
Is Inflation Biden's fault?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters
Oh, right. Here it comes. An ejaculation of right wing phobias and false news now that the troll finds he's shown everybody who is listening how vacuous the space in his noggin is. I mean, his attempt at using bafflegab to sell his stupid claim that banks create money out of nothing is just that, stupid. What the knuckle dragging white boy is posting now is not stupid, they are vile lies. The only credit I will give him is he's not entirely at fault because he's too stupid to make it up himself. He's a mouth for the party. Others have the brains. He's just an organ.

Asch conformity actor says wut?
So, it's about wind. The context and the point is a few post back.
I think the point is Beto is gonna be the next governor of Texas and he might have a democratic statehouse and other state wide elected officials with him. Let's see how they do on green energy, since they will have the power, if the polls are to be believed, they need just 9 seats in the state house. Texas is pretty purple, considering the lunatic laws they are passing and the rate they are fucking up, I'd say Texas has a good chance of going blue in November. The republicans will sure freak out then and election denial will be at an all time high, along with republican domestic terrorism.