Church shooting.

Children do not have the wherewithal to make informed consent to have sex for payment you sick little libertarian.

Inb4 my Veteran's disability check gets compared with rape again.

Well, I'm glad that's agreed to that people lacking capacity cannot consent. I was a little afraid you might go shopping at the Mental Institution for lovers again.

So, what makes the nature of an act negate a persons capacity to consent to one given action, when they have the capacity to consent to ANOTHER given action? How does that work? Are you saying the nature of an act determines consent?
Terrorist sure, but if it a
was a racial thing he would have killed the other "blacks"as well. not leave some alive. I drive by that church alot which means nothing but is it racial I don't think so, was is a religious belief possible. No one knows the truth and all yall do is assume. what yall want to so. There is no.proof of facts

um, no, actually he was a coward..he didn't know how to use his gun properly..wanted to ride the media wave and went someone where people were corralled at this historic church.

he chose your church because of its historical meaning to charleston (being the capitol) as most newsworthy.
um, no, actually he was a coward..he didn't know how to use his gun properly..wanted to ride the media wave and went someone where people were corralled at this historic church.

he chose your church because of its historical meaning to charleston (being the capitol) as most newsworthy.
I agree with u coward for sure all the above yes so don't no why you said no but okay......
um, no, actually he was a coward..he didn't know how to use his gun properly..wanted to ride the media wave and went someone where people were corralled at this historic church.

he chose your church because of its historical meaning to charleston (being the capitol) as most newsworthy.

You got it the first time according to the latest "news" reports. He is a coward, but that's how terrorists' roll. He was going to do a school but told a friend there were too many security risks so he chose a Bible study class. He took the easy way out. Having said that, if there had been at least one good guy with a gun at the meeting he/she might have saved everyone.

Having said that, how the victims families' graciously expressed themselves to him via camera and find it in their hearts to forgive him is mind boggling. Those were good people he killed.

I still think he could care less. He is a sociopath. They have no conscience.

I think the point is that the way things are shown warps our views.

These 2 situations were very different.
um, no, actually he was a coward..he didn't know how to use his gun properly..wanted to ride the media wave and went someone where people were corralled at this historic church.

he chose your church because of its historical meaning to charleston (being the capitol) as most newsworthy.
I must disagree with you, this dude was incompetent but deffo not a coward.
He complained that there were no real skinheads or kkk in his area and that people were just talking on the internet. I am 100% sure there are more skinhead and kkk in his area, he was just the only one man enough to openly state his views, no matter how hateful they were. The ones who lay in hiding using secret codes to identify each other are the real cowards.

At least what he did is drawing attention to what has been rotting this country from the inside out since it's inception.
This kid is not a sociopath.
This evil, demented killer is a psychopath. He is a full-blown psychotic lunatic.
His brain is steeped in evil.
He was evidently taking psychotropic drugs, thereby accentuating his misinterpretation of reality.
Thanks big pharma!
Chemicals seem to create more focused killers.
The rules of logic do not apply when endeavoring to analyze his behavior.
But go ahead and blame Fox and Drudge if it makes some of you feel better.

Pure piffle and codswallop.