Church shooting.

"The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case, I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was."
From the Dylan Roof manifesto.
You're making his point quite clearly. His point was that white people don't want to talk about white terrorists. .

Wrong , his exact words were " also IF a muslim had shot up a bunch of white people he'd be labled a terrorist " .wtf did that add to the discussion , absouletely zero & it didnt remotely fit the example you worded in for him .

Not one part of his statement was about people not wanting to talk about white terrorism , are you shitting me its the only terrorism the little clique here talks about ,day after mind numbing day the same old shit, ive commented in atleast 50 white racism threads this yr alone & when the bs gets challenged you divert ,his statement was exactly like your islamaphobia comment ,catch phrase nonsense with no connection to the thread at all .

On the other hand every last comment ive made about islamic shitheads has been a direct rebuttal to skys race baiting inaccurate self serving statement , i didnt bring religion into this your clique did & i proved her claims false , handle it .
We get it, it pains you to be confronted with reality.

We get it , you only see white hate & your incapable of admitting other races & religions are foul , only for the white christians do you post ,the rest of the sick fucks get a pass .Ive posted my views on whites many times over but its funny ive yet to see you condem another races horrific pratices, ever , whats your view on men who fuck 8 year old girls so hard their organs rupture or the guys who Thigh fuck infants & use islam as an excuse to rationalize pedophillia ?

Its ok though i'll still chalk this up as a win until you can prove my point wrong
I looked at your manifesto link , fuck him & his lil white power nonsense but i hate to tell you this it wasnt all that interesting or informative , racism isnt nearly as foul act as pedophillia , especially state sponsored religion protected pedophillia .

so, you are saying that the religious are the most offenders of sexual assault of a minor?

please don't shoot the messenger for the human condition.

very nice that you and your wife have taken on such passionate roles.

the fact still remains, pedophelia happens more often with a church goer than not.
Transparent nonsense huh , odd you didnt call out the member who brought Islam into this discussion but he didnt challenge the clique so its cool , nor did you point out the false claim sky made saying white christian men make up the majority of pedophiles , a claim which ive proven false easily , you must remember she called for citations so i gave her a plenty .

If you guys dont want to talk about the horrors these vast numbers of sick ass muslim pedophiles & child murders are responsible for then dont bring it up or use islam as an example or make false claims .

You were my only hope for a challenge & your not interested so i'll consider skys incorrect & biased information fully debunked & drop it .

nice of you to consider but you are incorrect..a white christian male is more likely to be the pedo over the white non-christian male.

i've cited my claim properly and i'm sorry you have a hard time with.
Wrong , his exact words were " also IF a muslim had shot up a bunch of white people he'd be labled a terrorist " .wtf did that add to the discussion , absouletely zero & it didnt remotely fit the example you worded in for him .

Not one part of his statement was about people not wanting to talk about white terrorism , are you shitting me its the only terrorism the little clique here talks about ,day after mind numbing day the same old shit, ive commented in atleast 50 white racism threads this yr alone & when the bs gets challenged you divert ,his statement was exactly like your islamaphobia comment ,catch phrase nonsense with no connection to the thread at all .

On the other hand every last comment ive made about islamic shitheads has been a direct rebuttal to skys race baiting inaccurate self serving statement , i didnt bring religion into this your clique did & i proved her claims false , handle it .

n'awwwwwwwww, you can join our mind-numbing clique:hug:
the fact still remains, pedophelia happens more often with a church goer than not.

Thats not what you posted , you posted that white christian males were the #1 sex offenders & closed the statement with the word fact .

The real fact is that pedophillia is so rampant in many islamic countries 100% of school girls are sexually assaulted in school with the clerics approval ,men are marrying 5 yr olds , mollesting them until their 6 , then following the prophet Muhammads example & thigh fucking them & demanding oral sex until their wife reaches 9 , then fuk the hell out of the girl till she's 10 or 11 then divorce her for another child bride or infant bride, its done with god & Muhammad's approval , apologists wont acknowledge that 1 in 5 girls will be sold into sexual servitude before they reach 10 yrs old & 3 in 5 will be sold before they are 12 yrs old , i lived in the middle east & wittnessed the numbers 1st hand in the 70's .

Check out the Oxfam website for exact numbers per islamic country around the world , total numbers are over a million child brides a year .
Thats not what you posted , you posted that white christian males were the #1 sex offenders & closed the statement with the word fact .

The real fact is that pedophillia is so rampant in many islamic countries 100% of school girls are sexually assaulted in school with the clerics approval ,men are marrying 5 yr olds , mollesting them until their 6 , then following the prophet Muhammads example & thigh fucking them & demanding oral sex until their wife reaches 9 , then fuk the hell out of the girl till she's 10 or 11 then divorce her for another child bride or infant bride, its done with god & Muhammad's approval , apologists wont acknowledge that 1 in 5 girls will be sold into sexual servitude before they reach 10 yrs old & 3 in 5 will be sold before they are 12 yrs old , i lived in the middle east & wittnessed the numbers 1st hand in the 70's .

Check out the Oxfam website for exact numbers per islamic country around the world , total numbers are over a million child brides a year .

white christian men have the highest incident of sexual assualt. fact.

the religious have a higher incident of pedophelia than the non-religious.

we're square.
These hateful people dont just openly tell the folks that they hate how they really feel.
They post it online anonymously.