
Is Inflation Biden's fault?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters

your translator needs an upgrade. "Consession" lol. You are simply wrong and too stupid to admit it or perhaps you don't even know how wrong you are. Just take the L and go back to posting stupid spam-memes that were written for idiots like you. At least that is within your skill set.

Each post earns the monkey another peanut.

Ewww the wicked typo burn when you run out of any semblance of an argument.

the c is too far from the s for a credible typo. This was the dumb. But we expect ignorance and dishonest litterbox motions from someone who sees humor in a Qtard trope such as Brandon Falls.
the c is too far from the s for a credible typo. This was the dumb. But we expect ignorance and dishonest litterbox motions from someone who sees humor in a Qtard trope such as Brandon Falls.

It's pretty funny. I find humor in graphics there that are opposed to my views. I'm sorry you can't. You won't find me expressing malice over it as I seem to catch a bit of. That's just too easy to deal with. Folly is a bit more difficult.
It's pretty funny. I find humor in graphics there that are opposed to my views. I'm sorry you can't. You won't find me expressing malice over it as I seem to catch a bit of. That's just too easy to deal with. Folly is a bit more difficult.
You express malice every single time you back the treason party to the detriment of a quarter billion citizens. You are cheerleading the destruction of egalitarian politics in this nation and their replacement by the new theocracy. For some reason you are not ashamed of this. Look into that; it’ll become a problem.

Also, you lied about the typo, then simply did not answer when called on it. Dishonesty upon dishonesty. I resent sharing the nation with such moral pathogens who vote.
You express malice every single time you back the treason party to the detriment of a quarter billion citizens. You are cheerleading the destruction of egalitarian politics in this nation and their replacement by the new theocracy. For some reason you are not ashamed of this. Look into that; it’ll become a problem.

Also, you lied about the typo, then simply did not answer when called on it. Dishonesty upon dishonesty. I resent sharing the nation with such moral pathogens who vote.
That's your opinion. Your feels say I intend malice therefore you manifest some from nothing. You act as if there's no record. I was unaware the Politics section was a club exclusive to one party.

"In good faith " it's not a lie if I genuinely thought it was a typo.

Enjoy the war on Nitrogen, CO2 and the sun! Given our hobby here you should all know better. Embrace the Lithium and the Cobalt and let's get that CO2 down to below 200ppm for the greater good! Gotta print the funds to get it done but we don't need checks and balances, one man and edicts are in order. We want our progress now!

Keep convincing yourself that the most evil, vile things ever done to humans wasn't done with oldest trick in the book, full faith and credit used to point guns at the unarmed citizenry as they are marched to their graves.
It need not be a one-party stronghold. All it requires is that the GOP stop trying to make The Handmaid’s Tale a documentary.

But as long as they wallow in the excesses of an Abbott or a Greene, I have no obligation to recognize them, let alone their corrosive tripe.
That's your opinion. Your feels say I intend malice therefore you manifest some from nothing. You act as if there's no record. I was unaware the Politics section was a club exclusive to one party.

"In good faith " it's not a lie if I genuinely thought it was a typo.

Enjoy the war on Nitrogen, CO2 and the sun! Given our hobby here you should all know better. Embrace the Lithium and the Cobalt and let's get that CO2 down to below 200ppm for the greater good! Gotta print the funds to get it done but we don't need checks and balances, one man and edicts are in order. We want our progress now!

Keep convincing yourself that the most evil, vile things ever done to humans wasn't done with oldest trick in the book, full faith and credit used to point guns at the unarmed citizenry as they are marched to their graves.
Tell us more about how banks create money from nothing.

On reflection, I neglected the other prime mover of right-wing thought in the States today, one that has a very complicated relationship with suborned religion. I speak of racism: the lurching zombie of slavery, eating white brains more discreetly since 1865.

The GOP is the uncontested party of racial oppression in the States today. Note recent red-state voter suppression laws. Note also their guilty rage whenever CRT is mentioned.

To restore the GOP to a modicum of honor, it must as an institution admit to the history and prevalence of racist practice built into the party’s structure since their planter granddads held the framers of the Constitution hostage over allowing slavery.

The Republican Party needs to admit that it is and has been the slavery party. It needs to publish a realistic and believable agenda for not doing that any more.

(Fat chance. Still,) should it do so, I think that brings a better-than-even possibility that support for the enemies of the republic under a religious banner might be knocked below critical mass, without further measures taken.

But that’s not the way things are. The Republican Party of today belongs not to Cheney but to Greene. It is the willing instrument of financial and religious power in its quest to undo this irritating intractable romper room of a government.

So to anyone who comes here to speak well of the treason party or their half-exposed platform
is treated as an established moral/social pathogen. If you’re gonna continue to sell authoritarian propaganda retail and get called on it, have the minimal decency not to complain.
It need not be a one-party stronghold. All it requires is that the GOP stop trying to make The Handmaid’s Tale a documentary.

But as long as they wallow in the excesses of an Abbott or a Greene, I have no obligation to recognize them, let alone their corrosive tripe.

Consider that you may be watching 2 teams play for the same owner. Look at Abbott. What's he doing. Rounding up people and taking them straight to be processed for released into the interior. Setting up windmills and closing down natural gas plants.
Lectures on Slavery, CRT and
Racism from white people never gets old. It's as if they've adopted pets just for adoptions sake to say look at this little thing I'm helping and show all their friends.

Xenophilic tokenism. They take on the struggle of others to deflect from tackling actual issues. Easily cured by a simple, no thanks, I'm not a victim. And this community of whites invariably reacts with the tolerant, inclusivity of "that's so awesome! I'm so glad to hear that our efforts are making progress!"

Right? When the opposite is the overwhelming norm. Weaponized victimhood.

Look at the watch swing to and from, count backwards from 100 and do not notice your children can now get their hormones and chemical castration drugs from a Planned Parenthood clinic in high school without your permission. No smoking though, that's for adults.
no link, no cred


nothing about setting up windmills
Lectures on Slavery, CRT and
Racism from white people never gets old. It's as if they've adopted pets just for adoptions sake to say look at this little thing I'm helping and show all their friends.

Xenophilic tokenism. They take on the struggle of others to deflect from tackling actual issues. Easily cured by a simple, no thanks, I'm not a victim. And this community of whites invariably reacts with the tolerant, inclusivity of "that's so awesome! I'm so glad to hear that our efforts are making progress!"

Right? When the opposite is the overwhelming norm. Weaponized victimhood.

Look at the watch swing to and from, count backwards from 100 and do not notice your children can now get their hormones and chemical castration drugs from a Planned Parenthood clinic in high school without your permission. No smoking though, that's for adults.
Oh, right. Here it comes. An ejaculation of right wing phobias and false news now that the troll finds he's shown everybody who is listening how vacuous the space in his noggin is. I mean, his attempt at using bafflegab to sell his stupid claim that banks create money out of nothing is just that, stupid. What the knuckle dragging white boy is posting now is not stupid, they are vile lies. The only credit I will give him is he's not entirely at fault because he's too stupid to make it up himself. He's a mouth for the party. Others have the brains. He's just an organ.
Ask yourself this question if there is such a open, why are immigrants using tractor trailers and before u answer the last one we found they were all dead from heat stroke... and sending them back is actually cause of title 42 and the epidemic