Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Without a doubt, I more meant people disliking them because all they hear is that shit will kill you but that's only because some dumb ass people think its okay to risk someones life for some money. If people were actually responsible and didn't put that kind of shit on tabs and sell it as acid there'd be a lot more people into the nbome series and things like that, most people i know won't even try it because they think it'll kill you which if used responsibly and in moderation it's no worse than doing any other drugs.

I'm always sad when someone selling acid goes to jail but if you say you're selling acid and you're putting anything but acid on those tabs you deserve to be in there
Acid is slang you tell people the chemical name and they like 0.0 deer in the head lights so anything on blotter or in wash could be called acid reasonably but if you say ....... negatives about a chemical that you probably have minamal knowledge of then you are just hurting psychedelic community with bad propaganda so to speak study Shulgans work on 2c and specifically 2ct7 witch was replaced with 2cinbome and other chemicals with similar structure nbome just makes the 2c family roughly 10-16 times stronger
do you wish?
or do you believe AND want?


make it happen, buddy. believe.
In one vision induced by 5 meo dmt I sat in the floor closed my eyes and did a hand thing that's hard to explain but a beam of light came out of my head and I excelled through many layers of space and came to a book on an alter I opened it and saw that it was full of pictured and I found one that seemed fitting and I once more closed my eyes and when I opened them I was walking through the place in the picture what I took from all this is that you make your life happen it's a dream friend so dream big and make it a point to to strive for it each day step by step you'll make it but take baby steps with psychedelic material it can bestow you with unfathomable knowledge but if not used with the utmost respect it can easily result in a detrimental experience the best thing I can say is as long as you go into the experience wanting to come out a better person you should be just fine
In one vision induced by 5 meo dmt I sat in the floor closed my eyes and did a hand thing that's hard to explain but a beam of light came out of my head and I excelled through many layers of space and came to a book on an alter I opened it and saw that it was full of pictured and I found one that seemed fitting and I once more closed my eyes and when I opened them I was walking through the place in the picture what I took from all this is that you make your life happen it's a dream friend so dream big and make it a point to to strive for it each day step by step you'll make it but take baby steps with psychedelic material it can bestow you with unfathomable knowledge but if not used with the utmost respect it can easily result in a detrimental experience the best thing I can say is as long as you go into the experience wanting to come out a better person you should be just fine
what is that stuff like in contrast with n,n-dmt ???
I'll try and endulge. First time I smoked it on herb in a glass spoon 1 little toke I mean a baby hit my neck was like a spegetti noodle I couldn't hold my head up ther was a beaded curtain that shimmered as it was touched by a friend and the noise made by the beads was the most eccentric music that was my first adventure the another time I became my girlfriend who im now engaged to when I looked at my hands and I saw hers I saw her feet while looking at my own I was seeing myself in her clothes when I was actually wearing mine should I make a youtube trip experience video and post a link
I'll try and endulge. First time I smoked it on herb in a glass spoon 1 little toke I mean a baby hit my neck was like a spegetti noodle I couldn't hold my head up ther was a beaded curtain that shimmered as it was touched by a friend and the noise made by the beads was the most eccentric music that was my first adventure the another time I became my girlfriend who im now engaged to when I looked at my hands and I saw hers I saw her feet while looking at my own I was seeing myself in her clothes when I was actually wearing mine should I make a youtube trip experience video and post a link
Did it force you to write without ever using a period? And did the baby arm noodle have any sauce on it? When you saw your feet turn into your now fiancés feet, were your toenails painted? And when you saw yourself in your girlfriends clothes could you see what color underwear she had on? What about boobs? Did you have boobs? Did you masterbate after you became a woman? Where can i get some of this drug that makes me turn into a woman? Are you 100% sure you didnt just put your girlfriends clothes on and throw some spaghetti on your neck?
Acid is slang you tell people the chemical name and they like 0.0 deer in the head lights so anything on blotter or in wash could be called acid reasonably but if you say ....... negatives about a chemical that you probably have minamal knowledge of then you are just hurting psychedelic community with bad propaganda so to speak study Shulgans work on 2c and specifically 2ct7 witch was replaced with 2cinbome and other chemicals with similar structure nbome just makes the 2c family roughly 10-16 times stronger
ahhh i wish i had a vial so i could puddle you so you can see what LSD is like.

steal your face
Did it force you to write without ever using a period? And did the baby arm noodle have any sauce on it? When you saw your feet turn into your now fiancés feet, were your toenails painted? And when you saw yourself in your girlfriends clothes could you see what color underwear she had on? What about boobs? Did you have boobs? Did you masterbate after you became a woman? Where can i get some of this drug that makes me turn into a woman? Are you 100% sure you didnt just put your girlfriends clothes on and throw some spaghetti on your neck?
She was my sitter at the time you always need 1 on 5mep dmt it might cause you to flop around a bit when you blast off and yes I had all of her features and when I came down still had my clothes on I used to treat her fairly bad but when I saw myself as her I suddenly felt all her emotions and all I can assume is that the cosmic world didn't like how I treated her cause it showed me I needed to change my ways I didn't like how she felt
ahhh i wish i had a vial so i could puddle you so you can see what LSD is like.

steal your face
I've ate so much blotter I very got a few stashed but never lsd only 2ci nbome but I've done over 2500 mics at a time I've consumed 20+ hits at a time before but now I only dose when I get n a slump the time is coming tho I feel it
Did it force you to write without ever using a period? And did the baby arm noodle have any sauce on it? When you saw your feet turn into your now fiancés feet, were your toenails painted? And when you saw yourself in your girlfriends clothes could you see what color underwear she had on? What about boobs? Did you have boobs? Did you masterbate after you became a woman? Where can i get some of this drug that makes me turn into a woman? Are you 100% sure you didnt just put your girlfriends clothes on and throw some spaghetti on your neck?
ADD I talk like this at school they said put ...... when you pause but I never so unless your gonna give me punctuation lessons I can understand then button up on insulting someone's Grammer ;)
Then yea 2ci nbome is definitely etheogenic have you ever tried it I always got it as a white powder and did the everclear syringe method when applying it to the blotter
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