does this meet the definition of irony?


Well-Known Member
It is my good fortune to live within sight of a farm supply store, it's literally a 30 second walk from my place. This past year, I'm guessing in large part due to Oregon's legalization, the traditionally conservative store owners have installed a respectable horticultural section to their store. Nutrients, soil, pesticides, amendments, etc, all the goodies you need for outdoor growing. They even have a large display of used grow lights, hoods, ballasts and bulbs right when you walk in. By all appearances, they're supportive of cannabis, or at least scrambling to stay afloat by adapting to the public's perceived need.

The other day, I heard they were looking for a little help, once a week. I went in and spoke with the owner and was told indeed, they need somebody for about four hours a week. Hardly a career for me, but a nice fit at the moment. Then I talked to the manager, and was told that to work there, I'd have to pee in a cup first! Really!? Let me get this straight - weed is now legal here, the store is selling products to enable weed growers, they will benefit from having somebody who understands growing - but I can't have THC in my system? Surreal!

I want the job, but I don't see not smoking for it, it's not like its a 6 figure salary worth cleaning up for.
Some years back we had a dude that worked here who was a real problem & the owner confided in me (I'm the foreman) that we were going to have a urinalysis as it was obvious this particular guy couldn't pass.

Boss: Here's what we're gonna do, so can you pass the test?
Me: Not a chance, I don't smoke @ work, but I do on my own time.

And *Poof* - no test. :cool:
That's nuts and it makes no sense Pee test to work at a grow shop damn if they did that with any regularity in my neck of the woods we wouldn't have any grow shop workers.......or gas station clerks ,police man ,doctors, lol lol I want my knowledge to come from someone who's passionate about what I'm doing .....good luck
Fuck, y'all want irony?! I have a felony for...growing weed. So according to the rules as written, I can't get a badge to work in an MMJ grow facility because of my criminal history. Ever.

Now just how fucked up is THAT?!
That's job experience .....that's irony lol wtf
Sounds like you've learned your lesson jk. Good for you

You can't get a felony for what I did in Colorado anymore. That's because what I did was harmless to society; I grew a medicinal plant in the privacy of my own home.

That's NOT a crime! The crime is putting people in jail for it!

By way of supporting evidence for that assertion, my 'criminal' record has in fact transformed itself from a scarlet letter of social disreputability into the battle scar of a freedom fighter.

I've been fighting the good fight since before 1991, that's what it says now.
Hmu. I have never claimed to be a growing guru but nobody has ever really complained. I would think that my very average skill level might be what you are looking for to test. :mrgreen:

It's designed for commercial facilities, so I didn't try very hard to make it fit in bedroom size spaces... you'll need some elbow room... to make elbows. Nyuk, nyuk...
You can't get a felony for what I did in Colorado anymore. That's because what I did was harmless to society; I grew a medicinal plant in the privacy of my own home.

That's NOT a crime! The crime is putting people in jail for it!

By way of supporting evidence for that assertion, my 'criminal' record has in fact transformed itself from a scarlet letter of social disreputability into the battle scar of a freedom fighter.

I've been fighting the good fight since before 1991, that's what it says now.
+ Rep
Now THAT is irony! Frankly you shouldn't be allowed to get a grow job UNLESS you have a felony for growing.