u said it was racist ....i said it so implying i am racist ....sorry i miss took
no my iq is high enough to understand most things even tho i enjoy putting them in the simplest of terms ....and as for bible thumper or what ever no
i just sat down and thought about this to the logical end ...........if life keeps on the path it is we will end up being slaves again to a higher class ( the earth can only handle so much life only make so much food ) we have already passed that point and the fact that 15% of the corn yield now goes to fuel even less food .......u see this reflected in the markets (prices go up as the packages are redesigned to hold less) ........now look at the pop boom that happens every time after any major wars and look at the life span now of avg person (increase nearly every 2 years with medical advices) .............u already sawl part of it with the massive beef and pork kill off of last year (when the prices dipped low back in the 80s prices they had to reduce the herads due to the cost of feed going up from crop failures with the new weather patterns forming )
if greenspan is telling the truth how the usa government money works too ........it is a giant ponzi scheme
and with baby boomers dying off it is now korea/nam baby boomers pulling on the system for what they payed in
factor in the world has down graded the usa credit from AAA to AA .....we have massive over seas debt (meaning they own us if they call it in ....we can not pay they take the land as payment)
so given this ..........i rather have it over quick then spend years slowly dying .........so please for the love of all that is holy end us soon
ok the world needs to burn in holy fire for allah to return (cut me a break it is not my god well techinally it is but i do not use that name to call him/her by ) agnostic so i use the term big guy