Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

no i claimed they asked me to join a special school because of mine and my brothers IQ ........but ment my parents would be in charge of transporting me/him and they turned it down i was placed in public schools honors math science social studies and merit English since dyslexic ....my little brother was Honors everything

i also said i know of a program where if your IQ is high enough the government will give u a grant to work on anything u want plus to fuck smart ladies and make smarter kids

if u are going to say something about me make sure u got it right .........as i am blunt honest i rem the truth

It was more than that. I've been going through your early posts to attempt to find your post I was thinking about. There are WAY crazier posts than I remembered, the search is making me dizzy. Here's a link to some gems from you, though. I'll keep searching when I have more time... and when I'm baked -

Dude you just stated that 72 people on the national terrorist list work for the tsa...how do you know they haven't infiltrated the news. Their tricking you into thinking you got it all figured out.. When all you might be doing is buying into there right winger political bullshit....I don't think your paranoid enough...
it is the news

unless the news director signs off on a story it does not go on the air ........and before it does they need to fact check because if they say the wrong thing they can be on the hook for a lawsuit (oh they have to make a public retraction )

the news does not advance their goals .......now if u are talking lobbist and politics that is something i am worried about ( a news report from last week saids alot of american musliums support the idea of sharia law)

so no i am not worried about the news ppl i am more worried about the ppl that have the power to force their ideas on us ...........i am paranoid just enough with out being a crazy foil hat person
It was more than that. I've been going through your early posts to attempt to find your post I was thinking about. There are WAY crazier posts than I remembered, the search is making me dizzy. Here's a link to some gems from you, though. I'll keep searching when I have more time... and when I'm baked -


i see post but nothing i said was wrong ........u can try to make be out as the king of the madmen...not going to change anything i am right or i am wrong and time will prove what one i am

as for the 600 ?s that was the standard diagnostic tools for seeing what is wrong with a person ..........i am one of the unlucky few that have Bi polar kick in when i am 13 (would of been better when i was 30 ) it only a few ?s reworded over and over again to try to trick u into admitting something ....maybe 80 or 90 real ?s when i figured that out after about 200 of them i stopped turned in and told them i answered the ?s i am not re answering them just because they reworded it

ink blot test the standard answer my little brother came up Satan fucking a whore or 4 for everyone u see a butterfly u tell them satan fucking a whore u see a women Satan fucking 2 whores 1 in a Chinese sex swing

i have made 4 doctors quit because they fucked with me i did not like them so i played with them ..........one of them was even cool he figured out i was fucking with him so he stopped the bullshit and would let me go outside and have a smoke the insurance would still pay for it ( beat up 4 cops when i was 16 court ordered i had to go ) ......as for the cops it is simple i left school was walking to a payphone get a ride a cop stopped me and talk to me i told him what i was doing started walking he touched me i turned and decked him .........took 2 cans of mace and fat cop sitting on me to stop me (they touched me i was leaving and wanted to be left alone no one has the right to touch me if i do not want to be touched that is the law other wise it is assault and i can defend myself )
and know

most Quack doctors became a doctor because they have there own issues and wanted to figure them out .,.......so spend enough time in office u can figure out what the issues and use it to fuck with them
I'm not reading this thread, just because. Who is santos and why am I responding to this thread? Do you mean Monsanto?

Barry Santos is Obama

that is the name he went to school under and the name his transcripts are under and the name that he got scholarships under

opps i was wrong it is Soetoro is the name he used
Barry Santos is Obama

that is the name he went to school under and the name his transcripts are under and the name that he got scholarships under

opps i was wrong it is Soetoro is the name he used
http://www.usa-the-republic.com/items of interest/Barack_Obama_Usurper/Electoral_College/Obama's_School_Records.pdf
I will make sure I look at all that when i'm really drunk and wasted.
Dude, the scary part is that their vote counts just as much as yours or mine! WTF???
their voice can count for anything they want does not mean they have power over me to make me do anything

becuase of those fucking doctors my body is wrecked they had me 3200 mg lithium and 2000 mg of depakote (lost my hair from the depakote ) that is what i was on when i stopped them at 18 they could not force me to take that poison anymore ........my liver got fucked so did my kidenies at some point around 50 60 they will fail
the meds they give u are crap ......does not help just zombifies your mind so u will listen to them

my system kept adjusting to them so they keep upping ...........5 years every fucking week i had to get a blood test
the meds they give u are crap ......does not help just zombifies your mind so u will listen to them

my system kept adjusting to them so they keep upping ...........5 years every fucking week i had to get a blood test
Are you talking to me? I self medicate.
I think the electoral college should be eliminated.
your right with the tech now adays the whole idea of the college is moot .......at this point it just used to amke someone win that did not win the pop vote (and pop vote is how it was originally designed )

Al gore won the pop vote ........but bush won the college points so he won and look how that turned out (last 20 years anyone of those prez could be swapped out for each other and no one would notice )