They need to *THINK* about it. It PROVES you were growing and are not just a fly by night newbie who will smoke all of what they grow.It should at least get me to the front of the fuckin' line, right?!
They need to *THINK* about it. It PROVES you were growing and are not just a fly by night newbie who will smoke all of what they grow.It should at least get me to the front of the fuckin' line, right?!
Well I appreciate you fighting for all of our passion my friend and I feel the same way I will stand by medical cannabas no matter what my older sister with cerebal palsy was having seizures daily and couldn't get out because of pain I took her to several specialists who couldn't get shit done ......medical cannabas stopped her seizures and now she's walking married living in her own apartment I built on my land for her anyone who fights for the cause is a hero IMO thanks again pal ......I now grow for only the severely handicap and cancer patients who can't grow themselves but need good medcanYou can't get a felony for what I did in Colorado anymore. That's because what I did was harmless to society; I grew a medicinal plant in the privacy of my own home.
That's NOT a crime! The crime is putting people in jail for it!
By way of supporting evidence for that assertion, my 'criminal' record has in fact transformed itself from a scarlet letter of social disreputability into the battle scar of a freedom fighter.
I've been fighting the good fight since before 1991, that's what it says now.
I want the job, but I don't see not smoking for it, it's not like its a 6 figure salary worth cleaning up for.
The other day, I heard they were looking for a little help, once a week. I went in and spoke with the owner and was told indeed, they need somebody for about four hours a week. Hardly a career for me, but a nice fit at the moment. Then I talked to the manager, and was told that to work there, I'd have to pee in a cup first!
I want the job, but I don't see not smoking for it, it's not like its a 6 figure salary worth cleaning up for.
How did you get caught? If you dont mind me asking.Shit, y'all want irony?! I have a felony for...growing weed. So according to the rules as written, I can't get a badge to work in an MMJ grow facility because of my criminal history. Ever.
Now just how fucked up is THAT?!
Nah mate irony is applying for a job at peta and them dong a test on you to figure out if theres animal protein in your system.
How did you get caught? If you dont mind me asking.
Honestly you fucking americans are starting to piss me the fuckoff please.
You really think your govenerent would partially make a previously illegal drug legally acceptable and just l;et people consume it without any consequences?!
Man please ffs have alittle look at history:
Cannabis became legal through the ''medicinal'' side of the plant (in brackets not for sarcasm, too many plants have medicinal benefits and were not discussing those), and in fact most of the people who fought to have prop 215 passed are infact DEAD!!!! Ye mate fucking dead!
Pewople have died for your right to have a joint pass it round and comment on ''how fucked up the world is mien'' people who have seriously benefitted from an UNTAXED UNREGULATED DRUG!
Why do you thinmk theres such a fuss over it? really man come on? Yes your government hasnt been reaping millions upon millions on tax revenue for 100 years.
Theyre doing that cause their pissed off their opwn people can now have a little back pain or a fucked up finger go to a doctor and get a precription for "medicinal" marijuana.
My advice is get a couple of mates find where that piece of shit of a boss lives lock him is while sleeping, hot box his whole houyse and call his insurtance company on suspicions of drug dealings at the place of work.
Fuck everyone literally
Do you think you know what you are talking about?
What consequences?
I have never done that.
How did they die?
What are they doing? I'm not sure you understand the hows and whys of cannabis taxation and how it varies greatly.
Medicinal marijuana is not prescribed. Plants can not be prescribed.
I can got to a store and buy weed with or with out a medical marijuana card.
bend over and get ready for my freedom boner.
I have animal protein in my carrot.If the op doesn't have any animal protein in his system then he's a fkn carrot.