Church shooting.

Yes, and yes. But what does that have to do with Snowden and McVeigh?
Earlier in the thread, someone was trying to win an argument by using an exact definition. By using an exact definition, Snowden should be labeled a terrorist. I don't think either are terrorists. I also don't think one can be labeled a terrorist without the other being labeled a terrorist...since we are now using exact definitions.
When a black or brown person does it, righties demand Obama call it terrorism, when a white person does it, righties defend it as murder

So transparent

"Defend it as murder." LOL

This is the pit to which conversation has descended.

"It's just murder, no big deal."

How about we just try to discuss things without painting each other as monsters? Murdering 9 innocent people is murder, and murder IS a big deal. I don't see how calling it a "hate crime" makes it worse, or better. It is more probably an "insane crime", as I don't see how anybody can gun down 9 people and quite be in their right mind, not that being "insane" makes it any worse, or better; it is still a terrible tragedy and beyond my ability to understand.
When a black or brown person does it, righties demand Obama call it terrorism, when a white person does it, righties defend it as murder

So transparent


I don't care if you want to call it terrorism. It seems to fit.

Doesn't make what he did any less offensive, and will not matter one bit when he is standing in front of a judge. What matters is he is a murderer, not the reasons he chose to murder.
"Defend it as murder." LOL

This is the pit to which conversation has descended.

"It's just murder, no big deal."

How about we just try to discuss things without painting each other as monsters? Murdering 9 innocent people is murder, and murder IS a big deal. I don't see how calling it a "hate crime" makes it worse, or better. It is more probably an "insane crime", as I don't see how anybody can gun down 9 people and quite be in their right mind, not that being "insane" makes it any worse, or better; it is still a terrible tragedy and beyond my ability to understand.

You missed the point, unsurprisingly.

When a black man murders someone you guys think its terrorism.
When a white man murders someone you guys think its murder.

Are you implying terrorism and murder are both equally as awful?

Do you understand the concept of premeditation?
Do you not think there are varying degrees of murder?

It's like having a conversation with a 10 year old. You need to spell shit out and be as basic as possible with you guys.
It's very easy to see why some people don't want to call it terrorism..

He's white, his actions were racially motivated, and his ideology will come into question

When a Muslim does it, they blame Islam. They don't want to look at Christianity or American gun culture or the absence of quality mental health treatment

That's why they don't want to call it terrorism
I don't care if you want to call it terrorism. It seems to fit.

Doesn't make what he did any less offensive, and will not matter one bit when he is standing in front of a judge. What matters is he is a murderer, not the reasons he chose to murder.
First degree murder- premeditated killing
Second degree murder- non-premeditated killing
Voluntary manslaughter- no prior intent to kill and acted during "the heat of passion"

different types of murder
You missed the point, unsurprisingly.

When a black man murders someone you guys think its terrorism.

When a white man murders someone you guys think its murder.

Are you implying terrorism and murder are both equally as awful?

Do you understand the concept of premeditation?
Do you not think there are varying degrees of murder?

It's like having a conversation with a 10 year old. You need to spell shit out and be as basic as possible with you guys.

You, unsurprisingly, are accusing "you guys" of the voices droning on in your own head. Citation, please.

Sure, there are degrees of murder. Premeditated murder is tops; what purpose does adding "hate" to the charge serve? Is this bowl-cut guy gonna get 10 life sentences instead of 9? Inserting the feds into this multiple murder is not gonna make the south carolina charge any worse.

Terrorism is an act of murder or intimidation done for political purposes. To truly qualify as "terrorism" it has to be done by a like minded group, in my opinion. One nut can do a horrible crime, like the guy who murdered all those people at Virginia Tech, or the guy who shot Gabby Giffords, but I would not classify either one as terrorism.
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation"

That violence.
nice reach guy
Snowden did not use violence
It's very easy to see why some people don't want to call it terrorism..

He's white, his actions were racially motivated, and his ideology will come into question

When a Muslim does it, they blame Islam. They don't want to look at Christianity or American gun culture or the absence of quality mental health treatment

That's why they don't want to call it terrorism

Would you be happier if those 9 innocent Christians had been murdered by a muslim?
"American gun culture" is the left's characterization of our constitution. Cops get tanks, and American citizens are evil if they have a BB gun.
Would you be happier if those 9 innocent Christians had been murdered by a muslim?
I'd be happy if doofus' like you do a little bit of introspection and realize some of the things you believe can lead to violence like this

But you won't because like I said, lack of quality mental healthcare
"American gun culture" is the left's characterization of our constitution. Cops get tanks, and American citizens are evil if they have a BB gun.

According to whom? 8 years ago it was harder for me to get silencers, now I have 4 of them.
I don't see how calling it a "hate crime" makes it worse, or better.

it's a more accurate label.

he didn;t go out and shoot up blacks because he got fired from his job or his wife left him, he shot up a black church because there were black people in it.

it goes directly to intent and motive. he was motivated by the same white supremacist beliefs that you hold so dear.

hence why we have thkngs like first degree murder, second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and the like.

hate crimes are more vile because society despises people with views like yo or this white right wing white supremacist terrorist have.