Outdoor organics

Dr purps

Well-Known Member
What's up rollers I'm from Canada and we don't have ffof happy frog or even roots organic so I'm trying something new I'm using pro-mix organic and mg organic choice for 3/4 of the five gallons and the rest is pro mix all Purpus and I added some blood bone meal and also added some domomite lime I was planning to make super soil but I don't want to wait but I found some product that has all thet stuff that's called Gaia green all Purpus 4-4-4 and it has it for flowering too before I buy this product has any one used it before and is there anything else I'm missing please let me

Caution very much caution, both the shit you add ..can burn very much the roots, better to start in the stuff you bought ...then add teas later, like at 2 weeks then 4 weeks etc etc, either way I'd avoid the moss/peat in favor of per light or river sand...just in case

Caution very much caution, both the shit you add ..can burn very much the roots, better to start in the stuff you bought ...then add teas later, like at 2 weeks then 4 weeks etc etc, either way I'd avoid the moss/peat in favor of per light or river sand...just in case
Pro mix it self is peat moss the only best soil we have is pro mix hp or bx either way is still peat moss the sun shine 4 still the Same that's all the hydro store carries ever where else miracle gro that's the worse pro mix only has food for only two weeks a month max and u shouldn't feed your plants anything for a least amount that why I split the 5 gallon in 2 half I use all the stuff on the soil and for the top dress it's just pro mix buy the time the roost reaches the strong soil it should be ok and also Gaia green is organic I'm just gonna do a half dous I to my soil and leave at that then when it comes to flowering I'll feed it teas or scoop a few spoon into my soil like how I said it's something I'm trying out
You can use pro mix but you should mix it with a 50/50 compost or dirt mix, add you other foods, blood, bone, cal/mg, etc. Pro mix alone for food is not a good thing to relay on. If you add things correctly now all you have to do is water until its ready.
Pro mix it self is peat moss the only best soil we have is pro mix hp or bx either way is still peat moss the sun shine 4 still the Same that's all the hydro store carries ever where else miracle gro that's the worse pro mix only has food for only two weeks a month max and u shouldn't feed your plants anything for a least amount that why I split the 5 gallon in 2 half I use all the stuff on the soil and for the top dress it's just pro mix buy the time the roost reaches the strong soil it should be ok and also Gaia green is organic I'm just gonna do a half dous I to my soil and leave at that then when it comes to flowering I'll feed it teas or scoop a few spoon into my soil like how I said it's something I'm trying out

pro mix , gaia green a 1T per gallon , 1t of kelp per , 1 t per gallon comfrey , 1T per earthworm castings...and some ground organic alfalfa (1-2t per gallon)
thats and easy one to get going , a top dress of castings on week 2 flower. your golden ...
add a spike or teaspoon layer of 2-7-5 peace of mind or similar and it will take yo to the end on water...

EDIT- i saw you added bone and blood meal . thats fine but at what rate ?? those add alot of available/ complxed nutes a good microherd , microrizaly supported would help.....
pro mix , gaia green a 1T per gallon , 1t of kelp per , 1 t per gallon comfrey , 1T per earthworm castings...and some ground organic alfalfa (1-2t per gallon)
thats and easy one to get going , a top dress of castings on week 2 flower. your golden ...
add a spike or teaspoon layer of 2-7-5 peace of mind or similar and it will take yo to the end on water...

EDIT- i saw you added bone and blood meal . thats fine but at what rate ?? those add alot of available/ complxed nutes a good microherd , microrizaly supported would help.....
Ive never used gaia green or comfrey. Going to look into those!
Hey man I am using Gaia Green this year. Its my first time with organics and i didnt want to mix my own recipe so i went with GG. theres not alot of info for it so i weny with a low dosage so i can still feed other stuff if i want. I added 18l of worm castings too. also all these products are availible in canada for a medium. downloadfile.pngScreenshot_2015-04-17-20-59-15.png Screenshot_2015-05-22-06-46-02.png
i thought he ment the rock powder NOT the dry fert!! sorry diregard my post:0heheheh
put 2 pounds comfry in 5 gallons rainwater and make a fermented plant extract . feed to flowering plants 2 tablesoopn pergallon
Hmmm 5 gal rain water... gonna take me a while to collect that... :)
BC that looks like a good mix my man!!
thanks Joe, It has worked well for me in the past (Minus the GG and castings) I Dont reccomend these bricks because they dont expand and break up like the should :cuss:, but ive had them leftover from a guerilla grow a few years back. finally used the last of em this season.
thanks Joe, It has worked well for me in the past (Minus the GG and castings) I Dont reccomend these bricks because they dont expand and break up like the should :cuss:, but ive had them leftover from a guerilla grow a few years back. finally used the last of em this season.

i THINK little chunks are good for host populations of bactiraia to thrive .. soak them overnight in 1 t molasses to gallon water . might get em WET... add mycos on planting or whatever voodoo you belive in ....
pro mix , gaia green a 1T per gallon , 1t of kelp per , 1 t per gallon comfrey , 1T per earthworm castings...and some ground organic alfalfa (1-2t per gallon)
thats and easy one to get going , a top dress of castings on week 2 flower. your golden ...
add a spike or teaspoon layer of 2-7-5 peace of mind or similar and it will take yo to the end on water...

EDIT- i saw you added bone and blood meal . thats fine but at what rate ?? those add alot of available/ complxed nutes a good microherd , microrizaly supported would help.....
I put about one cup to one cubic foot and it 7-7-0 and its organic I also added som Epsom salt to it like not a lot about a tsb pure cubic foot then I was gonna add worm casting Gaia green and alfalFa meal
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i THINK little chunks are good for host populations of bactiraia to thrive .. soak them overnight in 1 t molasuzpu.jpeg ses to gallon water . might get em WET... add mycos on planting or whatever voodoo you belive in ....
I STRONGLY agree with your thought. the lumps of coir are a mass of roots when i pull them, also any.lumps of natural clay that get mixed in to the ones planted in ground. but Its a pain in the ass even getting these bricks to the lumpy stage and they dont expand as much as they are supposed to either. as far as Mycho, its already in the promix hp. and the mixture 50% promix. do you think adding more would make much difference? And its never good to talk about ones voodoo practices.
I STRONGLY agree with your thought. the lumps of coir are a mass of roots when i pull them, also any.lumps of natural clay that get mixed in to the ones planted in ground. but Its a pain in the ass even getting these bricks to the lumpy stage and they dont expand as much as they are supposed to either. as far as Mycho, its already in the promix hp. and the mixture 50% promix. do you think adding more would make much difference? And its never good to talk about ones voodoo practices.

i like Glomus interdrance (sp?) dusted on the roots at planting . but the promix myco i am sure is fine:)haha
Hey man I am using Gaia Green this year. Its my first time with organics and i didnt want to mix my own recipe so i went with GG. theres not alot of info for it so i weny with a low dosage so i can still feed other stuff if i want. I added 18l of worm castings too. also all these products are availible in canada for a medium. View attachment 3424670View attachment 3424672 View attachment 3424673

Thats what I wanna do cause here we don't have much options for organic the way I look at it bc digger I have to spend over 150 for the super soil if I can buy Gaia green 19.00 2kg the hydrophobic guy buy my crib he told me its two cup pure cubic feet never go full amount as said ill go for 1 and half cup pure cubic foot and he also said u can do also both mixed with the Same soil like supersoil but for me there no point of getting 4-4-4 cause I'm growing autos I'll just use the flower mix with soil and fill the bucket half way and the other half just top dress it with pro mix hd add lil worm casting kelp alfalfa dolomite lime and Gaia green cause I already have two autos going with the organic soil I made there looking nice but these few days were cold the first two strains are cherry bomb and northern lights now I waiting for better days I have blue cheese auto and tegus females blue dream also so if there any secrets or tricks to these strains for more yaild I'm talking about the autos I no the big ones super crop em then I want to really try monster cropping have u give that a shot yet bc how did it work out for u
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