does this meet the definition of irony?

We used to call those "safety meetings."
One time I called a safety meeting and a newer girl followed us.
I thought she knew what was up. She was confused when we all went out the back.
"You have safety meetings outside?"
Every one starts laughing and packing bowls.
I sent her over to another restaurant to get a "grill stretcher" lol.
In my young and earnest years I was sent for Sky Hooks!
In my young and earnest years I was sent for Sky Hooks!

A bucket of prop wash.

The keys to Davy Jones's locker.

A tube of relative bearing grease.

A standard on the ship (prior to anti hazing laws) was to wrap the new kid in tin foil, give him a radio, stand him out on the focsle & have him walk/spin around while the "Radar was calibrated".
It's not a quick process & usually performed when in dry-dock with other military ships. :D
A bucket of prop wash.

The keys to Davy Jones's locker.

A tube of relative bearing grease.

A standard on the ship (prior to anti hazing laws) was to wrap the new kid in tin foil, give him a radio, stand him out on the focsle & have him walk/spin around while the "Radar was calibrated".
It's not a quick process & usually performed when in dry-dock with other military ships. :D
Calibrate the RADAR now that is rich!
I think employers just don't want drug users to be working for them
And I don't see a problem with that

If I owned a business I wouldn't want someone with meth cocaine and heroin in their system working for me

Big corporations do not want to be tied to people who are apart of something's that's controversial such as Walmart it isn't in their company mandate to want an employee like that and that's their right to say no to someone

Industrial companies don't want drug users because of insurance
Someone working heavy duty equipment involved in an accident in say a steel mill who's positive for drugs is going to cause a lot of issues for that company And while those drugs may have been done previous night who's to say it didn't impact their ability to work a machine properly and now someone is injuries and a company has to pay out

Usually much more to this drug testing and work policies than "you smoke weed you bad hippy you "

Voice of reason.
A bucket of prop wash.

The keys to Davy Jones's locker.

A tube of relative bearing grease.

A standard on the ship (prior to anti hazing laws) was to wrap the new kid in tin foil, give him a radio, stand him out on the focsle & have him walk/spin around while the "Radar was calibrated".
It's not a quick process & usually performed when in dry-dock with other military ships. :D

I remember those days. I once stood in line in the ships store for a pair of sea legs.
I told the gir l was going to make some split pea soup and I needed a pea splitter.
The manager of that place saw me at a different bar and told me to "quit fucking with that dumb girl."
Drug testing is pointless.

I retract that statement. I would drug test to. I guess if someone is not smart enough to do drugs and pass the test I don't need them working for me.
Drug testing is pointless.

I retract that statement. I would drug test to. I guess if someone is not smart enough to do drugs and pass the test I don't need them working for me.
Lol, true. But at the same time do you want someone being too smart to work for you that can cheat systems? Your system? (Hypothetically if you were the hiring official)
Lol, true. But at the same time do you want someone being too smart to work for you that can cheat systems? Your system? (Hypothetically if you were the hiring official)

It is what it is. I don't smoke if I got something important or dangerous to do.

I probably wouldn't have a system. I wouldnt test if wasn't required. If it was I would probably inform the employees I liked.