Donald Trump

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The individual state DMV can handle millions of people getting drivers licenses. USCIS struggles handling hundreds. They're incompetent. An embarrassment and a huge waste of tax payer money. Open borders would eliminate the need for a USCIS.

The DMV deals with the established,...the USCIS does not, can`t even compare the two,...try ....they are coming in too fast,`ll see it fits.
This is a combination of paranoia and hatred. There is no risk of flooding. Everyone benefits when people are allowed to move and trade freely.

It`s not paranoia, or hatred, it`s confusion. I`m confused as to why the families in the US don`t go to see them,...or why the families left them there to begin with. We`ll talk about your bravery later when our enemies are walking in through the open and unchecked doors. Why they are coming is the root cause to overcrowding the USCIS.
It`s not paranoia, or hatred, it`s confusion. ... We`ll talk about your bravery later when our enemies are walking in through the open and unchecked doors. Why they are coming is the root cause to overcrowding the USCIS.

You are extremely paranoid.

WE do have them you know ? Are you the type to take your eye off your enemies or run away ?

Don`t use that 250 years ago crap on me, wont budge. An immigrant`s biggest issue is all the paperwork backlogged by sheer number of entrees, not that "We" wont take them.

ISIS is coming to take our food stamps?
No. ISIS is controllable,...20 million on the run, that`s a whole different animal. Weighs more too.

Well prepare to lose the white house, and both the house and senate. Next time prioritize what's important and pick sane candidates so you can push issues that actually mean something, like economic or fiscal issues. Republicans don't stand a chance of winning the general elections with this as the primary issue.
Well prepare to lose the white house, and both the house and senate. Next time prioritize what's important and pick sane candidates so you can push issues that actually mean something, like economic or fiscal issues. Republicans don't stand a chance of winning the general elections with this as the primary issue.

Until Trump came around, we couldn`t pick a candidate. There is a Republican Convention and a Democratic Convention that plays the puppet the string holders move around. Donald don`t wear a hairpiece, raised his hand and don`t have strings attached. The others couldn`t raise their hands, they knew what those would do, so they asked to find out what that stranger Trump was gonna do. Then the chick went and tried to play Donald as a rude pimp. You State you want to support one of the two gangs that have been pulling strings. You said you will vote Democrat.

I`m not going same`ole ..same`ole, this time around because I`m one of many that know Rosie is fat and a slob.
Republicans with extreme views on immigration should keep in mind that they're turning away a lot of people who might otherwise lean fiscally conservative, but will not bend on such extreme attacks on immigration. I will definitely vote democrat this cycle, for president and for all open seats as I consider this a more important issue than any fiscal issues.
I bet even African American will vote conservative.
You can say this easily because you've never had to live in a hopeless country. You've never had a family member you wanted to visit, but you couldn't. You're just incapable of understanding these things, and this is why I think you're a monster and why I will vote democrat this cycle. The republican candidates are insane for making this their number one issue. They don't have my support .
I understand why Mexican would want to flee from Mexico. I don't blame them and I would too. But don't get mad because I want to lock my doors and you can't get in. That's life, it's not fair at all.
How much money do they make on average per year? Isn't there a minimum amount before one pays?
Do they avoid sales taxes, too?
I only ask because you are wandering into hypotheses without a demonstrably valid perspective upon which to base them.
In construction, take roofing for example. I have seen illegals bring home 1k a week under the table. That's not enough? Then you have people here that we know nothing about. They commit a crime and where do we find them? They can just wander back into Mexico. The thought of an open border is scary as shit.
Donald Trump is like a bull in a china shop. He's the republican party's worst nightmare. He's so divisive. He's insulted all women, latino voters, the very voters they need to court in order to defeat Hillary. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot..:roll:
I agree but maybe our votes won't matter? I don't see Hilary taking it.
Haha ok , I'm going to need waders to get through all this denial. Think about this though, in tons of other countries people are thinking the exact same thing but about people like you. I'm white and I grew up in china and guess what people are racist as fuck, its all the same everyone wants to feel like they are better than everyone who doesn't look like them, you never realise how dumb the shit really is until you are on the receiving end, and for just the same reason as everybody else in that situation, namely no reason at all. It's ok though for the most part its kinda funny seeing how ridiculous the conclusions people come up with about you are just for being whatever race, for example apparently white people all smell like a combination of cheese and dead people and were all ridiculously gullible and incapable of getting things done... they also find it hilarious that we have to turn our faces when we make out because otherwise our noses will hit but that's besides the point. But when it interferes with getting work and stuff then that's a real problem and also it's just stupid to be wasting all the potential that the migrants have as in there is no way to really logically justify it its just sorta never talked about or just considered minimal as if they were all somehow useless back home.

And to that I'd say wtf does the law have to do with morals as in whether its ok or not? There's a difference between whats legal/illegal and whats socially acceptable and I dont know about you guys but I don't have anything against somebody who's willing to work hard to get their family out of a difficult situation coming to my country. If you're trying to go with the whole idea of it's bad because it's illegal and thats what makes it bad then you picked an odd website to do it on...

Yes I have thought about that and no it's not the laws of mexico, the U.S just makes things ridiculously difficult for immigrants. Obviously no you shouldnt expect to be living in your neighbors house but what you're doing there is called reductio ad absurdum, I'm not even going to bother talking about that.

Would you really chance it trying to change a whole country when your kids are growing up in a neighborhood where people are literally getting murdered for things they have no control over?

And I would be too if the all the locals were all treating me like I was an outsider and like I didn't deserve to be there

And with that im done it was actually hard to keep up with the amount of random ranting that you went through there so imna take a lil chill break to smoke and watch some tv. Please try to actually see it as if it was a situation that you could have been in too though because believe it or not there are people like you dealing with it in other places.

Whether or not non USA citizens are entitled to US rights and privileges are beside the point. The biggest problem with Mexico I s two fold: No death penalty, and no Second Amendment equivalent. Cartels are free to do whatever without worrying that what they will do will either get them on death row or shot by a law abiding citizen defending him or herself. The gun club/single gun store policy isn't even a shadow of freedom.
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