Well-Known Member
no i claimed they asked me to join a special school because of mine and my brothers IQ ........but ment my parents would be in charge of transporting me/him and they turned it down i was placed in public schools honors math science social studies and merit English since dyslexic ....my little brother was Honors everything
i also said i know of a program where if your IQ is high enough the government will give u a grant to work on anything u want plus to fuck smart ladies and make smarter kids
if u are going to say something about me make sure u got it right .........as i am blunt honest i rem the truth
It was more than that. I've been going through your early posts to attempt to find your post I was thinking about. There are WAY crazier posts than I remembered, the search is making me dizzy. Here's a link to some gems from you, though. I'll keep searching when I have more time... and when I'm baked -