Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

thanks i give up

i am writing off the human race as a waste ........come on Iran go postal and nuke isreal start ww3 ....or north korea crazy ass leader we think u are a joke send a nuke out at the USA or just wait for Isis to find some chemical or bio weapons stockpiled out there

and Sunshine u are racist u called them African Americans ......they are americans just like u (u see race u are racist )

Dude, if you really believe that shit, you already gave up. You gave up years ago.
thanks i give up

i am writing off the human race as a waste ........come on Iran go postal and nuke isreal start ww3 ....or north korea crazy ass leader we think u are a joke send a nuke out at the USA or just wait for Isis to find some chemical or bio weapons stockpiled out there

and Sunshine u are racist u called them African Americans ......they are americans just like u (u see race u are racist )
When you right this post, outlining some fears that some around the world may feel, it almost makes the thesis of the original post, our leaders embracing the thought of legal marijuana seem irrelevant. Doesn't it?. No offense bro. I'm getting on up there to middle age and these days that is exactly what I see. We have much bigger problems to conquer than the legalization of marijuana. Hey, MJ has pretty much been illegal and yet available my entire life. And with the Internet. There is no way in the world they can stop it now.

Anyway, I read too much news every day. We got some serious problems world wide and I feel the things that are going on in the U.S., Ferguson, Baltimore, Waco, Newtown, Aurora and probably in your community as well, this country ain't that much better than the other third world nations. At least for those individuals who are mortally affected by these things that are happening all around us. Sometimes I wonder if we are all. Simply. Insane.

On a lighter note. Almost time to relax and have the first smoke of the day. Wind it down. Do it all again tomorrow. ;-)
I was thinking, he means Barry Soetoro (Obama) and that Barry Santos was a ML ballplayer. I was wrong

no that is his name that his college transcripts are under and the name he used to get money/scholarships
Dude, if you really believe that shit, you already gave up. You gave up years ago.

that one of those 3 will do something to help end the world ........most definitely .........Iran main leader is one of those crazy Muslims that thinks Ali will not return until the world burns in holy fire (not the prez the head guy the old dude that makes all the rules )

korea that guy is flat out nutz look at his reaction to that movie the interveiw .......killed his own uncle because thought was to westernized

as for ISIS look at the track record convert and think what we think or die (even muslims ) they control parts of Syria and what was the big issue with them a few years ago (chemical weapons) hell a college student made ricin in his dorm room
When you right this post, outlining some fears that some around the world may feel, it almost makes the thesis of the original post, our leaders embracing the thought of legal marijuana seem irrelevant. Doesn't it?. No offense bro. I'm getting on up there to middle age and these days that is exactly what I see. We have much bigger problems to conquer than the legalization of marijuana. Hey, MJ has pretty much been illegal and yet available my entire life. And with the Internet. There is no way in the world they can stop it now.

Anyway, I read too much news every day. We got some serious problems world wide and I feel the things that are going on in the U.S., Ferguson, Baltimore, Waco, Newtown, Aurora and probably in your community as well, this country ain't that much better than the other third world nations. At least for those individuals who are mortally affected by these things that are happening all around us. Sometimes I wonder if we are all. Simply. Insane.

On a lighter note. Almost time to relax and have the first smoke of the day. Wind it down. Do it all again tomorrow. ;-)

the original post was holy shit a prez of USA is saying publicly end the war on drugs (something in print that can not be taken back or said u miss understood )

as for that last post it is just that i give .........i post something on here that was cool to our sub sect of the population .....first thing i get called is racist .....i hate barry santos i think he is a lier and one of the worst ppl on the planet ...........i still rem when his mic was on (he did not know) and he said to putin i am willing to make deals that the american ppl do not know about (that to me is treason he works for us and he is willing to sell us out for some reason ) .....he said he will protect whistle blowers and everyone that has come forward during his terms has been gone after to fullest extent of law (snowden) even after the court system ruled the programs illegal and the congress let them die he is still a wanted man for doing the right thing
no that is his name that his college transcripts are under and the name he used to get money/scholarships

that one of those 3 will do something to help end the world ........most definitely .........Iran main leader is one of those crazy Muslims that thinks Ali will not return until the world burns in holy fire (not the prez the head guy the old dude that makes all the rules )

korea that guy is flat out nutz look at his reaction to that movie the interveiw .......killed his own uncle because thought was to westernized

as for ISIS look at the track record convert and think what we think or die (even muslims ) they control parts of Syria and what was the big issue with them a few years ago (chemical weapons) hell a college student made ricin in his dorm room

the original post was holy shit a prez of USA is saying publicly end the war on drugs (something in print that can not be taken back or said u miss understood )
View attachment 3437064

as for that last post it is just that i give .........i post something on here that was cool to our sub sect of the population .....first thing i get called is racist .....i hate barry santos i think he is a lier and one of the worst ppl on the planet ...........i still rem when his mic was on (he did not know) and he said to putin i am willing to make deals that the american ppl do not know about (that to me is treason he works for us and he is willing to sell us out for some reason ) .....he said he will protect whistle blowers and everyone that has come forward during his terms has been gone after to fullest extent of law (snowden) even after the court system ruled the programs illegal and the congress let them die he is still a wanted man for doing the right thing
Lmao... are you sad because i said that's racist? No one said you're racist. I was talking about Obama holding a bong. Not everything is about you bro.
Lmao... are you sad because i said that's racist? No one said you're racist. I was talking about Obama holding a bong. Not everything is about you bro.

How is a bong racist? I think if anything a blunt would be stereotypical of blacks. But I think of a bong smoker I'd think a white person under 30 just never seen a black guy smoke a bong. bongsmilie
Uh, @justugh .

Guess what? Something is always happening in the world. Always has been. But the world keeps on spinning. It sounds to me like you have been listening to crazy religious types that are A.) usually ignorant as hell and B.) prone to interpret everything to their pathetic end-of-the-world scenarios.

I hope you have not fully morphed into one of them. If you haven't, you should move out of the rural area you live in now, before it is too late.
no that is his name that his college transcripts are under and the name he used to get money/scholarships

that one of those 3 will do something to help end the world ........most definitely .........Iran main leader is one of those crazy Muslims that thinks Ali will not return until the world burns in holy fire (not the prez the head guy the old dude that makes all the rules )

korea that guy is flat out nutz look at his reaction to that movie the interveiw .......killed his own uncle because thought was to westernized

as for ISIS look at the track record convert and think what we think or die (even muslims ) they control parts of Syria and what was the big issue with them a few years ago (chemical weapons) hell a college student made ricin in his dorm room

the original post was holy shit a prez of USA is saying publicly end the war on drugs (something in print that can not be taken back or said u miss understood )
View attachment 3437064

as for that last post it is just that i give .........i post something on here that was cool to our sub sect of the population .....first thing i get called is racist .....i hate barry santos i think he is a lier and one of the worst ppl on the planet ...........i still rem when his mic was on (he did not know) and he said to putin i am willing to make deals that the american ppl do not know about (that to me is treason he works for us and he is willing to sell us out for some reason ) .....he said he will protect whistle blowers and everyone that has come forward during his terms has been gone after to fullest extent of law (snowden) even after the court system ruled the programs illegal and the congress let them die he is still a wanted man for doing the right thing

Ali? The Heavyweight Champion? He's still here dude.
Lmao... are you sad because i said that's racist? No one said you're racist. I was talking about Obama holding a bong. Not everything is about you bro.

u said it was racist ....i said it so implying i am racist ....sorry i miss took

Uh, @justugh .

Guess what? Something is always happening in the world. Always has been. But the world keeps on spinning. It sounds to me like you have been listening to crazy religious types that are A.) usually ignorant as hell and B.) prone to interpret everything to their pathetic end-of-the-world scenarios.

I hope you have not fully morphed into one of them. If you haven't, you should move out of the rural area you live in now, before it is too late.

no my iq is high enough to understand most things even tho i enjoy putting them in the simplest of terms ....and as for bible thumper or what ever no

i just sat down and thought about this to the logical end ...........if life keeps on the path it is we will end up being slaves again to a higher class ( the earth can only handle so much life only make so much food ) we have already passed that point and the fact that 15% of the corn yield now goes to fuel even less food .......u see this reflected in the markets (prices go up as the packages are redesigned to hold less) ........now look at the pop boom that happens every time after any major wars and look at the life span now of avg person (increase nearly every 2 years with medical advices) .............u already sawl part of it with the massive beef and pork kill off of last year (when the prices dipped low back in the 80s prices they had to reduce the herads due to the cost of feed going up from crop failures with the new weather patterns forming )

if greenspan is telling the truth how the usa government money works too ........it is a giant ponzi scheme
and with baby boomers dying off it is now korea/nam baby boomers pulling on the system for what they payed in
factor in the world has down graded the usa credit from AAA to AA .....we have massive over seas debt (meaning they own us if they call it in ....we can not pay they take the land as payment)

so given this ..........i rather have it over quick then spend years slowly dying .........so please for the love of all that is holy end us soon

Ali? The Heavyweight Champion? He's still here dude.

ok the world needs to burn in holy fire for allah to return (cut me a break it is not my god well techinally it is but i do not use that name to call him/her by ) agnostic so i use the term big guy
Justugh, you have to be careful when invoking the dark forces; can you handle them? Paranoia, is one of them. I find paranoia is sweetest after the midnight, when it is dark and cool. The slight shivers of the skin, the heightened senses, the sharpened reflexes, the increased night vision. It's one of my happiest times of the day
Justugh, you have to be careful when invoking the dark forces; can you handle them? Paranoia, is one of them. I find paranoia is sweetest after the midnight, when it is dark and cool. The slight shivers of the skin, the heightened senses, the sharpened reflexes, the increased night vision. It's one of my happiest times of the day

bi polar lived with depression all my teen/adult life ..........bring it on it kills me wahoo it does not i am stronger for going tho it

and yes paranoia is a good tool as long as it does not over ride the common sense u were given ........yes someone wants to steal your stuff no it not the tiny ppl living in the wall (odds are that is mice or rats)
u said it was racist ....i said it so implying i am racist ....sorry i miss took

no my iq is high enough to understand most things even tho i enjoy putting them in the simplest of terms ....and as for bible thumper or what ever no

i just sat down and thought about this to the logical end ...........if life keeps on the path it is we will end up being slaves again to a higher class ( the earth can only handle so much life only make so much food ) we have already passed that point and the fact that 15% of the corn yield now goes to fuel even less food .......u see this reflected in the markets (prices go up as the packages are redesigned to hold less) ........now look at the pop boom that happens every time after any major wars and look at the life span now of avg person (increase nearly every 2 years with medical advices) .............u already sawl part of it with the massive beef and pork kill off of last year (when the prices dipped low back in the 80s prices they had to reduce the herads due to the cost of feed going up from crop failures with the new weather patterns forming )

if greenspan is telling the truth how the usa government money works too ........it is a giant ponzi scheme
and with baby boomers dying off it is now korea/nam baby boomers pulling on the system for what they payed in
factor in the world has down graded the usa credit from AAA to AA .....we have massive over seas debt (meaning they own us if they call it in ....we can not pay they take the land as payment)

so given this ..........i rather have it over quick then spend years slowly dying .........so please for the love of all that is holy end us soon

ok the world needs to burn in holy fire for allah to return (cut me a break it is not my god well techinally it is but i do not use that name to call him/her by ) agnostic so i use the term big guy

What's your thoughts on 9/11?

i just sat down and thought about this to the logical end ...........if life keeps on the path it is we will end up being slaves again to a higher class ( the earth can only handle so much life only make so much food ) we have already passed that point and the fact that 15% of the corn yield now goes to fuel even less food .......u see this reflected in the markets (prices go up as the packages are redesigned to hold less) ........now look at the pop boom that happens every time after any major wars and look at the life span now of avg person (increase nearly every 2 years with medical advices) .............u already sawl part of it with the massive beef and pork kill off of last year (when the prices dipped low back in the 80s prices they had to reduce the herads due to the cost of feed going up from crop failures with the new weather patterns forming )
Um yeah, I have 20 acres of wooded land if we were running out of food I would clear cut and farm a 20 acre farm can feed a few people and I know a guy with around 6,000 acres all wooded lots of potential farm land to be had so population ain't shit except maybe India and China they have problems but they still eat. Got a long way before we run out of food not in this lifetime.

Also we won't be slaves, they got some AI robots won't be long till we have robot slaves. :bigjoint:
u said it was racist ....i said it so implying i am racist ....sorry i miss took

no my iq is high enough to understand most things even tho i enjoy putting them in the simplest of terms ....and as for bible thumper or what ever no

i just sat down and thought about this to the logical end ...........if life keeps on the path it is we will end up being slaves again to a higher class ( the earth can only handle so much life only make so much food ) we have already passed that point and the fact that 15% of the corn yield now goes to fuel even less food .......u see this reflected in the markets (prices go up as the packages are redesigned to hold less) ........now look at the pop boom that happens every time after any major wars and look at the life span now of avg person (increase nearly every 2 years with medical advices) .............u already sawl part of it with the massive beef and pork kill off of last year (when the prices dipped low back in the 80s prices they had to reduce the herads due to the cost of feed going up from crop failures with the new weather patterns forming )

if greenspan is telling the truth how the usa government money works too ........it is a giant ponzi scheme
and with baby boomers dying off it is now korea/nam baby boomers pulling on the system for what they payed in
factor in the world has down graded the usa credit from AAA to AA .....we have massive over seas debt (meaning they own us if they call it in ....we can not pay they take the land as payment)

so given this ..........i rather have it over quick then spend years slowly dying .........so please for the love of all that is holy end us soon

ok the world needs to burn in holy fire for allah to return (cut me a break it is not my god well techinally it is but i do not use that name to call him/her by ) agnostic so i use the term big guy
I dont doubt your iq is high enough but I suspect that your education is lacking. You can't divine the "logical end" of a system this complex - but you aren't quite smart enough to realize it. You throw up some bullshit watered down Thomas Malthus crap and consider yourself a deep thinker. Sorry. You are just buying into the "big lie".