Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK


Well-Known Member
Im so mad... She made it sound like she got burnt (with my money) but her story dont add up. I ask the kids name and she tells me, but then she says he dont have a facebook. I ask for his number and he dont have a phone. She thinks im stupid, but she swears she is gunna make it right. I didn't even call her out on it yet.
Im so mad... She made it sound like she got burnt (with my money) but her story dont add up. I ask the kids name and she tells me, but then she says he dont have a facebook. I ask for his number and he dont have a phone. She thinks im stupid, but she swears she is gunna make it right. I didn't even call her out on it yet.
Don't front your shit.
I didnt. I let my money walk. (Same thing i guess)

She had to go for a drive to get it. I could have went but i opted not to. She has made this trip for me at least 100 times.

After an hour i call her... no answer

5 mins later i get a txt from a weird number telling me it was her anf she let the dude hold her phone and she told me he wont answer. I call the phone and a guy answers and tells me to tell her she is burnt and that he is leaving the phone behind a trash can at walgreens.
Im so mad... She made it sound like she got burnt (with my money) but her story dont add up. I ask the kids name and she tells me, but then she says he dont have a facebook. I ask for his number and he dont have a phone. She thinks im stupid, but she swears she is gunna make it right. I didn't even call her out on it yet.
I don't understand what do you mean "burnt" please explain someone.
I just asked her how she gets in touch with a guy who has no phone or Facebook. She said she will send me his number, but its one of those free wifi txt apps
Well, she still hasnt sent me "Josh's" number. Not sure how to handle this.

It's a scary thing. It will get bad when you can't support the habit anymore

I has been bad in the past. I started getting high when i was pretty young. I been through some crazy shit. It got to the point where i now only fuck with 3 people (2 now unless this bitch can lead me to this guy) most of my problems were caused by shady sources, or dry spells when a major bust happened somewhere. I used to deal but i realized it wasn't worth it with a habit.

Drugs are bad mmmkay
Well, she still hasnt sent me "Josh's" number. Not sure how to handle this.

I has been bad in the past. I started getting high when i was pretty young. I been through some crazy shit. It got to the point where i now only fuck with 3 people (2 now unless this bitch can lead me to this guy) most of my problems were caused by shady sources, or dry spells when a major bust happened somewhere. I used to deal but i realized it wasn't worth it with a habit.

Drugs are bad mmmkay

Drugs are bad the people who deal them are worse
Drugs are bad the people who deal them are worse

I used to be lucky enough to know a guy who actually used to smuggle drugs for someone else. He mainly would just drive the boat, but he got paid in drugs. He sold em, but he was always trustworthy. He was only around from time to time but he woul always call me when he came in to town and even if i didnt have a dime to my name he would come by and drop something off to me. It was cool because he sold by weight and not already bagged shit, and it was cheaper and 5× better than average street quality around here. 100$ gets you a bundle (10 bags with each being roughly 1/10th of a gram but no one weighs that shit lol) or 75$ a gram of what he had that was always higher than what you paid for, and he would come to me weather it was a for 1g or 15g. Not all are bad.... Just the VAST majority.