Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

i am not happy about having a lier in charge of the government ...........at best he is a con man at worst he is a foreign natural that became prez

the ppl that run for office are already dicks and assholes willing to make back room deals and agreements that they never let see the light of day ..........i have family and firends in the milarty i am scared for hell for them because of the moron that is in charge

look at ISIS we left and they took over they spent billions on bombs and other things but it is not working it only given them time to set up bases and get defence line set up .....when they finally figure out that we need to send in ground forces there will be more deaths then needed to be if acted sooner

the fact he will not call ISIS religion extreme terrorist ...the fact he removed the american flag from air force one ( the Prez world transport ) and placed his own ICON on the side .........it not his plane it is American ppls he does not pay for it we do and removes the national symbol for his own

i am pissed about him and obama care (that nacey lady needs to be killed we need to pass it to know what is in it ) they could not spend the time to read it before they voted on it because obama wanted it done

do i need more i hate the man for his action not for the color of his skin ( he could be plad and i still hate him )
I blame bush!
I love Santos care.
It allowed me to afford getting insurance, being self employed and all:-)

I mean Soetoro care. I love SOETORO care. It's great
We aren't being trolled????
Holy fucking shit
what the fuck is trolling

someone living under a bridge and jumping out making ppl pay tolls or eating their children

the only reason i am writing back is ppl are writing to me quoting me
If that were indeed true, the Republicans would've torn his ass off. It's been almost 7 yrs , your rumor would have worked by now. It didn't, and he's still Pres. and will complete his last term
If that were indeed true, the Republicans would've torn his ass off. It's been almost 7 yrs , your rumor would have worked by now. It didn't, and he's still Pres. and will complete his last term

not rumors facts that never came to the light of day ..........ppl got swept up in the idea of change

hell have not even told u about the birth cert he has ..........u know the seal is wrong the seal on the official paper work was not in use until 1986 his birth certs in hawii are faked and the lady that issued it died in a small plane crash ( so that ended that ?ing )

oh and here is his daddy
yes i know the site is ?able at best but the info is right i originally sawl in 2012 that site was closed

it is the reason he lived in indo well the only logical one i can think of .....if he was really american why the hell would u want to live in a country like that unless u are a sex pervert that likes to fuck little kids
Maybe because he was a child and his mom married the Indonesian guy; he was still significantly younger than 18, ergo he didn't have a vote
Maybe because he was a child and his mom married the Indonesian guy; he was still significantly younger than 18, ergo he didn't have a vote

sorry i miss spoke 2014

here is the copy of the orgainal work .............minus pics and flash fonts

the author of it is a Prof in cali
Jason Kissner is associate professor of criminology at California State University, Fresno.

call him a nutter ..........i am sorry to many things add up to a something bad ....the odds of this being anything other then a planned action is staggering (vegas could not make the odds with out a super computer ) .........something is wrong but no one wants to ? it they are too scared of losing what little they do have in life

and the argument of him staying there do to his step father is crazy the wages of the time there compared to what he could make in the USA ..........if they were married he was allowed in this country to live permit with no paperwork to file (his step father to stay there would of needed to be well off as their pay scale is still horrible compared to ours).....it does not make sense not even account for the times and the culture ..........back then they were leaving there to come to the USA he had a ticket in with the wife
Singlemalt, why are you interrupting his psychotically impassioned ravings with your logic and reason? You really are no fun at all, take that shit to another thread...
counter my view points then and i will go away with my tail between my legs

or insults the only thing u can offer

like i thought if anyone is a troll would be u

tyler his email is at the bottom contact him call him a nutter .....make fun of him post us the mail and reply if have the balls

but i bet u do not come up with some excuse not to take 5 mins off to write a real mail .....your thing is to come here and make fun of ppl bravo "slow clap"