How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

How disingenuous of you to ignore TBJ's second point, albeit the most important, that he shouldered his responsibility and met his needs independently and on his own.

Now this is disingenuous because no matter how you cut it it means that he at one point did, and now doesn't. Sure we can laud his hard work etc etc but the fact still remains that the way it's phrased is that at one point he did need those services or did indeed use them. And here's the kicker: that's why they are there, to help people so that they may eventually not need them. This should be a huge "duh."
Funny how liberals project their own character flaws on others.

Could you not also read into @TBoneJack's words that he discovered that with a little effort he was able to do without a gov. handout...and if him, why not his peers.

As pnwmystery stated earlier, I think you have a very loose grasp of the English language.

Do you consider our military, a government "handout"? How about Medicaid? Or perhaps the VA? Are those all socialist-commie handout programs that should be done away with? How about Homeland security? The Pentagon? Or Churches perhaps? Those damn socialist commie pricks feel they're entitled to tax deductions because they believe in some bullshit a book tells them? For shame!!
So based on your response, I can assume you are "against" Social Security, Medicaid and the Pentagon?

No see, I realize that some social programs have worked.

I'm not rooting against people having their needs met by a caring society. I am, however, scared to the core of the government taking control of the "process" involved in creating such a society...
Yeah but you're not the only American. You're not the only person that counts. At one point you said you needed those services but now that you no longer need them fuck everyone else, right?

Seriously, Republicans keep saying "Liberals are just give me give me give me," then you turn around and spout this rhetoric. "I no longer need it, therefore no one else should have it." How is that not the epitome of being absolutely selfish?

You read between lines that simply aren't there, my friend.

I'm not saying that changes aren't needed simply because I didn't have the benefit of them. And I'm not saying that no one else should have "it" simply because I didn't have "it". You're jumping to major (wrong) conclusions here.

But it's kinda disheartening to realize that I'll be paying higher taxes to enable people to get for free what I worked hard to pay for myself. And that's a natural feeling that people like myself will have.

I'm not rooting for people to be denied reasonable services. I'm just skeptical that the government can oversee the well-being of people and have it all come out not resembling the novel 1984...
As pnwmystery stated earlier, I think you have a very loose grasp of the English language.

Do you consider our military, a government "handout"? How about Medicaid? Or perhaps the VA? Are those all socialist-commie handout programs that should be done away with? How about Homeland security? The Pentagon? Or Churches perhaps? Those damn socialist commie pricks feel they're entitled to tax deductions because they believe in some bullshit a book tells them? For shame!!
Wow. You seem to want to add a bunch of parameters to the equation that nobody is talking about. Maybe make a new thread about all those things and I'll be right there.
No see, I realize that some social programs have worked.

I'm not rooting against people having their needs met by a caring society. I am, however, scared to the core of the government taking control of the "process" involved in creating such a society...

Do you hold that same fear with money in politics? And how can you conclude that what Bernie Sanders proposes won't work? Other social programs have worked, why not free colleges? Why not tax the wealthiest 1% just a little more than they are now? Why not provide universal health care to all?

Why? Because money is in politics. Big pharma and oil line the pockets of politicians, and get votes their way. Universities lobby against laws that provide free colleges, the wealthiest 1% lobby to not have a sliver of their billions taken away. Get money out of politics, and then we can talk. Before that time, all any of us can do is always oppose those who wish to do away with anything slightly socialist.
Wow. You seem to want to add a bunch of parameters to the equation that nobody is talking about. Maybe make a new thread about all those things and I'll be right there.

No bravedave, you simply aren't grasping the concept that the listed programs I just provided are social programs, similar to what Bernie seeks. Those social programs work, so what evidence can you provide that the social programs Bernie is looking for don't work. Keep up man.
No bravedave, you simply aren't grasping the concept that the listed programs I just provided are social programs, similar to what Bernie seeks. Those social programs work, so what evidence can you provide that the social programs Bernie is looking for don't work. Keep up man.
all of bernie's social programs will work. Of course bro, why wouldn't they?
Do you hold that same fear with money in politics? And how can you conclude that what Bernie Sanders proposes won't work? Other social programs have worked, why not free colleges? Why not tax the wealthiest 1% just a little more than they are now? Why not provide universal health care to all?

Why? Because money is in politics. Big pharma and oil line the pockets of politicians, and get votes their way. Universities lobby against laws that provide free colleges, the wealthiest 1% lobby to not have a sliver of their billions taken away. Get money out of politics, and then we can talk. Before that time, all any of us can do is always oppose those who wish to do away with anything slightly socialist.

I agree that the current economic model hasn't worked. There are too many millionaires+, and too many poor people. I'm just not sure how to fix it.

Everyone deserves free healthcare like senators get. And free college for all seems like a great idea. Count me in as wanting it for all.

And the top 1% need to pay a hell of a lot more in taxes.

Beyond that, I don't have an opinion on what would serve America the best. I'm scared of the government having the power to socialize America even further than it is. And Bernie's plans would do so in an exponential manner. If Congress would even approve them...
Its always funny when someone gives another shit about reading comprehension and grammar and then proceeds to write like a caveman. ;)
My take was not only plausible but actually pretty close to the truth as it has been clarified. Yours? Contrived to insult. You're an ass.

Proceeds to write like a caveman? That's the point, it's satirical which is a valid mode of criticism unless somehow did we miss the memo that satire is completely not allowed, nor is anyone allowed to be satirical? If you really want to get to the nitty gritty and criticize me grammatically for something I did on purpose, nice one sentence paragraphs there. :roll:

Am I an ass? Yes, I can be, but because you disagree with me does not make me one. You're entitled to your view, however, but look who flung the first actual insult. I did state that if that was not his view then obviously I was wrong. He however did expound on his statement, which I do applaud and think is a very good argument. At its face, and by the initial point, my reaction was not far off. Yet, did I ever call him a selfish prick or a selfish jerk off, or did I ever call you a piece of shit conservative? No, I did however say it was a selfish point of view. Will I? I somehow doubt this.

Is this more "properly written" for you? Oh, and also by the way, when we're talking about contrived insults let's take a look at the ending of your statement. Welcome to the corner of assholes, hope you enjoy your stay. :D

Now, can you try to refute my statement on why a social welfare net should exist? Or why it's so evil, or how in total the Republican mindset can be viewed as incredibly selfish because it's all about you, the individual, what you get, what others should not, and this is mine, mine, mine?
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No bravedave, you simply aren't grasping the concept that the listed programs I just provided are social programs, similar to what Bernie seeks. Those social programs work, so what evidence can you provide that the social programs Bernie is looking for don't work. Keep up man.
Actually, you are not grasping that @TBoneJack never named the I just did not bite on your weak attempt at choosing one to your liking. Duh
Here again you try to deflect the argument into something it wasn't. Bottom line is Tbone made a statement that you invented a rationale for and I countered with one just as plausible. I was right and you were full of shit and angry deflection ... And now your level of maturity causes you to continue to be. We can be done.

You're reading way too far into things, angry? Hardly. Looks like it's the pot calling the kettle black. However, since one person never needed them does that mean everyone else doesn't need them? No, absolutely not. There are so many factors that come into play here that we should have these social welfare nets. Can you refute this? Or should everyone just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and deal with it?
I agree that the current economic model hasn't worked. There are too many millionaires+, and too many poor people. I'm just not sure how to fix it.

Everyone deserves free healthcare like senators get. And free college for all seems like a great idea. Count me in as wanting it for all.

And the top 1% need to pay a hell of a lot more in taxes.

Beyond that, I don't have an opinion on what would serve America the best. I'm scared of the government having the power to socialize America even further than it is. And Bernie's plans would do so in an exponential manner. If Congress would even approve them...

Ok. So it's fair to say then you are in agreement with Bernie Sanders and those who hold the same views as you just laid out.

Actually, you are not grasping that @TBoneJack never named the I just did not bite on your weak attempt at choosing one to your liking. Duh

No bravedave, I was able to have TBJ layout exactly what he is in agreement with, beyond that, if there is something to debate, we can. Do you agree with his views? Or do you think social programs will fail? If so, what evidence do you have? You aren't good at playing the "intelligent" role, would you like me to guide you through it?
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Ok. So it's fair to say then you are in agreement with Bernie Sanders and those who hold the same views as you just laid out.

No bravedave, I was able to have TBJ layout exactly what is in agreement with, beyond that, if there is something to debate, we can. Do you agree with his views? Or do you think social programs will fail? If so, what evidence do you have? You aren't good at playing the "intelligent" role, would you like me to guide you through it?

I tried to ask him the same thing, he's more interested in trying to paint someone as an angry liberal than discuss policy. ;)
I tried to ask him the same thing, he's more interested in trying to paint someone as an angry liberal than discuss policy. ;)

Sometimes you need to avoid the banter and just get right to the point. It's interesting to observe the views of individuals who aren't sure what they want. ( Not saying that TBJ does, or does not, know what he wants )
Sometimes you need to avoid the banter and just get right to the point. It's interesting to observe the views of individuals who aren't sure what they want. ( Not saying that TBJ does, or does not, know what he wants )
Americans all want free college and healthcare but they've just been brainwashed into thinking its "dirty Commie talk".

That's why Bernie can talk all day and night, people can even agree with what he's saying but for some reason they see a red flag with a hammer and sickle hanging behind him.
Ok. So it's fair to say then you are in agreement with Bernie Sanders and those who hold the same views as you just laid out.

I certainly agree with some of Bernie's assessments and goals. I'd love for everyone to have everything they need. But the government control required to implement Bernie's plans is scary.
So...calling someone an ass when it was obvious now gets deleted by admin here?? Wow.
And then just pointing out that anothers preconceptions were misconceptions also gets zapped. Wow again. Some really oddly configured "logic" is in play...also still leaning the same way.
No bravedave, you simply aren't grasping the concept that the listed programs I just provided are social programs, similar to what Bernie seeks. Those social programs work, so what evidence can you provide that the social programs Bernie is looking for don't work. Keep up man.

The elimination of the inferior races were "social programs" in Nazi Germany too.

Careful what you wish for when you allow SOME people the ability to use force to make others comply with their brilliant ideas.