How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

Communists were the sworn enemies of the National Socialists, you moron.

Nazi hatred of Communists was second only to their hatred of non-Ayran races.

Learn to history before you ejaculate your bullshit everywhere.
So your argument when I say they murdered off the Communist Party is they were sworn enemies? Not seeing how that helps your case. Nazis killed off the Communists before they started on the Jews
Really Schuylaar? Jumping right back into bed with people who delight in the death of children? I thought there might be hope for you, but you disappoint me again. I guess a mother who abandons her children has no ability to resist profiting off tragedy. You still employed?
Giving them "free" education doesn't inflate the debt bubble? Let those who receive the benefit pay for it. Free tuition means much of it is wasted, just like any other commodity. But somebody still has to pay for that "free" education. As more government largess has flooded the education market, tuition costs have soared, while an ever greater number of students major in worthless studies like Looting as Political Activism 101.
If you want to give a "free" education, do so. But don't demand somebody else pay for it. Being generous with others money isn't a virtue.
Do you doubt the wealthy paid too little in this country?
Really Schuylaar? Jumping right back into bed with people who delight in the death of children? I thought there might be hope for you, but you disappoint me again. I guess a mother who abandons her children has no ability to resist profiting off tragedy. You still employed?
Ummmmmmm..Your quote? Damn dude. And how is that my fault?
Do you doubt the wealthy paid too little in this country?
Some do, some don't. Howard Hughes donated his entire fortune to charity. I might point out that you have been a net drain. So you have little right to point fingers. Frankly, claiming others are immoral because they aren't giving you enough to support you in the lifestyle you want isn't making the impact you think it does.
Ummmmmmm..Your quote? Damn dude. And how is that my fault?
Your "fault" is you delight in the misfortune of others, even the death of children. What can we expect from a person who leaves her children behind to a ex-husband she has repeatedly said was a monster. You are an immoral person.
By repeatedly calling me a racist, bigot, murderer, child molester, etc.? I'm already an intelligent and compassionate human being. Their acts prove they aren't.

You don't say...? O_o

Your responses (i.e. actions) could equally be considered as lacking in intelligence and compassion. Your strings of 5 syllable quips do not carry much weight in the intellectual, and the context has rarely (if ever) been in compassion.
I don't need to go far in the record to find examples of this in your discourses with me, so perhaps your perspective has a selective bias?
You don't say...? o_O
Your responses (i.e. actions) could equally be considered as lacking in intelligence and compassion. Your strings of 5 syllable quips do not carry much weight in the intellectual, and the context has rarely (if ever) been in compassion.
I don't need to go far in the record to find examples of this in your discourses with me, so perhaps your perspective has a selective bias?
Yeah? Yet you failed to provide a single example. Can you quote a single " strings of 5 syllable quips"? Only those who disagree with me claim I lack compassion, while they mock the death of children. Let's see...not a single quote of your claims while you condone those who mock the death of children. Perhaps your perspective has a selective bias? Puh-leeze
Yeah? Yet you failed to provide a single example. Can you quote a single " strings of 5 syllable quips"? Only those who disagree with me claim I lack compassion, while they mock the death of children. Let's see...not a single quote of your claims while you condone those who mock the death of children. Perhaps your perspective has a selective bias? Puh-leeze

survey says...

black men are worthy of fear and distrust
The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality.

kill yourself, red.