First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
yea,i only got one big pot so far to transplant into and one bag of soil,ill get 2 more bags of soil but thatll have to be next week on Wedsnday or ill just have to use the remaining shityt soil for one of them,and transplant into like some kind of container,idk what to do,someone told me i could easily keep them in the cup for a month


Well-Known Member
lookin good wolfman said, TRANSPLANT ! its surprising how fast a plant can fill out a cup. started mine in cups the size you would find at a cook out, transplanted @ 2 1/2 weeks after i noticed a slowing in growth & those roots were everywhere.


Well-Known Member
you can keep them in there over a month but it will def stunt the growth...i ran out of space & had to let bout 8 plants set. 4 were to be picked up by my boy but that fell thru, i stoped watering & they died. the others i watered & stayed alive but not growing much so i planted them out side to give them half a chance. prolly wont be all that much iff female cuz they are in the cut, not much sun at all.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
yea,i only got one big pot so far to transplant into and one bag of soil,ill get 2 more bags of soil but thatll have to be next week on Wedsnday or ill just have to use the remaining shityt soil for one of them,and transplant into like some kind of container,idk what to do,someone told me i could easily keep them in the cup for a month
I would transplant at least one of the girls now then... and the rest when you get the supplies.

Other then that... it looks like you on a roll.. keep it up man =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
which one should I transplant that is the questions,plus i still dont know if they r all females or not yet thas why i didnt wanna waste my good soil yet!! my other soil has Nutes in it so i will only add nutes to these 2,but i need decide which one to move,should i move the oldest?which is 2 days older then the rest or what?its really short and bushy so its already looks FEM!and how do i transplant without hurting ht eplant,the soil its in now is trash and i wanna remove as much of it as i can before transplanting

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I would transplant the biggest plant since it should have the most roots... and hope that it's a lady.

But if she ends up being a he... the other 2 will be in there own pots by then, and would probably only have a few days of stunt growth, and not that far off the first.

I would transplant them by preparing the new pot with a hole in the middle of the soil big enough to fit the cup of soil.

A day after watering, cut the cup in two. Pulling it apart holding the rootball/soil in one hand so it doesn't fall apart and possibly damaging the roots. Remove as much as the loos soil as you can, then simply place it in the hole in the new pot.

I know you don't want to use non of the old soil, but it can't be all that bad since they are doing well in it now... besides all new root growth will seek out the new soil as the look for more room.... your plant and roots will be happy =]


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
well im going to transplant 2 plants tonight,i took an old gallon of milk cut the top off and will use that,and put up my mylar blanket to refelt light,i am going to transplant the one that looks Sativa right now,the ugly Duckling you can say,then tonight I will transplant the oldest to my good soil,wish me luck,will update a pic right after i transplant!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i think i fucked up,wll the rootball stayed together but the plant is a little crooked now,im hoping it can bounce back! tell me wht u think,it was my first ever attempt

Heres one Pic of the transplant,looks more crooked here then in person



Well-Known Member
well both plants r transplanted,2nd one went smooth,new soil is great.the other plant got some more soil on top to stabilize it,and i updated the setup with one more light,still dont know what to do during flowering considering at most ill have 4 or 5 cfls


Well-Known Member
well both plants r transplanted,2nd one went smooth,new soil is great.the other plant got some more soil on top to stabilize it,and i updated the setup with one more light,still dont know what to do during flowering considering at most ill have 4 or 5 cfls
looking good this time, that crooked one will be fine. just use the light you have the best you can. maybe get an emergency blanket from the mart to maxamize your light, i think they are $1 or $2.


Well-Known Member
yeah doin well this time good work ....when ya flower them keep your lights positioned well if you got 5 keep two midway down the plant two close to the top an one strong one hangin over the top...good luck man


Well-Known Member
well im gonna be flowering 3 plants at once starting in about a week and a half which would b one month old so yea im stoked about it!


Well-Known Member
i guess ill be flowering 2 at most,i just wish i knew sex because this is getting annoying waiting!! lol how long until i start to see preflowers and shit?


Well-Known Member
Looking good gobears4eva, i'm sick of waiting for mine to show sex too lol.

i guess ill be flowering 2 at most,i just wish i knew sex because this is getting annoying waiting!! lol how long until i start to see preflowers and shit?


Well-Known Member
you wont know sex until you start to flower... i started flowering 3 days ago and no signs yet and i got 8 bitches hopein to cut them down to 4 but we will see. patience obi wan lols