What comes first, ethics or profit?

What comes first?

  • Profit

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Ethics

    Votes: 11 64.7%

  • Total voters
People like you who chose to remain willfuly ignorant, who CHOSE to ignore the complexities of a problem such as poverty, who forgo rational thought in favor of their extreme ideologies are the problem in this country. You need things to be as simple as possible, so you can offer a (ridiculous) simple solution so then you can move onto the next thing you're outraged against. With so much finger pointing to do you don't have time to actually THINK about things.
and the full time worker doesn't?

you guys have this sickening sense of entitlement. too much fox news.
How is that the responsibility of their employer?
In the first scenario the franchise owner take the risk and responsibility on himself.
In the second, you put that responsibility on a 3rd party
People like you who chose to remain willfuly ignorant, who CHOSE to ignore the complexities of a problem such as poverty, who forgo rational thought in favor of their extreme ideologies are the problem in this country. You need things to be as simple as possible, so you can offer a (ridiculous) simple solution so then you can move onto the next thing you're outraged against. With so much finger pointing to do you don't have time to actually THINK about things.

How is that the responsibility of their employer?
In the first scenario the franchise owner take the risk and responsibility on himself.
In the second, you put that responsibility on a 3rd party

how is someone going to work full time not taking responsibility?

last i checked, the best way to not be in poverty was to work full time.

do i really have an "extreme ideology" for believing that someone who works full time should not be in poverty?

go ahead and cry some more when you can't answer these questions in a way that is satisfactory to your fox news overlords.
I wish pot was legal everywhere to be honest. I know a person that is pretty close to me that got three years in prison because he had a 16 year old relative living in his house and months later there was a family feud and he goes to jail because the minor teenager could gain access to his pot and garden. That seemed unethical but its a law and he got fucked. I wonder how many growers have minors come buy there house that could potentially put them away for years? its kinda scary thinking about grand kids coming over and then there parents get mad at you, then bamm, jail time.

The guy that made the poll just had two choices to vote on and he should of added the "but" as a third choice. so it wasn't so vague and narrow. imo

For the record I voted for profit because we work unethical hours, "but" everybody's happy.
Any company which fails to eke out a minimal profit will cease to exist.

The resulting profitability henceforth provides an ethical base of operations therefrom.

Without a sustainable profit margin any and all companies are rendered into non existence.
I wish pot was legal everywhere to be honest. I know a person that is pretty close to me that got three years in prison because he had a 16 year old relative living in his house and months later there was a family feud and he goes to jail because the minor teenager could gain access to his pot and garden. That seemed unethical but its a law and he got fucked. I wonder how many growers have minors come buy there house that could potentially put them away for years? its kinda scary thinking about grand kids coming over and then there parents get mad at you, then bamm, jail time.

The guy that made the poll just had two choices to vote on and he should of added the "but" as a third choice. so it wasn't so vague and narrow. imo

For the record I voted for profit because we work unethical hours, "but" everybody's happy.
You actually have worries of your children putting you in jail ? Damn what kind of father were you ?
how is someone going to work full time not taking responsibility?

last i checked, the best way to not be in poverty was to work full time.

do i really have an "extreme ideology" for believing that someone who works full time should not be in poverty?

go ahead and cry some more when you can't answer these questions in a way that is satisfactory to your fox news overlords.
So that's where the bar is now? You just have to show up? I say your ideology is extreme because it's set and locked away in your little ideology box, labeled "this is what I stand for" and isn't malleable and doesn't allow for any complexity whatsoever.
Take a 30 year old dummy who can barely speak english, let alone read or write, has no education and no skills but somehow just because they showed up to work they somehow "deserve" a certain lifestyle.
When, in your opinion, does it become the individuals responsibility to improve their lives? Or is it always somebody else's fault?
Also, I don't know why you keep mentioning fox news with me.
For the record I consider myself a rationalist and a realist with zero affiliation or loyalty to any one thing.
So that's where the bar is now? You just have to show up?

and then work for 40 hours in a week.

but do go on with your dishonest language. dishonesty is probably your best shot.

Take a 30 year old dummy who can barely speak english, let alone read or write, has no education and no skills but somehow just because they showed up to work they somehow "deserve" a certain lifestyle.

not sure what your obsession is with what language they speak, there is no official language in this nation.

but yes, if you work a full time, 40 hour week, you should not have to stand in a welfare line to make ends meet.

maybe you should actually try answering the very simple, straightforward questions i asked.

how is someone going to work full time not taking responsibility?

do i really have an "extreme ideology" for believing that someone who works full time should not be in poverty?
and then work for 40 hours in a week.

but do go on with your dishonest language. dishonesty is probably your best shot.

not sure what your obsession is with what language they speak, there is no official language in this nation.

but yes, if you work a full time, 40 hour week, you should not have to stand in a welfare line to make ends meet.

maybe you should actually try answering the very simple, straightforward questions i asked.

how is someone going to work full time not taking responsibility?

do i really have an "extreme ideology" for believing that someone who works full time should not be in poverty?
1. they're not taking responsibility by demanding more and offering nothing in return. By saying "i'm poor and it's my boss's fault" isn't taking responsibility.
2. I agree somewhat, only that nobody "should" live in poverty but these words "should" and "shouldn't" are totally subjective. Poverty itself is somewhat subjective. A person living at the poverty line in america is way better off than %90 of the rest of the world.
I say your ideology is extreme because you think it's ok for the government to make laws that would interject itself in a business contract between two people
If I'm poor and the question I ask myself is "how do I stop being poor?" the answer isn't "have the government make somebody else give me more money"
1. they're not taking responsibility by demanding more and offering nothing in return.

honest question, do you suffer from mental retardation?

they are not offering nothing, they are offering 40 hours of work. they are not demanding more, either. just to keep up with inflation. you are saying they deserve less. don't try to flip flop that.

dishonesty is your best bet, but it really does weaken everything you say.

I say your ideology is extreme because you think it's ok for the government to make laws that would interject itself in a business contract between two people

well, the flipside would be to let the "free market" just run wild then.

with no 'government interjection', we had things like the triangle shirtwaist fire. or denial of service to blacks.

so i'm gonna have to say that you are too retarded (literally, retarded) to discern 'extreme ideology' from sane and just government intervention.

you are the one with the extremist ideology here.
honest question, do you suffer from mental retardation?

they are not offering nothing, they are offering 40 hours of work. they are not demanding more, either. just to keep up with inflation. you are saying they deserve less. don't try to flip flop that.

dishonesty is your best bet, but it really does weaken everything you say.

well, the flipside would be to let the "free market" just run wild then.

with no 'government interjection', we had things like the triangle shirtwaist fire. or denial of service to blacks.

so i'm gonna have to say that you are too retarded (literally, retarded) to discern 'extreme ideology' from sane and just government intervention.

you are the one with the extremist ideology here.

They're already working 40 hours, what they want is DOUBLE and offering no extra skills or service. If i asked to have my pay doubled I'd would need to make a REALLY good argument to my boss as to why. Let's not pretend it's just to 'keep up with inflation'
You want to, in effect, turn minimum wage jobs meant for teenagers with no skill or experience so they could enter the workforce, and who minimum wage laws were meant to protect..child labor and that kind of thing... into lower-middle class careers just so life's a little less hard for people who made horrible life choices and now their only option is wal-mart. Why? Because they left their house for 40 hours? Who gives a shit. Your everybody gets a ribbon mentality is the thing that's retarded.
You're talking about shifting the responsibility of welfare from the government to the middle class private business owner.
Again, minimum wage jobs are for people with minimum skills and require minimum effort to attain. If all someone ever did was the least and now they have the least who's fault is that?
They're already working 40 hours, what they want is DOUBLE and offering no extra skills or service. If i asked to have my pay doubled I'd would need to make a REALLY good argument to my boss as to why. Let's not pretend it's just to 'keep up with inflation'

ummmmm, wat?


you're deluded.

You want to, in effect, turn minimum wage jobs meant for teenagers with no skill or experience so they could enter the workforce, and who minimum wage laws were meant to protect..child labor and that kind of thing... into lower-middle class careers just so life's a little less hard for people who made horrible life choices

had no idea that working full time was a horrible life choice.

Your everybody gets a ribbon mentality is the thing that's retarded.

is it now?

i kinda thought that working full time was the best way to avoid having to stand in a welfare line.

doesn't seem too retarded to me.

You're talking about shifting the responsibility of welfare from the government to the middle class private business owner.

is 'welfare' really the term you want to use for paying someone in exchange for full time work?

Again, minimum wage jobs are for people with minimum skills and require minimum effort to attain. If all someone ever did was the least and now they have the least who's fault is that?

the business offering the job?
I don't have too much empathy for people who chose mcdonalds as their career choice. You think it's unfair that someone who works at mcdonalds 40 hours a week has to struggle to pay bills when someone else works 40 hours a week somewhere else and has excess. I think it's the complete opposite. It's the definition of fairness. Your rewards in life are directly proportional to the effort for you put in. If you do nothing you have nothing. Seems pretty simple.
why? what's wrong with that line of work..people eat hamburgers..someone needs to cook them.
Fine, but if that's what you CHOSE to do don't bitch about the low wages. It's common knowledge burger flippers make the least, so common in fact we're using it now. Nobody's forcing anybody to flip burgers.
ummmmm, wat?


you're deluded.

had no idea that working full time was a horrible life choice.

I have no problem with modest increases in minimum wage, if you insist on a minimum wage but don't double it and call it "keeping up with inflation" lol

Acquiring skills is the surest way to keep your ass of the bread line.

Why not rally around something that'll actually make a difference, like education, community development and cultural influences?

What your suggesting isn't even taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Your demanding from the middle class to give to the poor and the middle class is already stretched too thin. Poverty is a failing of our government and now they're saying it's up to us, business owners to fix it and I say that's bullshit. If they have to pay out food stamps and housing credits because they fucked up don't put it on me. Doubling the min. wage would take that burden off of them and put it on business owners. They would also be able to increase their tax base while at the same time lowering it for these billion dollar companies you point out.
If this were a law it would effect the finances of small business owners over everybody, but you don't give a shit about their bills or their family eating.
I'm kinda done with this now. My buzz is wearing off...Taking from someone to give to another takes away choice and is unethical, that's what this is about right? Ethics?
not sure what your obsession is with what language they speak, there is no official language in this nation.
One last thing...My point is that there are people born in this country that can barely speak, read or write and who don't know basic arithmetic and you've decided that they "deserve" $15 an hour so they can maintain a certain standard of living without even having to learn the most basic shit! In your world, you can be born, sit around until you're 30 and then go get a job that affords you your own apt, car, food etc and now you're somehow the responsibility of your employer. Don't you see how someone else would think that that's stupid as shit?
I don't have too much empathy for people who chose mcdonalds as their career choice. You think it's unfair that someone who works at mcdonalds 40 hours a week has to struggle to pay bills when someone else works 40 hours a week somewhere else and has excess. I think it's the complete opposite. It's the definition of fairness. Your rewards in life are directly proportional to the effort for you put in. If you do nothing you have nothing. Seems pretty simple.

Fine, but if that's what you CHOSE to do don't bitch about the low wages. It's common knowledge burger flippers make the least, so common in fact we're using it now. Nobody's forcing anybody to flip burgers.
Nobody really chooses to work at McDonalds. I'm betting most of the people that work there do so because they have no other option. Either they are young and don't have any experience, or no one else was accepting applications. I'd rather work at McDonalds than starve. But, the pay is shit. When is the last time you had to try and live on minimum wage? Not survive. Actually live. I.E - having enough cash to make necessary purchases like work clothes, food, gas money, rent etc. It's almost impossible to do that sort of thing right now.