Church shooting.

Police are pretty stupid and all, but they wouldn't just tell the media they believe something if they didn't have a reason.
Probably true, but it seems like they are trying to set themselves up as anti-racists, so the next time one of their officers guns down an unarmed black guy, they can point to this and say "were not racist". It's what I would do in the wake of all the recent police shenanigans.
I donated 250 for 3 months to Bernie2016 just because of
Lets see what and how he does.

whoa! RIU POST OF THE DAY AWARD>>>>>>>>>>>insert here:clap:

thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! see? this is how we are gonna make the change..ride the wave of success right from the begining;you get to tell your grandkids and greatgrandkids you were there and helped start the revolution for their futures:hug: