Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

abe if u can counter the money thing and the fact he was married to a american in turns makes him one too under our laws

can not be deported has access to more funds and jobs .........at that time USA was number 1......... we have the best doctors anyone can make a good life schools were rated amoung the best in the world
like i thought if anyone is a troll would be u

tyler his email is at the bottom contact him call him a nutter .....make fun of him post us the mail and reply if have the balls

but i bet u do not come up with some excuse not to take 5 mins off to write a real mail .....your thing is to come here and make fun of ppl bravo "slow clap"

I'm sorry, I don't understand this post. Would you mind writing it again in English?
No they are literally African Americans. you're racist if you think that cover is not stereotypical.. what's next Obama eating fried chicken and wearing a du rag?

I'm Mexican American.

That`s prolly why the flag bong didn`t do it for you,....I saw the president first.
to put in the simplest terms

the man that did the work proving something is off with obama is a prof in a cali college
here is the his work ...........at the bottom of it is his email

i think u are a coward that hides be hide a computer screen and makes fun of ppl .....and when it comes down to it u have no balls at all........so i flat out dared u to write him a mail send it off and post us the mail and reply u get back ( in the mail u are calling him a nutter and all that stuff made up)

then i said u will chicken out come up with a excuse .......and u did proving my point
to put in the simplest terms

the man that did the work proving something is off with obama is a prof in a cali college
here is the his work ...........at the bottom of it is his email

i think u are a coward that hides be hide a computer screen and makes fun of ppl .....and when it comes down to it u have no balls at all........so i flat out dared u to write him a mail send it off and post us the mail and reply u get back ( in the mail u are calling him a nutter and all that stuff made up)

then i said u will chicken out come up with a excuse .......and u did proving my point
Obama is a Reptilian Shape-shifter not an Indonesian get your facts right Justugh check it out on Youtube their is a bunch of videos that prove it many of our politicians are not even human they are an prehistoric race that lives under the earth.
to put in the simplest terms

the man that did the work proving something is off with obama is a prof in a cali college
here is the his work ...........at the bottom of it is his email

i think u are a coward that hides be hide a computer screen and makes fun of ppl .....and when it comes down to it u have no balls at all........so i flat out dared u to write him a mail send it off and post us the mail and reply u get back ( in the mail u are calling him a nutter and all that stuff made up)

then i said u will chicken out come up with a excuse .......and u did proving my point

Your source is a joke - http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/American_Thinker

—The site in a nutshell[1]
"American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WND or Newsmax. They've published articles by such conservative luminaries as Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters) and Pamela Geller and such climate experts as S. Fred Singer and Christopher Monckton, as well as an interview with (and hagiography of) white nationalist Jared Taylor.[2]

The magazine, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism."

This is most of your problem, you have almost no standard for evidence. You read something, think it's cool or somehow agree with it, and therefor it must be true. You don't investigate to see if your sources are credible, and your only criteria seems to be that it sounds good to you. This is probably a major reason that your thinking process is so scattered and contradictory, and chock full of logical fallacies. You are confused, dim-witted, and willfully ignorant. On top of all of this you display an arrogance that is usually found in the lost and weak-minded. Try to see yourself for what you really are, and try to improve. Familiarizing yourself with the informal logical fallacies may help you weed them out of your mind, and improve your critical thinking skills -


Until then, please keep on amusing us. Since mainliner is absent you make a suitable village idiot. And don't forget to keep that poison ring ready...
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