Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

I don't know why, but I have a soft spot for this guy. I actually saw him in real life once, but declined to initiate contact. Maybe it is because he reminds me of the Amish dude in that terrible Woody Harrelson bowling movie.

Why is the Internet so full of people with mental disorders and the inability not to share them? Oh wait, I already know.

Seriously @justugh , you keep taking little pieces of information and making mountains out of them. Vietnam and Korea baby boom? Does such a thing exist? When did it happen? After the US removed our combat troops in 73, or after we fled in '75? Did those helicopters make people horny?

And Korea? When did people start fucking after that one? A truce has still not been signed by either party.

How about Grenada? At least it was a victory.

Jebus, there was probably a bigger baby boom after the last episode of "Friends" than there was from Viet Nam.

You need to chill out dude. There was a time when armed hordes on horseback routinely rode over the hills and killed everybody. But I hear their weed was killer.

it is well know fact when a war ends the national birth rate increases (been like that since war and women were made)

i take the little things and add them together ......i am a lucky bastard that i never entered the rat race most of u guys (i never needed to work 8-10 hours a day i never had that fear of things breaking and losing everything ) so i do not look down at my feet and worry about tripping i see what goes on and rem it

one thing compounds the next increases the the outcome next ...........this Style of life is not able to keep going we passed the point we are on a decline (romen empire is about to burn )

if it was only a few things fine let it go but everywhere u look u see it ......the diamond market u know the prices on those are controlled by the de beers corp they limit the release of new diamonds to keep prices like this .......but no one calls them on it

poltics they are all about themself and stopped caring about the normal joe (they give them self raises and leave work with out doing anything ) it is all a pissing match with them (play my way or i will take my ball home )

Cops with video cameras on phones now the public is see what ppl have been saying for years .........cops are little bitches with a power trip

school system is so over crowded once a new school is built they have portable classrooms with in 3 years .......and do not get me started on the Standard Federal test (i have a brain i can see that the 3 months in class we are taken the test from last year and sometimes even the test for that year then that is over we take the test and the scores are high they get extra money ) .....they are not teaching anything they are telling u the test and u are repeating it back

Health system ......with what barry did to we are all fucked the cost will increase 25-30% .....and do not even start on medicare scams ( one doctor in Floria was removing children teeth 8 10 at a time that did not need it so he could file paperwork to get more money .....in 3 years 5.1 million from medicare 1 doctor ) he was reported several;l times they did nothing until the news got ahold of it ....doctor turned in his medical paperwork can not practice and now the state is looking at criminal charges (he was orginally reported in 1997)

i am sorry the world is a shit basket the mass of the ppl can not see it because they look up they lose the whole little life they worked for ( as for me being a nutball i been it since i was 13 i can not hide it nor do i want too ........take me how i am or kill me those are your choices and i do not care what u pick )

5 years old wake up with a cop yelling with his gun in my face ....where is he where is he (looking for older brother warrents ) u grow up pretty fucking quick when u know the ppl that are set to protect u are assholes willing to scare a 5 year so bad pisses himself
oh TSA the ppl to keep us safe in the air
huge scam .....just a huge joke

72 ppl on the national terrorist list working for them ...........and a 92% fail rate on random checks by them ( 92% of the stuff they tried to smuggle got on including a fake bomb taped to the back of a man )
I find it enjoyable to go scouting after 1 am. I live in a rural area, the wildlife is fascinating
Its wonderful. There is also no other feeling like the exact moment you realize that something that can eat you has been tracking you. You know, when the hair stands up on your neck.

KY fish and game says there are no mountain lions here. Bull shit.
You guys are being so nice, but dude is straight up loony and not very bright. After I trolled Nevaeh off the forum again (it was good, he hasn't been back since. You're welcome.) I disagreed with this guy's bleeding heart, so he told me he was going to stick me with his Inspector Gadget Poison Ring. IRL. It was a funny thread, check it - https://www.rollitup.org/t/poll-do-you-believe-christ-george-manuel-oliveira-is-alive.865495/page-6. He also claims he was involved in gov't experiments as a kid. His post content is like a bad comic book. It's top drawer amusement, but don't waste your time looking for meaning...
I could have told you he was crazy I remember that dude from years ago must have been 2013 talking all kinds of crazy shit like kind of a funny guy though. Reminds me of this one guy always talking crazy has knife and throwing stars on him all the time a bit on the special side probably a serial cat killer by now. lol
oh TSA the ppl to keep us safe in the air
huge scam .....just a huge joke

72 ppl on the national terrorist list working for them ...........and a 92% fail rate on random checks by them ( 92% of the stuff they tried to smuggle got on including a fake bomb taped to the back of a man )
Do you watch Alex Jones?
You guys are being so nice, but dude is straight up loony and not very bright. After I trolled Nevaeh off the forum again (it was good, he hasn't been back since. You're welcome.) I disagreed with this guy's bleeding heart, so he told me he was going to stick me with his Inspector Gadget Poison Ring. IRL. It was a funny thread, check it - https://www.rollitup.org/t/poll-do-you-believe-christ-george-manuel-oliveira-is-alive.865495/page-6. He also claims he was involved in gov't experiments as a kid. His post content is like a bad comic book. It's top drawer amusement, but don't waste your time looking for meaning...

no i claimed they asked me to join a special school because of mine and my brothers IQ ........but ment my parents would be in charge of transporting me/him and they turned it down i was placed in public schools honors math science social studies and merit English since dyslexic ....my little brother was Honors everything

i also said i know of a program where if your IQ is high enough the government will give u a grant to work on anything u want plus to fuck smart ladies and make smarter kids

if u are going to say something about me make sure u got it right .........as i am blunt honest i rem the truth
Its wonderful. There is also no other feeling like the exact moment you realize that something that can eat you has been tracking you. You know, when the hair stands up on your neck.

KY fish and game says there are no mountain lions here. Bull shit.
We do have them, one used to pass thru my place regularly about 10 yrs ago til F&G trapped him and shipped him out. There will be more :)
U believe the news? Let me get this straight u don't trust the government but you trust their news reports. . Same people pulling different strings..imo.

I also wanted to add, death is a beautiful thing.. no point in attempting to cheat it...that's impossible!
He's on youtube and comes up with all kinds of crazy shit most the shit ain't true but the paranoid people love it you'll fit right in with the people who comment. :bigjoint:

the only thing i got on utube is kung fu movies from the 60 70 and 80s i enjoy watching them when i am stoned like being a kid on saturday morning
U believe the news? Let me get this straight u don't trust the government but you trust their news reports. . Same people pulling different strings..imo.

I also wanted to add death is a beautiful thing.. no point in attempting to cheat it...that's impossible!

government does not control the news .......they control the release of info ........most of the time it a short news blur 1 time story then u never hear about it again except stuff like this with the TSA that is going to blow up

death is the only fair thing in the world everything is born and everything dies fools to kings ..........no matter how much money u have u can not win just delay the date u die

when barry santos got elected there was a 1 time news story about a 12/13 year old girl that did the family tree of him and linked him to some of the ex prez think he is cousins with bush like 4/5 times removed ...but the little girl did the work they showed it once and i could never find it again ( and i been looking for it wanted a copy)
government does not control the news .......they control the release of info ........most of the time it a short news blur 1 time story then u never hear about it again except stuff like this with the TSA that is going to blow up

death is the only fair thing in the world everything is born and everything dies fools to kings ..........no matter how much money u have u can not win just delay the date u die

when barry santos got elected there was a 1 time news story about a 12/13 year old girl that did the family tree of him and linked him to some of the ex prez think he is cousins with bush like 4/5 times removed ...but the little girl did the work they showed it once and i could never find it again ( and i been looking for it wanted a copy)
Dude you just stated that 72 people on the national terrorist list work for the tsa...how do you know they haven't infiltrated the news. Their tricking you into thinking you got it all figured out.. When all you might be doing is buying into there right winger political bullshit....I don't think your paranoid enough...