So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

Yeah, where these misguided people get this McDonald's=financial security stuff is beyond me. Apples and oranges.
It's kinda like the Social Security program. It was never designed to provide a real comfortable standard of living. If you are say......60 and don't have a bunch of financial cushions by now, it's your own damn fault.

Not sure about this gov. forced privatization stuff. I wish the gov. would allow me to privitized my SS contributions by playing the stock market, investing it. I'd be a multi-million by now. GW tried but the liberal tards did the nanny thing saying only they can make such decisions.

"Government solutions" - man do they suck especially when you got the likes of Obama and his cronies pulling the levers. Never seen such a collection of dumb asses as this administration.

And one more thing. If you guys hate subsidizing things so much, why do you give megacorps a free pass on it? In addition to billions in special tax incentives and tax exclusions and tax free zones, yet another hidden subsidy is public assistance for employees who are so poor their wages won't cover their needs.

We definitely need to raise wages. If that puts McDonald's out of business (I'm not holding my breath), I'll be one of those tap dancing on its grave.
You forgot to include a big "thank you Obama".

Actually there are jobs that pay way more than a "livable wage", but they have a prerequisite that most progressives on this board don't like, "skill".

Pad likes to quote a study that enumerates the gains of the people in the top 1% vs the rest. But he always manages to leave out an important point in that study; the people making big gains in the top 3,5 through 10 percent are people with "skills" working for wages vs the rentier class of years past.

"Develop a worth while skill that people want to pay you for and you'll do fine". Progs would be much more successful if they pushed what most people with common sense already know and stopped patronizing those on the bottom.

Except that when Americans go to school and get said skills, corporations complain that they cost too much. So then they lie and say H1B visas are 'just to help augment the local labor pool which doesn't have the needed skills'.... when in fact it's all about limiting Americans wages for greater corporate profits.

The pendulum has officially stopped swinging to the right on this issue. The next decade will show how far left it swings. It has a long, long way to go before it's as out of balance to the left as it currently is to the right.


Where did all these "skills" come from simultaneously right around 1980, when wages for the top earners skyrocketed while everyone else's stayed the same?

Why do two specific supreme court decisions that deal directly with campaign finance take place in the mid-late 1970's, directly before the disparity began; Buckley v. Valeo & First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti?

Buckley v. Valeo struck down limits on spending in campaigns, and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti held that corporations have first amendment rights to make contributions to ballot initiative campaigns. Then, to nobody's surprise, corporate money flows in as "political contributions" aka legal bribes, and politicians begin to cater to their corporate donors interests, not the American voters who put them there. This happens in both political parties.

Here are two more supreme court decisions equally as relevant to the problem of campaign finance reform; Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon v. FEC

Citizens United v. FEC prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations, labor unions and other associations, and McCutcheon v. FEC held that aggregate contribution limits are unconstitutional

(exact same court, exact same 5 judges concurring in both cases, Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Alito & Thomas)

For whatever reason, you can't accept that business and corporate interests have rigged our political system in their favor, many studies prove this, here's one from Princeton;

And here's a short clip that explains how it works pretty well;

Yet none this explains your personal failure to ever make even a paltry $900/month.
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And one more thing. If you guys hate subsidizing things so much, why do you give megacorps a free pass on it? In addition to billions in special tax incentives and tax exclusions and tax free zones, yet another hidden subsidy is public assistance for employees who are so poor their wages won't cover their needs.

We definitely need to raise wages. If that puts McDonald's out of business (I'm not holding my breath), I'll be one of those tap dancing on its grave.

yeah! and their dollar menu is no stinking dolla any more!:finger: plus they are only giving you 2 cookies instead of 3/$ i wouldn't notice.
i'm not sure i'd call the thousands who came out to see him in iowa and colo, layabouts..they may take offense from a 50 year-old who makes $31k in pensacola..but that's just me:wink:
If I meet a 50 year old from Pensacola making $31k, I'll be sure to tell them.
And one more thing. If you guys hate subsidizing things so much, why do you give megacorps a free pass on it? In addition to billions in special tax incentives and tax exclusions and tax free zones, yet another hidden subsidy is public assistance for employees who are so poor their wages won't cover their needs.

We definitely need to raise wages. If that puts McDonald's out of business (I'm not holding my breath), I'll be one of those tap dancing on its grave.
Typical progressive. Put hundreds of thousands out of work and call it a "solution"
I took a few business courses in college. Ideally everyone would have a job and be able to live the life they wanted to live, regardless of their cost of living. In reality, that's never taken place in our history.

The problem with raising minimum wage, to say $20 per hour, is that some businesses, mostly small, won't be able to hire as many employees as they could if the minimum wage were instead $10 per hour, due to financial constraints and limitations. This result is higher levels of unemployment IF all businesses, small and large, bear this financial crutch but not all of them do; McDonalds and Walmart bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars of profit every year and yet do hardly anything for those employees they hire.

Add in the fact that technology is replacing many old-school jobs (cashiering, bagging, security for examples) and you see why businesses are looking to cut back on the roster list.

I find it all very interesting nevertheless.
I see your post on Rolli was deleted.

Rolli is fun. He's not the brightest light in the harbor, but at least he's harmless.
I took a few business courses in college. Ideally everyone would have a job and be able to live the life they wanted to live, regardless of their cost of living. In reality, that's never taken place in our history.

The problem with raising minimum wage, to say $20 per hour, is that some businesses, mostly small, won't be able to hire as many employees as they could if the minimum wage were instead $10 per hour, due to financial constraints and limitations. This result is higher levels of unemployment IF all businesses, small and large, bear this financial crutch but not all of them do; McDonalds and Walmart bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars of profit every year and yet do hardly anything for those employees they hire.

Add in the fact that technology is replacing many old-school jobs (cashiering, bagging, security for examples) and you see why businesses are looking to cut back on the roster list.

I find it all very interesting nevertheless.

None of this is an acceptable excuse for exploiting workers.
Exploiting? How do you mean this?

Deliberate policies to underpay workers- and then turning around and spending the millions saved on lobbying efforts to keep them down- to the point of getting the government to subsidize the abuse by providing health care instead of the business?

Maybe you can enlighten me as to how any part of that ISN'T an ongoing, habitual pattern of exploitation.
I was merely looking for your insight on the matter, thanks.

Yeah, life ain't easy and mother nature, by design, has been keeping us down since the dawn of our time, hence gravity. At least we have marijuana to keep us in good spirit!
A business that pays you more than you produce will soon be defunct, leaving you with no job at all. Your ideology blinds you.

because clearly if we pay a living wage, society will collapse. just look what's happening in australia or denmark. they pay about $20 an hour for min wage, and they also live in caves and eat dirt.

your ideology enlightens you.
Unfortunately these sweeping $15/hr wishes aren't good for everyone. It will be great to have everyone who works make more money, and for the scumbag corporations we all hate like Walmart to have to care about their employees, but it will do the opposite for mom and pop shops out there.

The minimum wage being hiked will absolutely cause these small businesses to hike their price of their goods. They'll simply pass the costs on to the consumer. After cheeseburgers are $7 at McNasty's, and people stop eating there as much because it's too expensive, they will lay off employees and eventually have to close their doors. Good. I hate mcdonalds anyway. But what about the mom and pop shop that will have to close due to it? They busted their asses to open up shop and unfortunately I don't think they'll be able to survive if they have to pay so much to have someone sit at a counter and ring people up. They're not a huge corporation. They're honest, hardworking folks like the rest of us.
I took a few business courses in college. Ideally everyone would have a job and be able to live the life they wanted to live, regardless of their cost of living. In reality, that's never taken place in our history.

The problem with raising minimum wage, to say $20 per hour, is that some businesses, mostly small, won't be able to hire as many employees as they could if the minimum wage were instead $10 per hour, due to financial constraints and limitations. This result is higher levels of unemployment IF all businesses, small and large, bear this financial crutch but not all of them do; McDonalds and Walmart bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars of profit every year and yet do hardly anything for those employees they hire.

Add in the fact that technology is replacing many old-school jobs (cashiering, bagging, security for examples) and you see why businesses are looking to cut back on the roster list.

I find it all very interesting nevertheless.

show me all the actual evidence (right wing talking points are not evidence) that raising the inimum wage leads to massive unemployment then.

it should be so easy, there are many nations out there with significantly higher min wage than we have. they should all be wallowing in massively high unemployment.

get to it.
The minimum wage being hiked will absolutely cause these small businesses to hike their price of their goods. They'll simply pass the costs on to the consumer. After cheeseburgers are $7 at McNasty's, and people stop eating there as much because it's too expensive, they will lay off employees and eventually have to close their doors.

where is the evidence of this?

can you name one single business that has ever had to close due to a minimum wage increase?

can you explain why denmark has a $20 min wage and universal health care, but their big macs cost only $0.40 more than ours do?

can you explain why when wages go up, products on the BLS list like chicken and eggs and milk do not go up at anywhere near the same rate?

or do you only have right wing dogma talking points with no basis in reality to rely on?