So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

Self serve comes to McDonald's terminating 5 cashiers and the expenses and hassles that go with the personnel. Drive thru self service will be next.

Makes for a cheaper burger and fries. ;)
"Reduced" ? You do what you have to do to survive which for far too many is being content taking a gov. handout.

I use to sack groceries, bussed tables, and pumped gas back in the 60's. All of those jobs are now self serve.
I've never bussed a table when I go to a restaurant.
Rationalization called and said they'd like to put you on the cover of this months magazine, but asked politely if you'd consider shaving the neck beard first.
NAMBLA called and said they have an award for you due to your campaign to convince people that pedophilia is consensual.
NAMBLA called and said they have an award for you due to your campaign to convince people that pedophilia is consensual.

They never called me. Funny they have your phone number though.

I've never said pedophilia is consensual. I've said only things people consent to are consensual and by inference, others cannot provide your consent. You and Poopy Pants invented the rest.

At any rate, for the record, I'd rate the act of pedophilia pretty fucking low, like taking someone's money without their consent.
I remember when the grocery stores were going to revolutionize the industry with self checkout
I have to get an attendant so often now I just use a clerk occupied checkout= much faster
Yeah, what's with that shit. The machines are always breaking down and seldom have any cash in them. "Cards only....No cash back" Try paying with cash and the POS won't accept your money. Then what are you supposed to do? It has some of your money but won't accept all of it. The attendant is off jawboning and there are six people waiting for him.
[QUOTE="Rob Roy, post: 11692270, member: 101799"I've never said pedophilia is consensual.
Nice backpedaling.[/QUOTE]

Not backpedaling. I've stated an act alone cannot be determined to be consensual or not, the act is independent from the persons involved regarding if it was consented to or not.

The act of your acceptance of money cannot determine if the money was given as part of a consensual interaction or not. More information would be needed. Once we determine that the money was taken from others absent their consent, we can then condemn you as being part of a nonsensensual transaction. Trying to fit square pieces of puzzle into a round opening is sort of dumb...dummy.