Prison Stories

I dont think its possible for us to show off , aint nothing cool about getting caught up , or the consequences that follow , there especially aint nothing cool about the people we hurt or the worry & burden we put on our familys , aint nothing cool about being in a set inside or banging outside, i could of said much more too but its not what people want to know , i dont think your bragging its just part of your life & its a real life that most cant imagine when you lay it down for them to read , its beyond what television can capture .

To this day most people dont believe my constant problems with the police arent my own fault because they dont get the arm put on them by leo out of the blue , a cop runs your plate & your pulled over immediately & fucked with , i know the drill all too well where no matter how hard you try the government has the cards stacked to make you fail & for silly shit nobody else gets fucked with for , ive never stopped paying for what i did cause they set the system up to keep us down once out & that is fact .

Your last statement about your family hit me especially hard & thats why i didnt respond till now , family is my weak spot & i feel for ya because i know , ive been where your at & had to make the same choices & weigh the same odds you are but getting my family out of Detroit & to a safe place came 1st , as long as family is the focul point you'll do well bro .
I agree with this all too much. my family suffered for things that imho don't weigh on me as much. now with a kid coming I feel extra bad that I'm going to prison for a while, crown hasn't released the amount of time but it has been talked about with my lawyer.

all this hits my family and my girlfriend much harder then it ever will me. I know in my heart this will be my last run in the pen, gotta look out for my future kid.
I dont think its possible for us to show off , aint nothing cool about getting caught up , or the consequences that follow , there especially aint nothing cool about the people we hurt or the worry & burden we put on our familys , aint nothing cool about being in a set inside or banging outside, i could of said much more too but its not what people want to know , i dont think your bragging its just part of your life & its a real life that most cant imagine when you lay it down for them to read , its beyond what television can capture .

To this day most people dont believe my constant problems with the police arent my own fault because they dont get the arm put on them by leo out of the blue , a cop runs your plate & your pulled over immediately & fucked with , i know the drill all too well where no matter how hard you try the government has the cards stacked to make you fail & for silly shit nobody else gets fucked with for , ive never stopped paying for what i did cause they set the system up to keep us down once out & that is fact .

Your last statement about your family hit me especially hard & thats why i didnt respond till now , family is my weak spot & i feel for ya because i know , ive been where your at & had to make the same choices & weigh the same odds you are but getting my family out of Detroit & to a safe place came 1st , as long as family is the focul point you'll do well bro .

OMG! You too? Your paragraph, "To this day most people dont believe my constant problems with the police arent my own fault because they dont get the arm put on them by leo out of the blue , a cop runs your plate & your pulled over immediately & fucked with , i know the drill all too well where no matter how hard you try the government has the cards stacked to make you fail & for silly shit nobody else gets fucked with for , ive never stopped paying for what i did cause they set the system up to keep us down once out & that is fact " is a carbon copy of what I could say. Yes, I got hemmed up in '79 for poss with intent/coke, did 4.5 out of 10, but the last 2.5 was going out the gates to college and I got an associates in accounting and paralegal certificate, anyway, I was straight for 17 years before the federal thing but every time they ran my plates, it was, "step out of the car and stand on the curb while we search your car" (and if we don't find anything, we'll plant it - yes, it happened once). Just like you said, I am nervous every time I drive. My name goes all the way back to '79 and that's not fair. It pisses me off that my best friend use to drive on pain pills and nearly run off the road and never get pulled-- never! I know this was TMI on my part but I've never been able to align myself with someone that goes thru the same shit. I even got married and changed my name, twice, but it didn't matter, they got your number. I hope only you read this, maybe I should have done this in a PM. I'm sorry for what you go through, trust me, how well I know!
Only weeks after the release of American Me..... A gang counselor & well-known person from East LA and paid consultant to the film, 49 year old grandmother Ana Lizarraga commonly known as "The Gang Lady", was murdered when she was gunned down in her driveway unloading groceries. A federal indictment accused La Eme of ordering the 1992 murder of Ana Lizarraga because they didn't like the way they were portrayed in the film..

That is so fucked that they shot her dead over a fairly accurate portrayal of how mm conducts business & it is business , i think the movie showed them being much softer than reality , were they pissed because they were made out to be too hard ? Did you ever find out exactly how they thought they were misrepresented ?

I saw much more hollywood in Blood in Blood out than American Me , i just watched Blood in Blood out last year after an riu member hipped me up to it but i saw American Me when it was new , its cool as fuk your in the movie now i gotta watch it again , dont give any spoilers please , i wanna see if i can figure out which scenes your in from the pics you've posted .
That is so fucked that they shot her dead over a fairly accurate portrayal of how mm conducts business & it is business , i think the movie showed them being much softer than reality , were they pissed because they were made out to be too hard ? Did you ever find out exactly how they thought they were misrepresented ?

I saw much more hollywood in Blood in Blood out than American Me , i just watched Blood in Blood out last year after an riu member hipped me up to it but i saw American Me when it was new , its cool as fuk your in the movie now i gotta watch it again , dont give any spoilers please , i wanna see if i can figure out which scenes your in from the pics you've posted .
it was a looooong time ago
That is so fucked that they shot her dead over a fairly accurate portrayal of how mm conducts business & it is business , i think the movie showed them being much softer than reality , were they pissed because they were made out to be too hard ? Did you ever find out exactly how they thought they were misrepresented ?

I saw much more hollywood in Blood in Blood out than American Me , i just watched Blood in Blood out last year after an riu member hipped me up to it but i saw American Me when it was new , its cool as fuk your in the movie now i gotta watch it again , dont give any spoilers please , i wanna see if i can figure out which scenes your in from the pics you've posted .
Dang, I missed that part. I didn't know we had a movie star amongst us!:P:clap: I've never watched the movie- guess I gotta rent it now. American Me? Never heard of it, sorry. But I've heard of American Gangster and that was made, or look to be made in my era - the 70's. Mine was coming in (just like the movie) in Vietman soldiers that were coming back in caskets. I heard they put it in the bodies but I think it was just planted somewhere in a false bottom or something. And I was getting it from a Sgt. Major out of the nearby army base, go figure.
OMG! You too? Your paragraph, "To this day most people dont believe my constant problems with the police arent my own fault because they dont get the arm put on them by leo out of the blue , a cop runs your plate & your pulled over immediately & fucked with , i know the drill all too well where no matter how hard you try the government has the cards stacked to make you fail & for silly shit nobody else gets fucked with for , ive never stopped paying for what i did cause they set the system up to keep us down once out & that is fact " is a carbon copy of what I could say. Yes, I got hemmed up in '79 for poss with intent/coke, did 4.5 out of 10, but the last 2.5 was going out the gates to college and I got an associates in accounting and paralegal certificate, anyway, I was straight for 17 years before the federal thing but every time they ran my plates, it was, "step out of the car and stand on the curb while we search your car" (and if we don't find anything, we'll plant it - yes, it happened once). Just like you said, I am nervous every time I drive. My name goes all the way back to '79 and that's not fair. It pisses me off that my best friend use to drive on pain pills and nearly run off the road and never get pulled-- never! I know this was TMI on my part but I've never been able to align myself with someone that goes thru the same shit. I even got married and changed my name, twice, but it didn't matter, they got your number. I hope only you read this, maybe I should have done this in a PM. I'm sorry for what you go through, trust me, how well I know!

No reason to be sorry or pm unless your uncomfortable posting , but yes its a life sentence that never stops interfering with your life , my story really could be a movie like unclebaldrick said , i went from being a pot growing biker to a prisoner with my 1st bit onto being a violent One Two convict with my 2nd bit , lost a fortune in seizures , beat a 22 to life rap on appeal , petitioned the Governor to set aside my felony drug charges so i could provide medibles for my wifes Multiple Sclerosis & the Governor sided in my favor for compassionate care, i made another small fortune in real estate & ended up opening my own legal dispensary which i sold at a nice profit 3 yrs later , we had cops trying to murder our attack dogs to gain access to the gated 4,000 sq ft home i inherited from my parents because they wanted to find a reason to gain access & seize the property because of its high value, we had cops threaten to bust the gate down if i didnt open it in 30 seconds , had $3k in damage done to my front door because my wife wouldnt allow cops to search our home on a traffic warrant for our son who hasnt lived with us in 20 yrs, had both our homes illegally searched a half dozen times , had cops peer thru the door window & claim they saw drugs & paraphernalia & booted the door in when what they claimed as being drugs & paraphernalia was Mcintosh hifi equipment & reel to reel tapes , on that occasion the cops threatened to murder my wifes helper dog that she needs dearly if i didnt lock him away from their site , they seized weed & hash from her big 6 toker hooka & claimed the hash was black tar heroin , bunch more money spent with Figer law firm proving it was thc & not heroin .

Ive been beaten by police while my 80 yr old mother & pregnant wife watched from the car & my mother pissed herself when the cops flipped out & were screaming at her & my wife , that incident i got broken ribs & a broke collar bone & a nice hospital stay for resisting arrest because i asked them wtf i was being hassled for , ive had my Panhead Harley seized supposedly for having faulty equipment because the cop didnt know what a rocker foot clutch was & had to spend $10k in legal fees getting the bike back , they seized my wifes Fatboy Harley at the same time for 2 joints in her saddle bag even though she had her med card with her , they tried to keep both bikes without ever filing drug charges .

I got a pretty large settlement from a work accident & bought my wife a new Jaguar which the cops seized for weed in the glove box & my wife was in possesion of her liscensed ccw 45 cal & 380 cal pistols , the cops were so sure they were gonna get to keep the car a fukin state cop was driving her $90,000 car as his own & smoking cigarettes in the car , the car stayed at the state police post for months of legal wrangling & never hit the impound & when i did get release paperwork we had well over $10k in legal fees just getting her car back , i was convicted of wreckless driving & given no reason for the cars seizure .

Ive had cops come to my work site & detain me for questioning on a supposed crime stoppers anonymous tip, then leave me stranded 2 counties away from my car when they released me , we had cops come to our kids school & give a special talk to the class where they asked my son point blank if daddy or mommy had any drugs or plants in the home , my son told the cop to beat it cause his papa told him cops werent his friend & to be afraid of the police , a few days later the cops sicked child protective services on us for how i taught my sons to fear government figures & had all 3 children questioned if daddy or mommy used drugs or spanked them by the cps people .

My wife is Lebanese muslim & wears traditional clothing alot of the time & the harassment she suffered by cops was unreal, durring one search of our home they demanded to search my wifes robes for weapons & when we wouldnt agree they screamed at her so loud it brought our very wealthy neurosurgeon neighbor over & he walked right in & demanded answers from the cops , they threatened him with jail if he didnt stop filming them on his i phone , they called my wife a sand nigger & my doctor neighbor a black ass nigger on tape yet Bloomfield Hills pd stood by their cops actions when we all 3 of us filed complaints , my neighbor filmed the cops threatening us with jail if we didnt willingly open our safes for them , if i woulda gave them the comb willingly they woulda seized my lifes savings of all legal money that i refuse to keep in banks because of the constant seizure attempts .

The Linden police raided my sons home on the lake because he was growing 6 plants but was legal for 12 , they iniatiated seizure proceedings to seize the home worth about $400k but since the home was in our realty companys name & not privately owned they had to show cause before a district judge who dismissed their claims against the property , ive had the cops surround me at an indoor bank atm for withdrawing $4,000 from the atm with $1,000 comming from each of our accounts , supposedly i looked suspicious pulling out 4 different wads of cash so they detained us , i had recipts for the withdrawals matching exact dollar amounts yet the $4,000 was seized as suspected ill gotten gains , $1,500 in legal fees to get my 4 grand back .

I could fill 20 pages with shit the cops have done to me & my family , fuk i own a home in canada i havent seen since shortly after 9-11 where now i need a pardon from the queen of england to even visit the small vacation home my father left us , our kids spend summers there so we keep up the home , i only listed about 10% of the shit ive been thru with police since getting out cause once they see the 2 affiliations with organized crime they start drooling over seizures , ive spent over $200 grand in legal fees over the last 30 yrs defending our businesses & personal propertys from constant seizure efforts even though every last $ i made has been reported & taxed , every time the outlaws clubhouse in Detroit gets raided the cops show up at our place trying to gain entry supposedly looking for my brother who they know lives in Texas now .

I really could do a tv movie of the week & its not just you its thousands of us who get strong armed by cops & he more assets you have listed the harder they try to take it all .
it was a looooong time ago

I hear ya on the old times shit it seems like a whole other life , i dont care i still think its cool as hell you had a hand in the movie , thats not regular every day stuff thats cool stuff man .

Edit . I found the movie in our collection & am gonna watch it now while falling asleep & finsih it up in the morning , g night all , a zanny bar & a double shot of nyquill so im gonna be counting sexy sheep real soon .
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I was nearly stabbed to death in Folsom & an inmate saved my life.
I was the Superintendent of Prison Industries. I had a crew of 150 inmates & we made license plates for DMV. My inmate leadman (one of the founders of the Crips) & I went out into our little whse to check stock of some material & walked in on 2 inmates on the floor fighting. All staff wear alarms at Folsom & I was supposed to hit my alarm & observe & report. But being young & macho, I yelled at them to stop & I waded in & grabbed the one on top. Just as I got him off the other one was when I saw the knife!! OH NO!...they were wrestling over a shank. The first stab hit me in the neck & went thru my windpipe, that's when blood started streaming out my nose. I tried to grab the knife & it was on. it was me & 2 inmates wresteling over a knife & I was already stuck. The 3rd inmate (my leadman) could have joined in & I would have been thru, but he spun on his heels and went back into the factory & went up to the first staff he saw & hit their alarm and motioned to the whse....he saved me
Before it was over I had a 90% severed thumb on my left hand & amlost severed first finger on right hand & almost bled to death from a neck wound....that's a bad day in Folsom

Holy fuckingshit dude.
No Folsom but I had a friend that was in Stateville reception in IL for a few weeks while getting processed into the DOC. He said it was a pretty intimidating place.
This was @patrickkawi37 cell when he was in prison View attachment 3442684

Wasnt Merle Haggard in folsom too ? Tons of stars seem to end up there for some reason .

I watched the movie last night & again this morning & picked up on a couple of the co's who might be you , gun tower scene , visiting room scene , santana going to the hole scene .possibly the riot scene .

I wish i was in a movie , lucky sucker :)
This was @patrickkawi37 cell when he was in prison View attachment 3442684

No offense to any gay people but that shit is boner killing material , the OH faced skinhead sissy getting ass plowed is too much , that pic is enough to make gay guys want pussy .

Every last one of those sissys look like soft pink mush bellys , fuk i got more chest muscle than those sissys & im 63 , ive met some sissys that can fight like a mother fucker & those dudes aint it , all of em look baby soft .

Heil Hitler :lol:
This thread is pretty awesome because for some of us who were adults in the 70's it shows how public opinion on mj has came full circle , in the 70's nobody thought pot was evil , president Carter allmost legalized pot but didnt & Nancy Reagen made pot the evil drug giving all her just say no bullshit speeches in the 80's about pot while the rest of us were snorting lines ( stupid bitch ) , now its like the 70's again where its just pot & nobody sensible thinks its evil , alotta people did alot of time over pot & its senseless .

We got ex cons here & people who were leo & were all doing the same thing & not hurting a sole , maybe one day our federal government will wake the fuck up & stop this phony war on pot used as a source of revenue & legalize the shit nation wide .
One huge problem in states that think convicting folks for crimes is a cash cow.........the thought process of warehousing people in american penal systems, When i was in school i dated a criminal justice major(mamacita was fucken smokin') when she wasnt giving me disertations on how many jobs i'd lose because of my love affair with cannabis she'd point out the sad dynamic of corrections being in place to help offender "correct there behaviors" not warehouse them so they can meet joe lifer who teaches them all new ways to commit crimes when there more like have programs in place that go towards helping those that wanna break the cycle of recidivism! I have have actually seen this work before, the only NO HOPE CLAUSE would be for sex offenders of all calibers..........No cure for that shit but a bullet imho.