More people need to grow them some food...

I waited until I was 13 to drive. I got caught by my dad, he wasn't too thrilled. Problem solved in house, no nanny state needed.

Later that year I had sex, consensually too, with a girl that was older than me, was she a rapist ?

By your logic strangers own you and your children. Which time should nanny impose bedtime on your kids?

I'm okay if you want to give away your right of self ownership, that's your business, please don't forcibly impose that on others though okay?
So if a kid was pointing a gun at someone.
No big deal as long as he wasn't pointing a gun at you?
You get more moronic every second
I planted my broccoli too late. It grew 4 feet tall and flowered before it ever had a chance to develop thick heads. I could replant right now for a nice fall crop though. I just have to mow it all down and start over.

I've been pulling squash for weeks now and it's delicious. Been giving away a lot of excess I grew. Gonna have a few truck loads of tomatoes and peppers as well.
I planted my broccoli too late. It grew 4 feet tall and flowered before it ever had a chance to develop thick heads. I could replant right now for a nice fall crop though. I just have to mow it all down and start over.

I've been pulling squash for weeks now and it's delicious. Been giving away a lot of excess I grew. Gonna have a few truck loads of tomatoes and peppers as well.
Is that what happened? Our broccoli is just big leaves. No heads at all
Sure. I like to sprinkle cannabis on my corn flakes, the Federal dicks frown on growing it. Did you know that hemp seeds aren't just for birds?

Also, it should be obvious to even the dullest members of this forum that restrictive zoning, licensure and regulatory overreach punishes people in lots of cases for attempting to raise their own food.

since you call zoning laws rape, i'm, sure you won't mind me burning tires right next to your vegetable garden, right?
Except your diversion from the topic is absurd. We were talking specifically about Chesus model wherein he would pass a law making consensual trade in cannabis illegal. Obviously people have and would continue to be jailed under plans like he proposes.

it's illegal for me to raise chickens here at my house and no one is gonna arrest me for it or jail me for it.

you're dumb if you can't grasp this incredibly simple concept.
Is that what happened? Our broccoli is just big leaves. No heads at all

should do well as it cools off then. our weather was erratic here, sometimes hot and sometimes cool (for weeks). half of mine bolted and went to flower and the other half got nice heads on it. just chopped it down and chucked it into the compost pile yesterday.

you'll get some nice heads as it starts to cool.
it's illegal for me to raise chickens here at my house and no one is gonna arrest me for it or jail me for it.

you're dumb if you can't grasp this incredibly simple concept.

I bet you all those hens get lonely without a rooster. Just how close are you to the flock mac daddy?
i have a quarter acre which i am farming to the max, its harvests will not put much of a dent in my food bill.

Stop leaving your fertilizer on the floor at Wendy's and start composting it, your yields will gradually increase from pathetic to fair, "farmer".
tell me how often you think about having sex with your chickens.

Cock a doodle doo!

it's illegal for me to raise chickens here at my house and no one is gonna arrest me for it or jail me for it.

you're dumb if you can't grasp this incredibly simple concept.

But aren't you perturbed that it's illegal? The cops could come get your chickens.
Stop leaving your fertilizer on the floor at Wendy's and start composting it, your yields will gradually increase from pathetic to fair, "farmer".


tell us again about how you were sexually molested as a 13 year old.

a traumatic event like that really does explain why you are stuck in a juvenile, retarded mindset, despite being a decrepit 80 year old senile racist.
So if a kid was pointing a gun at someone.
No big deal as long as he wasn't pointing a gun at you?
You get more moronic every second

Nice story that you've concocted. You even came to an irrational conclusion without seeking my opinion, gee that's surprising <sarcasm>

If a person is pointing a gun at somebody, are the circumstances known?

Moronic, you say? Like trying to defend a prohibitionist law proposal like you did so well? <more sarcasm>

tell us again about how you were sexually molested as a 13 year old.

a traumatic event like that really does explain why you are stuck in a juvenile, retarded mindset, despite being a decrepit 80 year old senile racist.

Nice garden... for an amateur.

No I wasn't molested, it was the best 3 seconds of my life up until that point. She had a couple of years on me and some bodacious tata's.

I will ignore your ignorant insults. Please try harder.
Nice garden... for an amateur.

No I wasn't molested, it was the best 3 seconds of my life up until that point. She had a couple of years on me and some bodacious tata's.

I will ignore your ignorant insults. Please try harder.

you were sexually molested as a 13 year old child. that explains a lot.

my garden is much better than your garden. i didn't even include the raised beds in that shot, or the orchard, or the berry farm, or the greenhouse (soon to be greenhouses).

i own you, you are my slave.