More people need to grow them some food...

Children should not be jailed, abused or killed by government. Government doesn't own children. Until kids are autonomous, weed should be a private matter between them and their parents etc.

You never answered my question if you think the default position on weed should be self ownership or permission from government?

I'm not surprised that you hold the slave mindset and have ignored the question. Break your chains, they rattle when you drag them around.
wait so you think a child should be able to smoke weed if the parent said it is alright ?
right now at this very minute we have laws that would give you a felony for growing a plant in some states. Chesus and the DC model stops that.

Shoving a cork up your ass would stop you from shitting yourself, but it causes other problems.

Chesus' model in play...

Almost, but still fail
What, so if you have more kids, you don't think you should receive more food stamps if you're in the same economic situation? 47% of SNAP recipients are kids, so you would be harming them if that wasn't there. SNAP eligibility is based on household family income, so if you make 130% of the poverty line or less, you qualify. 47 million Americans (14%) are receiving food stamps, what's that tell you about wages? That means 47 million Americans are making ≤ $14,300..

"SNAP expects families receiving benefits to spend 30 percent of their net income on food. Families with no net income receive the maximum benefit, which equals the cost of the Department of Agriculture's Thrifty Food Plan (a diet plan intended to provide adequate nutrition at a minimal cost). For all other households, the monthly SNAP benefit equals the maximum benefit for that household size minus the household's expected contribution.

Table 1 shows the maximum SNAP benefit levels in fiscal year 2015 for households of different sizes. Take as an example a family of three: if that family had no income, it would receive the maximum benefit of $511 per month; if it had $600 in net monthly income, it would receive the maximum benefit ($511) minus 30 percent of its net income (30 percent of $600 is $180), or $331. On average, SNAP households currently receive about $256 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $125 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal."


Do you believe that's too much, $1.40 per meal?? Do you think someone spending $1.40 per meal is buying fucking caviar??

At what point do you plan a child while being so poor as to be on SNAP ? They are counting on the fact that another child increases the benefits,...

What should be said about a family that started SNAP program with one child six years ago and now has four with increased benefits ?

Start with Kids need home, food, clothes, and health care, comes later.....!2 days a year community service and one full 8hr period of work`re in.....

You are so concentrated on excusing and trying to accuse that you do not see the issues that are real-time happening now.....

Last question, How about not having more kids on SNAP program, Is that too much to ask ?
So you are admitting that part of the plan you have includes some level of jail time for cannabis related activity?

there are lots of things that are illegal to do which i would never go to jail for doing.

your argument is so fucking weak, you should probably just move on to talking about how pedophilia is consensual but everything else is rape.
There are pages of laws on the books in Colorado for legally selling weed.

and yet the cops don't even care unless you are growing a warehouse illegally.

no one is going to jail here for selling even moderate to large amounts of weed. it would take over 100 pounds for them to even bother.
At what point do you plan a child while being so poor as to be on SNAP ? They are counting on the fact that another child increases the benefits,...
Most kids aren't planned whether the parents receive government assistance or not

What evidence do you have that shows people have kids to increase the amount of money they get from the government? Seems like that would be pretty difficult to prove..

It sounds like you're basing another one of your beliefs off of right wing propaganda. Poor people tend to have more kids than well off people because they go to poor schools, live in poor neighborhoods, have absent parents because they're working more than one job, receive poor sexual education or none at all because of conservative politicians who believe in an abstinence only policy, use drugs, don't use protection, etc. So in other words, poorer people have more kids because of the consequences that come with being poor, not because they want $140 extra per month from the government... That's why helping these people helps everyone else in the long run

What should be said about a family that started SNAP program with one child six years ago and now has four with increased benefits ?
OK, lets take this to its logical conclusion... You want to ban having kids for people using government assistance

Very conservative, small government of you


Last question, How about not having more kids on SNAP program, Is that too much to ask ?
Why is it you care so much about things like the SNAP program that help the poorest individuals in society but never mention the tens of millions individual bankers walked away with on top of their salaries after the financial crisis? Or the billions that went "missing" during the Iraq war? Or the billions that go to weapons manufacturers and private contractors to build and fight our wars while the American soldiers get a fraction of what their counterparts in private companies make? Or the billions in subsidies and tax breaks that go to multinational corporations?
and yet the cops don't even care unless you are growing a warehouse illegally.

no one is going to jail here for selling even moderate to large amounts of weed. it would take over 100 pounds for them to even bother.
They dont care in DC anymore either. They call the new law the dealer protection act.
wait so you think a child should be able to smoke weed if the parent said it is alright ?

Who should have higher authority over your children, you or a group of strangers that call themselves your leaders with or without your consent?
there are lots of things that are illegal to do which i would never go to jail for doing.

your argument is so fucking weak, you should probably just move on to talking about how pedophilia is consensual but everything else is rape.

Sometimes you are slightly amusing, sometimes you are not.
It's like when people don't have enough money to buy food, they rely on government subsidies

And yet, the people most vocal about the high number of food stamp recipients are also the most opposed to raising the minimum wage..

One or the other, you can bitch about too many people on food stamps or you can bitch about raising the minimum wage. What you don't get to do is bitch about both

If more people raise their own food, (or were "allowed to") is that a bad thing or a good thing?
When are people not allowed to grow food. Can you give examples?

Sure. I like to sprinkle cannabis on my corn flakes, the Federal dicks frown on growing it. Did you know that hemp seeds aren't just for birds?

Also, it should be obvious to even the dullest members of this forum that restrictive zoning, licensure and regulatory overreach punishes people in lots of cases for attempting to raise their own food.
there are lots of things that are illegal to do which i would never go to jail for doing.

your argument is so fucking weak, you should probably just move on to talking about how pedophilia is consensual but everything else is rape.

Except your diversion from the topic is absurd. We were talking specifically about Chesus model wherein he would pass a law making consensual trade in cannabis illegal. Obviously people have and would continue to be jailed under plans like he proposes.

Your defense of his hypocrisy is not surprising though.

Why do you think it is a good idea for people to be jailed for trading in a consensual way?
Who should have higher authority over your children, you or a group of strangers that call themselves your leaders with or without your consent?
Depends if you are a bad parent. By your logic a mother can let her child do cocaine and stay up all night if she chooses.
If you saw a parent letting her 12 year old drink, smoke weed, and drive, what would you do ?
Depends if you are a bad parent. By your logic a mother can let her child do cocaine and stay up all night if she chooses.
If you saw a parent letting her 12 year old drink, smoke weed, and drive, what would you do ?

I waited until I was 13 to drive. I got caught by my dad, he wasn't too thrilled. Problem solved in house, no nanny state needed.

Later that year I had sex, consensually too, with a girl that was older than me, was she a rapist ?

By your logic strangers own you and your children. Which time should nanny impose bedtime on your kids?

I'm okay if you want to give away your right of self ownership, that's your business, please don't forcibly impose that on others though okay?
I waited until I was 13 to drive. I got caught by my dad, he wasn't too thrilled. Problem solved in house, no nanny state needed.

Later that year I had sex, consensually too, with a girl that was older than me, was she a rapist ?

By your logic strangers own you and your children. Which time should nanny impose bedtime on your kids?

I'm okay if you want to give away your right of self ownership, that's your business, please don't forcibly impose that on others though okay?
you type a lot of BS, but you did not answer the question. Lets try again
If you saw a parent allowing her 12 year old to drink , smoke weed, and then drive, what would you do ?
you type a lot of BS, but you did not answer the question. Lets try again
If you saw a parent allowing her 12 year old to drink , smoke weed, and then drive, what would you do ?

It all depends, I'd need to know a bit more about the circumstances.

If you saw an obese person slurping down a triple cheeseburger at Wendy's and then waddle outside and light a cigarette what would you do?
It all depends, I'd need to know a bit more about the circumstances.

If you saw an obese person slurping down a triple cheeseburger at Wendy's and then waddle outside and light a cigarette what would you do?
Is this person grown ?
and what more do you need to know about the circumstances
Shoving a cork up your ass would stop you from shitting yourself, but it causes other problems.

Chesus' model in play...

Almost, but still fail
actually. This is the way My idea works

The dealer — who, like others interviewed, spoke on the condition of anonymity because what they do remains illegal — said he has used that same in-plain-sight sales pitch at similarly upscale D.C. settings, collecting three new buyers and a pair of new suppliers. The new business is all thanks to the quirks of the District’s legalization, which has boosted the appetite for marijuana as more people become comfortable acquiring it through the black market.
“It’s the dealer-protection act of 2015,” he said. “This was a license for me to print money.”
Who is responsible for this unintended consequence depends on whom you ask.
In November, Washington voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative that made it legal to possess and grow marijuana, but the following month, Congress enacted a spending prohibition that barred the city from creating a system through which pot could be lawfully bought, sold and taxed.