Shotgun injury.

i did the some thing the same ...broke that bone young did not wear the brace it healed wrong ......u can get it fixed but it requires them to rebreak it and u to wear the dang brace

1600fps kicks hard huh
here i know of this

fucking love this one ......shoot using that and the magnums feel like a 9mm
Does that have the shock in it? I was looking at some stocks that pro skeet shooters use. They have spring loaded shocks in them.
Actually I added a pound and half to the gun and I shoot from the peck. Idk. It was a slip up. I thought I had a good grip. Muscle memory and all. I've been looking at some heavier automatics. They use the recoil to cycle the action. That combined with the extra weight softens the kick.

I looked at a bull pup 12gauge pump. It has two magazine tubes and hold 14 shells. With the extensions it would hold 20. Buck shot on the left, slugs on the right.
what is the best load for maximum damage in a 3" magnum? I don't really hunt, my dad was a country boy and kept them around so, I kinda just like guns. I keep it and a crossbow just in case Armageddon comes cause if it does, I'll learn how to hunt for sure. I ain't giving up meat! lol. Dad had a Browning Sweet 16 auto. It was an awesome looking gun. Unfortunately after he passed my bro got. Probably ended up in a pawn shop or traded for dope. He also had a Marlin 22. The standard one I am gonna get one of them too someday. My Win 1300 has a long ass barrel. I've only shot it a couple times. Had it well over a decade for sure. I figure with the crossbow I can make my own ammo. It's a standard 180 pounder. So probably have to use really hard wood like bodark with it. At least that's the plan, yet I don't think I'll ever need to.
what is the best load for maximum damage in a 3" magnum? I don't really hunt, my dad was a country boy and kept them around so, I kinda just like guns. I keep it and a crossbow just in case Armageddon comes cause if it does, I'll learn how to hunt for sure. I ain't giving up meat! lol. Dad had a Browning Sweet 16 auto. It was an awesome looking gun. Unfortunately after he passed my bro got. Probably ended up in a pawn shop or traded for dope. He also had a Marlin 22. The standard one I am gonna get one of them too someday. My Win 1300 has a long ass barrel. I've only shot it a couple times. Had it well over a decade for sure. I figure with the crossbow I can make my own ammo. It's a standard 180 pounder. So probably have to use really hard wood like bodark with it. At least that's the plan, yet I don't think I'll ever need to.
I don't have a favorite. I was shooting a 1 1/4 oz load. 3 in #6 shot. For turkey I like those mixedoad #4, 5, 6 together. For small game 2 3/4 shells are fine. The larger the shot number the smaller the pellet and more of them. #7 or 8 shot is good for birds. 4 or 5 for squirell or turkey. #6 for about anything.
I know how to shoot. I guess you missed the part where I have a collarbone that grew back wrong. It impedes the butt of a gun from seating right. Its fine in smaller calibers. I have problems with magnum loads and large rifle calibers sometimes.

I had to learn to shoot all over after the injury. I should have just shot left handed after that.

I don't have a weak side. I'm ambidextrous. I have an old climber stand made from aluminum. It is lightweight. You face the tree though. Anything off to the right of me needed to be shot left handed. I shoot left handed. I just haven't practiced shooting with a 12 gauge left handed.

I'm not sure that it was that one instance that did it. I assumed it was. I just woke up sore the next day and it got worse and worse. I don't remember it hurting me when I shot.

I have proper form and know how to shoot. I have been hunting with a shotgun for 20+ years. That is squirells, rabbit, turkey, quail, pheasant, deer, pigs, you name it, I've hunted it. Out of all those years and thousands upon thousands of shells this is the one and only time I've injured myself.

I guess I'm getting older and maybe its time to retire the 12 gauge magnum rounds and go back to shooting 20 gauge.
Learn how to use a gun you idiot jk ........I know you know your shit when it comes to guns no doubt........but I know your problem ..the problem is your like me I've been raised on our ranches and shooting since 7 years old BB guns even earlier than that. Anyways I've gotten so comfortable with shooting and being around firearms that every great once in a while I won't pull it in tight and the gun will punk my ass and remind me it's dangerous lol I was sighting in my 270 sav for deer season Rebuilt last year and it had been about 8 years since shooting it First shot straight rocked my ass's like anything else that your around so much It becomes second nature But sometimes we get a reminder that paying full attention is necessary lol
I don't have a favorite. I was shooting a 1 1/4 oz load. 3 in #6 shot. For turkey I like those mixedoad #4, 5, 6 together. For small game 2 3/4 shells are fine. The larger the shot number the smaller the pellet and more of them. #7 or 8 shot is good for birds. 4 or 5 for squirell or turkey. #6 for about anything.

u ever try the mini shells ....1200fps slug
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got to ask how far do u drive to get to the closest open to public range
Learn how to use a gun you idiot jk ........I know you know your shit when it comes to guns no doubt........but I know your problem ..the problem is your like me I've been raised on our ranches and shooting since 7 years old BB guns even earlier than that. Anyways I've gotten so comfortable with shooting and being around firearms that every great once in a while I won't pull it in tight and the gun will punk my ass and remind me it's dangerous lol I was sighting in my 270 sav for deer season Rebuilt last year and it had been about 8 years since shooting it First shot straight rocked my ass's like anything else that your around so much It becomes second nature But sometimes we get a reminder that paying full attention is necessary lol
No doubt. I'm sure after this I will pay more attention. The problem with letting a gun hurt you is you can develope a flench.
u ever try the mini shells ....1200fps slug
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got to ask how far do u drive to get to the closest open to public range

i hate u in the friendly way
98 miles one way ....they got closer ones but u have to buy into it and sit for a 6 hour course before they let u use the range .......i was a fucking boy scout gun safety was drilled into me by some of the grumpiest men on the planet

can i come over and shoot i will police my shells and give u 50 bucks for wood
No doubt. I'm sure after this I will pay more attention. The problem with letting a gun hurt you is you can develope a flench.
When I had the time I shot trap and skeet tournaments for a long time steady did really well .......I still shoot tournaments every now and then on weekends But yes the flinch is a bitch to get past once you get it especially with shotguns cause you lose that fluid motion when leading your target When the flinch is present instead of continuing to lead the target while shooting there will be a sudden pause at trigger pull no good. But I hope you heal up good and you get back to gunning normal My hunting buddy and oldest brother got an eye injury at work and had to learn how to shoot left. Took him a bit but he's just as good as he was.........I had the flinch with my 270 the rest of the time that day it's annoying as hell
i hate u in the friendly way
98 miles one way ....they got closer ones but u have to buy into it and sit for a 6 hour course before they let u use the range .......i was a fucking boy scout gun safety was drilled into me by some of the grumpiest men on the planet

can i come over and shoot i will police my shells and give u 50 bucks for wood
Ummmm. I guess. You have admitted to being a nutter and are odd at times. I guess we could give it a go.

When I had the time I shot trap and skeet tournaments for a long time steady did really well .......I still shoot tournaments every now and then on weekends But yes the flinch is a bitch to get past once you get it especially with shotguns cause you lose that fluid motion when leading your target When the flinch is present instead of continuing to lead the target while shooting there will be a sudden pause at trigger pull no good. But I hope you heal up good and you get back to gunning normal My hunting buddy and oldest brother got an eye injury at work and had to learn how to shoot left. Took him a bit but he's just as good as he was.........I had the flinch with my 270 the rest of the time that day it's annoying as hell
I used to shoot trap to. Loved it. I like dove and quail hunting.
Ummmm. I guess. You have admitted to being a nutter and are odd at times. I guess we could give it a go.

I used to shoot trap to. Loved it. I like dove and quail hunting.
Yes I love dove and quail hunting My family owns several large ranches all over the area I live .....different elevations different environments so I have an abundance of goose,pheasant,quail,and a shit load of dove Especially since there's an invasive species of dove coming around there larger and very clumsy but delicious lol. My mountain property also has turkey I pretty much have everything except large game There's hogs and coyotes to We run cattle and farm so I have to sack the occasional coyote for messing with the calfs but this is how I learned to shoot growing up hunting birds squirrels and just being able to shoot whenever I wanted Hunters paradise and it being private land I'm able to manage the resources well. I've been leaving the turkeys alone so there getting thick. The Canadian geese are coming in thick as well .........I enjoy pheasant hunting most
Ummmm. I guess. You have admitted to being a nutter and are odd at times. I guess we could give it a go.

I used to shoot trap to. Loved it. I like dove and quail hunting.

i am a nutter i freely admit that fact little proud of it

but i had a southern baptist mother ....rules and ethics were drilled into me
shooting for me is still just reaction shots (i can hit what i try too if i do not try to hit it just let reactions do it) need more practice with a shotgun then move to a hand gun ....i know rifles from boyscouts hunting bolt action

i will pick up 2 of those steel tumbling jacks ......race them or shoot load and see where u end in distance
Yes I love dove and quail hunting My family owns several large ranches all over the area I live .....different elevations different environments so I have an abundance of goose,pheasant,quail,and a shit load of dove Especially since there's an invasive species of dove coming around there larger and very clumsy but delicious lol. My mountain property also has turkey I pretty much have everything except large game There's hogs and coyotes to We run cattle and farm so I have to sack the occasional coyote for messing with the calfs but this is how I learned to shoot growing up hunting birds squirrels and just being able to shoot whenever I wanted Hunters paradise and it being private land I'm able to manage the resources well. I've been leaving the turkeys alone so there getting thick. The Canadian geese are coming in thick as well .........I enjoy pheasant hunting most
Sounds just like here. I love the mountains. We raise cattle to. That's actually what I was shooting at was a coyote that has been coming around bothering the calves.
i hate u in the friendly way
98 miles one way ....they got closer ones but u have to buy into it and sit for a 6 hour course before they let u use the range .......i was a fucking boy scout gun safety was drilled into me by some of the grumpiest men on the planet

can i come over and shoot i will police my shells and give u 50 bucks for wood
I don't really care about a persons mental label as long as they follow basic gun safety rules.
I don't really care about a persons mental label as long as they follow basic gun safety rules.
oh then we are good
to make sure i am safe the first round loaded is a thunder blank ....2nd is rock salt so will break something but not kill 3rd round is live slug (when it is at home)

u would of loved the scout master's they were asses when it came to this stuff they sawl u goofing around u had to wait a year before allowed to try course again ....tho i will say no one ever got shot they use to give it to use before we crashed out in the tents no bullets ......if we showed respect 2/3 day they let us shoot