Church shooting.

Lee Malvo was an abused kid, who was brainwashed into believing crazy shit John Muhammad told him. He was under age, scared and alone. He looked to the older man as an authority figure and was controlled emotionally into committing his crimes. Dylaan Roof is an adult who hates minorities, like a lot of other people. The problem is, he was unstable enough to believe violence would change things. Not comparable.

P.s. I don't believe either to be terrorists. (Fuck the "definition")

curious, what is your definition of 'terrorism'?..
Thanks for the no fedora tip. I will refrain from telling him to shit in his hat.

no he has a cap, just not a neck beard.

handsome in a peter krause kinda way..and still very northwest pacific, which i love:hug:

i've condemned robroy repeatedly for it.

No dont cop out with that weak arguement rob roy nonsense you've been on about .

Lets hear your thoughts on the rampant pedophillia within islamic culture , the common pratice of Thighing 5 yr old girls with hard cocks , the common pratice of forcing 6 yr old wives to perform felatio , the undisputed age of consent of 9 yrs old when a child wife can be fucked like a grown woman , lets hear your thoughts on the vast numbers of islamic children being kidnapped , raped & murdered , all within the islamic world .

No tap dance answer either , you asked me for a straight answer the other day & i complied , please show the same courtesy .
the religious have a higher incident of pedophelia than the non-religious.

we're square.

Not even close to being square ,your circular arguement is a clear dodge , either your woefully ignorant about sex within islamic culture( not meant as an insult ) or your demonization of white men to be the most evil men at everything wont allow you to admit your statement was not fact based .

The real #1 ethnic & religious group who's pratice of pedophilia outnumbers all other religious groups combined is islamic arabic males & that is fact , not white christian males as you proclaimed as fact , just once i'd love to see somebody here admit a fact vs the circular arguement tactic.
So that lack of wherewithal would apply to mulsim children as well , even child wives who are legally married , is that correct ?
Are we talking about US laws?
I just dont see how the laws in another country apply here.

On a more relevant note I just finished watching "American History X"
Ed Norton did a really good job showing the supremacist culture and it's weakness'
nice of you to consider but you are incorrect..a white christian male is more likely to be the pedo over the white non-christian male.

i've cited my claim properly and i'm sorry you have a hard time with.

And again your claim is based on a lie , pedophillia isnt illegal in the islamic world , your citation was self serving & meaningless.

All the sick child raping muslim holy men i posted & you couldnt cite one christian equivalent & opted for the dodge , so far all you've done is use the circular arguement tactic & its showing badly .

Take a whopping 5 minutes of your life to watch this example of the worlds largest group of pedophiles if you can spare 5 minutes to listen to islamic law spoken from the mouth of a cleric, if your not in tears by the end of the video your heartless or a dillusional denier of fact .

Show me her christian equal , opp's again you cant .