Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed


Well-Known Member

i have a digital copy to the mag.....this was in my email this morning ........i hate the man he is a lair and not even a USA citizen (he went to Indonesian where u have to renown USA citizenship to enter ) and what he has done to the country/air force one

But holy shit a illegal prez on a mag for pot ..........i am getting stoned all day better then 4/20 or the day i told everyone i smoke weed


Well-Known Member
That's racist.
what is .......i said nothing that was not a fact
( and can be looked up ) his name in school was barry santos he did travel to that country and those are the rules to enter it .........as for what he did to the country are u better off now 7 years later with all that he did or are u worst off .......and yes he changed air force one logo of American flag to his own icon

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
what is .......i said nothing that was not a fact
( and can be looked up ) his name in school was barry santos he did travel to that country and those are the rules to enter it .........as for what he did to the country are u better off now 7 years later with all that he did or are u worst off .......and yes he changed air force one logo of American flag to his own icon
Then why did you vote for him?


Well-Known Member
Then why did you vote for him?
not me i was not conned by him

i voted green party .....they wanted to legalize it and tax it back in 2008 for national and in 2012 i wrote in the name Ron Fingers ( 80 year old man i sell weed too and his son is the 2nd top cop in my area )


Well-Known Member
That's racist.
and again how is it racist

see if u are going to call someone that or what they said u need to have reason ..........i did not say anything and i am getting accused of if ....so please give me your justification for call that or please say your sorry and misspoke

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
and again how is it racist

see if u are going to call someone that or what they said u need to have reason ..........i did not say anything and i am getting accused of if ....so please give me your justification for call that or please say your sorry and misspoke
Wtf are you talking about? There's a black guy that happens to be the president of the United states holding a bong on the front cover of a weed magazine. Explain to me how that's not racist. Besides, who cares where he's from. He seems like a cool guy!


Well-Known Member
Wtf are you talking about? There's a black guy that happens to be the president of the United states holding a bong on the front cover of a weed magazine. Explain to me how that's not racist. Besides, who cares where he's from. He seems like a cool guy!
i do not see a black guy i see a asshole

sorry man i think u are racist if u see that ..........your parents taught u to look at skin color where mine taught me to look at the person ( strip 7 layers of skin off we are all pink)

i post the pic here because well it shocked the hell out of me (white house had to sign off on this photo shot ) it only been 30 plus years since they started the war on drugs and now they are ready to end it .......and if he does before his term is up he will be known for that


Well-Known Member
what is .......i said nothing that was not a fact
( and can be looked up ) his name in school was barry santos he did travel to that country and those are the rules to enter it .........as for what he did to the country are u better off now 7 years later with all that he did or are u worst off .......and yes he changed air force one logo of American flag to his own icon
Check your facts and quit listening to shit that Foxnews makes up.

Shit, @justugh i have lost any respect I ever had for you.

One star.
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
i do not see a black guy i see a asshole

sorry man i think u are racist if u see that ..........your parents taught u to look at skin color where mine taught me to look at the person ( strip 7 layers of skin off we are all pink)

i post the pic here because well it shocked the hell out of me (white house had to sign off on this photo shot ) it only been 30 plus years since they started the war on drugs and now they are ready to end it .......and if he does before his term is up he will be known for that
You don't see an African American? You never heard of stereotypes? Doesn't matter if you wish it didn't exist. It does. Don't be so blind and nieve about the situation. He's black, probably the most important African American that ever existed so far.. achieved what was considered impossible and he's holding a fucking bong. U seriously don't see anything wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3436767

i have a digital copy to the mag.....this was in my email this morning ........i hate the man he is a lair and not even a USA citizen (he went to Indonesian where u have to renown USA citizenship to enter ) and what he has done to the country/air force one

But holy shit a illegal prez on a mag for pot ..........i am getting stoned all day better then 4/20 or the day i told everyone i smoke weed


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. @justugh is using satire. Isn't he? First of all, nobody subscribes to High Times. secondly, nobody would believe that such a photo was "official" and not Photoshopped.

Sorry friend, I was not getting it at first. You are joking about this whole thing, aren't you?


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. @justugh is using satire. Isn't he? First of all, nobody subscribes to High Times. secondly, nobody would believe that such a photo was "official" and not Photoshopped.

Sorry friend, I was not getting it at first. You are joking about this whole thing, aren't you?
Haha! Yeah, the dude just hella trolled us. I was thinking "what a wack job". But than realized he must be making a funny. Congrats justugh:clap:
Everyone knows we're better off now than 7 yrs ago. Too funny


Well-Known Member
I kinda like Obama better than McCain or Romney even Hilary, Rand Paul and Jeb Bush..... I'm down with 4 MORE YEARS!!! :bigjoint:Hilary just scares me. :shock:


Well-Known Member
thanks i give up

i am writing off the human race as a waste ........come on Iran go postal and nuke isreal start ww3 ....or north korea crazy ass leader we think u are a joke send a nuke out at the USA or just wait for Isis to find some chemical or bio weapons stockpiled out there

and Sunshine u are racist u called them African Americans ......they are americans just like u (u see race u are racist )

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
thanks i give up

i am writing off the human race as a waste ........come on Iran go postal and nuke isreal start ww3 ....or north korea crazy ass leader we think u are a joke send a nuke out at the USA or just wait for Isis to find some chemical or bio weapons stockpiled out there

and Sunshine u are racist u called them African Americans ......they are americans just like u (u see race u are racist )
No they are literally African Americans. you're racist if you think that cover is not stereotypical.. what's next Obama eating fried chicken and wearing a du rag?

I'm Mexican American.