How much have you eaten at one sitting?
The most. Beer and soft drinks included.
I don't think my most would compare to some but I have eaten:
A McGangbang meal, large fries and fruitopia. Probably took me over 2 hours to eat it all though, with a break. But (with mayo added) is a whopping :
3000 calories. Ish.
Also eaten a medium stuffed crust pizza with dipping sauce AND a dessert pizza. Although that took a whole day, with many breaks.
5300 calories ish.
Those were the most that I can ram down there at one time.
And YOU? What's the most you ever shoved in there at once?
I got food poisoning twice from pondarosa.
^^^^^Pro TipI'm regular weight and I ate $18 worth of food at jack in the box
a few years back. Another few times I would go to the all you can eat joints and I would eat 4 big plates
stacked with food then 4 desserts and a few sodas. After each plate I would stand and
jump up in the air a few times and land hard to pack the food in better that I swallowed and this helped me pack in more. BBQ's I would eat 5 1/2 pound burgers plus the sides in one sitting and bigger friends could not match this eating only 3-4 plus sides.
I was just thinking of that movie.