Scott Walker...F##K Yeah


Well-Known Member
He is done. My hope was he would last long enough for people to actually hear is views. Only reason he won reelection was He outspent his opponent 3/1 with out of state money.
And Mary Burke his opponent was completely unknown and she ran a campaign where that didn't change. Most people who voted for her didn't know what she stood for, many didn't even know her name except she wasn't Scott Walker
Add in Voter suppression and fatigue
Walker walked in.
Watch what happens this next election. Different story. Our state is dying under Walker
Well, we will all see what transpires in the fullness of time.
Walker may very well walk in to office again...then what?


Well-Known Member
Besides, Walker, here is what kooky Uncle Joe Biden has to say...
“I’m prepared to accept that at the moment of conception there’s human life and being, but I’m not prepared to say that to other God-fearing [and] non-God-fearing people that have a different view,” he said during an interview published by America, a Jesuit-run outlet, on Monday. “Abortion is always wrong,” Biden continued. “All the principles of my faith, [which] I make no excuse for attempting to live up to — I don’t all the time. But I’m not prepared to impose doctrine that I’m prepared to accept on the rest of [the country].”

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Well-Known Member
Besides, Walker, here is what kooky Uncle Joe Biden has to say...
“I’m prepared to accept that at the moment of conception there’s human life and being, but I’m not prepared to say that to other God-fearing [and] non-God-fearing people that have a different view,” he said during an interview published by America, a Jesuit-run outlet, on Monday. “Abortion is always wrong,” Biden continued. “All the principles of my faith, [which] I make no excuse for attempting to live up to — I don’t all the time. But I’m not prepared to impose doctrine that I’m prepared to accept on the rest of [the country].”

And what's wrong with what be said?


Well-Known Member

Guy's a freaking rock star. Beats down the libs and their union machine time after time in a state that's undeniably blue. Takes everything they throw at him and just keeps "WINNING".

The fact the MSM and the lefties hate him is all the more reason to like him. They're scared of him and his controversial success in their backyard, as they should be.


Well-Known Member
And what's wrong with what be said?
I am not saying that there is anything "wrong" with what he said...I am simply curious as to how this statement will play out among those Dem voters who are desperately seeking a Hillary replacement...
we will all have to stay tuned...Dem debates Oct 13th...yeah baby.

BTW, do you agree with Biden's statement?