blue bag or bin. The municipality has staff to sort shred extract pull out whatever it can use. Some goes to an energy from waste plant as well. India is developing a way to turn plastic (made from oil!) back to hydrocarbon fuels.


Well-Known Member
All my stuff goes in a blue bag or bin. The municipality has staff to sort shred extract pull out whatever it can use. Some goes to an energy from waste plant as well. India is developing a way to turn plastic (made from oil!) back to hydrocarbon fuels.
Im excited for that...go India!


Well-Known Member
Funny you should mention this. We got a notice sent to us that if recyclables were in the garbage can our garbage wouldn't be collected. Years ago we opted out of recycling because our driveway is a quarter mile long and hauling one big assed tote to the end of it is enough. I called our garbage co. this week to ask about lowering our rates for a smaller garbage can and was informed that by law WA residents must pay for recycling and all are being charged for it whether they have the recycling bin or not. SO I've been paying for the past few years (I remember no such notification of this in the mail or on my bill) Pisses me off.

I know this is pretzel logic but IMO, Americans leave the biggest footprint when it comes to consuming packaging etc. AND the garbage we generate, that we could recycle all our bags and separate all our shit and STILL leave a disproportionately huge footprint on the environment-so what's the point?

The rate of our existence far outweighs the feel good recycling we do in vain…Does anyone share this opinion?

YES, I"ll be a good citizen from now on and haul 2 giant assed cans up and down the driveway…. Gives the bears more to tip over and have fun with (which I can't see from my house anyway) and the garbage fuckers don't touch it unless it's IN THE CAN So fuck me right?