So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

Sure I read your post regarding kiosks, however if the airlines did not consider these machines to be somehow cost effective, they would be eliminated.

Humans with certain skills will always be needed, even some humans without skills... just a lot less of them than are currently needed.

then i'm gonna say we'll have an even bigger problem than we do now, which will only make the case for some form of socialism.

why do you think bernie sanders is drawing huge crowds?
Actually there are jobs that pay way more than a "livable wage", but they have a prerequisite that most progressives on this board don't like, "skill"...."Develop a worth while skill that people want to pay you for and you'll do fine". Progs would be much more successful if they pushed what most people with common sense already know and stopped patronizing those on the bottom.

hey dumbass,

hate to remind you, but blue states are the ones with all the high tech jobs and centers of commerce. we do the work, we are the tax base, we pay more than we receive so that red states can suck up all the welfare and live on our surplus.

maybe you inbred redneck hicks should find a skillset besides checking the mailbox for their welfare ceck, courtesy of blue state liberals.

Most of the posters in this thread have failed to address the OPs primary point.
An escalating minimum wage will accelerate the advent of dire consequences to low skilled workers.
Automation will be implemented when the human workers mandated minimum wage exceeds the cost of their replacement with robots.
A higher minimum wage certainly will accelerate this process.
How does this help the unskilled minimum wage types?

Better obtain some marketable skills pronto.

you're right, a higher min wage will not help those who make min wage.

very smart, great insight.

9/10, would read again.
Smart business move McDonald's! ;)

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Haha it is sad but true. I disagree with those who want the computer AI service but I like to deal with Individuals Directly and I will Always do so and my business will always have the Friendly People Service. Elon Musk is afraid AI could destroy humanity and I agree. EVERYTHING is automated with No true Individual Craftsmanship.!
Love's is like that too, they're huge. You can eat off the bathroom floors. That kind of approach brings in customers.

HEB grocery chain is a class act too. They are such a fine tuned machine they're driving other grocery chains out of business. One town I lived in had 4 grocers, nationwide like Albertsons, Krogers, etc. HEB came in with a couple of stores and drove them to their knees. The HEB branded items are tops, whether it's toilet paper, can of peas, their own smoked brisket, coffee...doesn't matter. It's priced low and is of the highest quality. Walmart sucks by comparison.

Another HUGE success story is a wine and liquor store, also family owned and operated - Spec's. Want a selection from 20,000 wines, cigars, cheeses from Norway and all over, cheap bottle of tequila or a $12,000 bottle of brandy behind locked secure doors for a friend - Spec's has it. Every month they are expanding somewhere. One cool thing is they protect and WILL NOT go into a small city that still has mom and pop liquor stores. They were there in those shoes at one time and protect their own kind.

Specs is pretty awesome. Damn good selection. The one by me has to have close to a thousand different beers.
Love's is like that too, they're huge. You can eat off the bathroom floors. That kind of approach brings in customers.

HEB grocery chain is a class act too. They are such a fine tuned machine they're driving other grocery chains out of business. One town I lived in had 4 grocers, nationwide like Albertsons, Krogers, etc. HEB came in with a couple of stores and drove them to their knees. The HEB branded items are tops, whether it's toilet paper, can of peas, their own smoked brisket, coffee...doesn't matter. It's priced low and is of the highest quality. Walmart sucks by comparison.

Another HUGE success story is a wine and liquor store, also family owned and operated - Spec's. Want a selection from 20,000 wines, cigars, cheeses from Norway and all over, cheap bottle of tequila or a $12,000 bottle of brandy behind locked secure doors for a friend - Spec's has it. Every month they are expanding somewhere. One cool thing is they protect and WILL NOT go into a small city that still has mom and pop liquor stores. They were there in those shoes at one time and protect their own kind.
That's pretty cool if they do that I like that.

And I want to be your friend! Just give $10,000 that will be good...!
Children do not have the wherewithal to make informed consent to have sex for payment you sick little libertarian. Therefore, pedophilia is never and can never be consensual.

Inb4 my Veteran's disability check gets compared with rape.

You bring up a good point, which maybe inadvertently on your part, aligns with and verifies mine. Only people with the capacity to agree or not agree can provide actual consent. Also only people that HAVE actually agreed to something have really consented. Others can't provide it for you, even if there is a so called majority or self appointed governing person or body politic.

As you've stated, in the absence of individual consent, the perpetrator of a forced interaction is "sick". If that is so, why do you participate in and champion so many things that rely on interactions that arise from the absence of consent...are you also "sick" ?

On one hand you correctly condemn nonconsensual interactions, then on the other you rely on them and like them, if they benefit you.

Way back when my hypothetical story about consent and the bad man yanking Uncle Buck's chain started, my point was to get him to discuss what actual consent was and point out his hypocrisy. I should have known it was past his ability.

You and he have had some fun trying to fuck with me and apply some hysteria and label me with false accusations. You also ran from any real conversations about what consent and property is.

When you want to have a real conversation about what property is etc. I'll give it a try. Until then happy trails... "Anarchist".
You bring up a good point, which maybe inadvertently on your part, aligns with and verifies mine.

No, it contradicts your view on pedophilia being consensual, but thanks for putting the bullshit in the first sentence so that I don't have to read the entire jeremiad which is a tedious task.
