Would you rather?

5k x 21...I'm in ;)
every woman wishes they could be young forever, its the only time in their whole life they can sit on their ass and have everything handed to them and get whatever they want by doing nothing. to bad a woman is only good for such a short amount of time. men get better with age i thank god every day i was born a man
Would you rather go to the er with an ice cream scoop shoved up your ass needing it removed,

or have to watch the movie What Dreams May Come once a day every day for a year and a day?
5 penises. Somebody will pay me a lot of money to make porno. Probably the them Japanese.

Deaf or lose your sense of taste and smell?

I'd rather lose taste and smell, can you imagine not having those? You'd only eat for health, and you'd be very fit. Would you rather take the journey to Mars, or go to prison for 3 years?
Teeth for hair. would be hard to eat with hair.

Would you rather blow a guy with a curved up peener or a curved down peener.

Are they identical other than pointing up or down? I'd probably go for curved down.

Would you rather have tiny T-rex arms or feet a yard long?
I'd rather lose taste and smell, can you imagine not having those? You'd only eat for health, and you'd be very fit. Would you rather take the journey to Mars, or go to prison for 3 years?
Prison. They have tv and people. Crossword puzzles and shit. Unless the shuttle was huge and had sex/chef robots for everyone.

Would you rather have a sex robot or a chef robot.
ny yTiny trex
Are they identical other than pointing up or down? I'd probably go for curved down.

Would you rather have tiny T-rex arms or feet a yard long?
Tiny trex arms. Huge feet would make traveling impossible.

Would you rather get shot in the hand or the kneecap.