Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

Do you believe Americans who work full time should earn a living wage?

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So they should definitely be forced to pay what is owed, that's not an argument to demand moar tho.

yeh, the argumnt to demand more has to do with walmart employees' reliance on public assistance to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.

let walmart cover that and have its consumers pay the difference. don't make people like me who boycott that store pay for their unlivable wages.

but you will find some reason to justify walmart suckling the teat at the expense of all.

He thinks globalization and technology sprang up overnight in 1978, and that's why 93% of the economic growth created through worker productivity should go to tippy top portion of the population who own corporations

He supports outright theft of workers surplus labor, but when workers demand compensation then it becomes a government handout..

So that pretty much says enough about him already. He hasn't given these ideas very much thought

What part of they (tippy top) could not afford to hold profits do you not see ?

Today, it`s totally theirs to claim and they don`t have to put it back to stay alive.....Putting it back into the towns is where it used to go or the Co. can fail. That is not how the retail side of this economy works and guess who loses ? Us ....

They don`t have to anymore and you don`t like it..... I can`t help you with that,...Hit up Washington, .. or Buck......

My Trade still gives me pick and chose and you have no idea what that means.......
yeh, the argumnt to demand more has to do with walmart employees' reliance on public assistance to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.

let walmart cover that and have its consumers pay the difference. don't make people like me who boycott that store pay for their unlivable wages.

but you will find some reason to justify walmart suckling the teat at the expense of all.

What do you think the federal. Min wage should be.
Because you're implying payscale should be based on race, not merit. Kinda racist, yes?

income should be across the one should have to worry about eating..we have the opportunity to make this a reality..i say let's do it!

our forefathers where ordinary people just like you and me with concensus in thought..that's all.
What part of they (tippy top) could not afford to hold profits do you not see ?

Today, it`s totally theirs to claim and they don`t have to put it back to stay alive.....Putting it back into the towns is where it used to go or the Co. can fail. That is not how the retail side of this economy works and guess who loses ? Us ....

They don`t have to anymore and you don`t like it..... I can`t help you with that,...Hit up Washington, .. or Buck......

My Trade still gives me pick and chose and you have no idea what that means.......

bernie sanders 2016!
but that says nothing of the felon working for the same employer he / she had before being a felon ooopss.

I was actually making MORE at the same job 10 years ago. I took a small pay cut because we are going through some changes. I'm investing time into the business to help it succeed better in the future. My pay is a little less but I receive added bonuses on the side.
26 for, and 27 disagreeing with you. I would have checked "Other (please explain) ", but there was no option to explain. I believe the wage should be negotiated by both the employer and the employee, as do most who disagree with you. Pretending only those who have only one particular viewpoint out of many who disagree with you count is just you trying to claim a false victory. Sad little boy can't admit it when he loses.

it's such a false victory that it keeps getting passed by overwhelming majorities in state referendums, even during repuvblican wave years like 2014.

LEL, deny reality harder ya little bitch.
How is that relevant?

sheskank asked how he was able to earn a living wage (implying that anyone who isn't is lazy/stupid/uneducated/etc.), UB posted a link to the WOTC showing that employers enjoy tax benefits for hiring ex felons, meaning they don't pay as much for them as they would someone who's not an ex felon, meaning it would be cheaper to hire him than it would be to hire me, not being an ex felon and all

Do you think everyone can make a living wage if they just work hard enough? In other words, is the only thing preventing millions of working poor people from earning a living wage, themselves?

So if someone wants to make a living wage all they have to do is commit a felony? That's your solution?
I don't care what you believe you did

The fact is there are people in America who work 2-3 jobs just to pay the bills because they were not afforded the same opportunities as you. In your fairytale world, those people are "lazy". Hilarious!

Your solution is to shit on them and mark them off as lazy, uneducated, unmotivated, drug addicts or alcoholics when multiple scientific studies show the complete opposite, and that corporate greed completely independent of the poor and middle class is what is to blame for the worst income disparity in the western world. You don't like science because it proves your bullshit wrong time and time again.

The facts are out there in this thread for anyone to see: You support corporate greed and the idea that the people at the tippy top should enjoy the fruits of all of the workers labor at the expense of the workers and the American taxpayers.
If there was no "corporate greed", there would be no jobs. Those who work 2-3 jobs are those who dropped out of school, committed crimes, or have no salable skills. You would make them completely unemployable by demanding they be overpaid. Your solution is to shit on them
income should be across the one should have to worry about eating..we have the opportunity to make this a reality..i say let's do it!

our forefathers where ordinary people just like you and me with concensus in thought..that's all.
Those who won't work SHOULD have to worry about eating.