Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
I wanna stack you and your wife on top of each other like cardboard pizza boxes and take turns violating you both... But all this can be avoided if you just give up your potato pancake recipe... How are they so crispy on the outside but so soft and flakey in the center... I'd imagine your butthole to be the same way..


Well-Known Member
Nah I reckon it's a girl! :)

Anyway, who cares? Lol

So honey, what're you wearing? hahaha

I may or may not crack a beer...

Oooooh fuck - the fighting it tooooooo fun! I want to know! So many things!!!

Who is it?

Why do they do these things?

What's the point of it all?

Has @sunni actually banned them?

And the very most important of all!!! Because I was suuuuuper traumatized by that vicious attack of the troll, I may slip back into a sad state of mind. I think I have a fever. And the only prescription, is a picture of @sunni 's tatters. Baithing suit totally fine...
