How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

I somehow doubt you even stepped foot in academia.

Also you've yet to refute a point I've made.
I did not respond originally so I could stick around and answer questions based on a false premise which coincidently I refuted. Doh! ;). Although, I have degrees, I have enough real world experience to also know that most knowledge does not originate there and pretty much no wisdom.
I did not respond originally so I could stick around and answer questions based on a false premise which coincidently I refuted. Doh! ;). Although, I have degrees, I have enough real world experience to also know that most knowledge does not originate there and pretty much no wisdom.

Ah yeah, the false premise that taxes have no positive role in the economy. Glad we're on the same page. :)
Ah yeah, the false premise that taxes have no positive role in the economy. Glad we're on the same page. :)
Nice reword.
I would have thought that if you were going to reword what you said you would have improved upon it.
In economics, taxes are not automatically deemed positive nor deemed to have a positive role, Mr. Academia. Taxes can have negative consequences and just as often do. We can be done... Quit smoking before class.
Nice reword.
I would have thought that if you were going to reword what you said you would have improved upon it.
In economics, taxes are not automatically deemed positive nor deemed to have a positive role, Mr. Academia. Taxes can have negative consequences and just as often do. We can be done... Quit smoking before class.

You should stop being so stoned when you post. Here's the funny thing: I smoke only for a medical condition that I came down with three years out of college, and I do so only when in pain as an alternative to being on pain therapy. Nice ad hominems bro, maybe you should try a bit harder. :)

But nice reword there "are not automatically deemed." You're simply choosing to try to argue when you know that taxes can play a positive role in the economy which is what I pointed out, and often they do.

Edited to add: We've seen what tax cuts on the incredibly wealthy and corporations do.
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You should stop being so stoned when you post. Here's the funny thing: I smoke only for a medical condition that I came down with three years out of college, and I do so only when in pain as an alternative to being on pain therapy. Nice ad hominems bro, maybe you should try a bit harder. :)

But nice reword there "are not automatically deemed." You're simply choosing to try to argue when you know that taxes can play a positive role in the economy which is what I pointed out, and often they do.

Edited to add: We've seen what tax cuts on the incredibly wealthy and corporations do.
Do you think you are fooling anybody? Oh...besides tty. LOL
Wealthy people hoard their money; the game is to amass.

But you won't understand that.

Citation: Ann Romney complaining that Mitt turns off the water heater in their home to save cash.
So the guy you used to work for years ago before you chose to be welfare trash was hoarding his money? Or you only worked for poor people who paid you in rocks?

Now that's funny. If you do it, you're saving the environment, if he does it, he's a greedy bastard. You really have no clue.
You're an idiot if you believe this. Econ 101 is that taxes go into the government, which helps out the economy.
You're an idiot if you believe this. Government leaches off the economy. Oh, wait, I forgot you think you getting check some how benefits "the economy"
@Red1966 I'll expound on this further before you start insulting me saying I'm putting words in your mouth or I don't understand anything. Hint: I studied economists. Anyhow, roads? Legal system? Hospitals? Public sector jobs? Where do they get their money? Out of thin air or does the government have money farms? No, all these things are funded with: taxes. If we didn't have infrastructure, how would my truck bearing goods get from point A to retailer B? Without the tax funded legal system, if I needed some redress, how would I go about it? Private courts (biggest fucking joke in the world, almost a thousand years proved this didn't work). Without regulations and a public sector work force, how many more Tianjin like explosions do you think would happen? I'll clue you in: A lot.
When I say you put words in my mouth, it's not an insult, it's a statement of fact. "You're an idiot" is an insult. So, taxpayers fund the roads, legal system, etc. while government take a huge cut off the top and borrows $17 trillion in addition, runs up $270 trillion in unfunded liabilities on top of that, and government gets the credit, not those who pay for it?
You didn't build that @Red1966 how far do you think -45% gets on the roads the rest of us built? I propose instead of toll booths we have fiscal responsibility check points..lets see how far your business goes off everyone else's.

Personal barbs are a weak attempt when you have no argument's called distraction.

<schuylaar takes cover for today's fur fight hissssssss>
I'm not sure America will elect Bernie Sanders, anyway. This is a country absolutely chock full of people with their hands in the cookie jar and Bernie says he's going to clean house- convincingly! If I were corrupt, I wouldn't vote for someone who says they're going to clean the place up, either.

Which just leaves those who've been shortchanged by or current state of kleptocracy. Sadly, as has been pointed out in another thread recently, the Right has succeeded in drawing constituents to its side who are actually HURT by their stated policies! If voters are stupid enough to vote against their own interests and in favor of corruption, then perhaps the country isn't worth saving.
I'm not sure America will elect Bernie Sanders, anyway. This is a country absolutely chock full of people with their hands in the cookie jar and Bernie says he's going to clean house- convincingly! If I were corrupt, I wouldn't vote for someone who says they're going to clean the place up, either.

Which just leaves those who've been shortchanged by or current state of kleptocracy. Sadly, as has been pointed out in another thread recently, the Right has succeeded in drawing constituents to its side who are actually HURT by their stated policies! If voters are stupid enough to vote against their own interests and in favor of corruption, then perhaps the country isn't worth saving.

You been hitting the processed foods again? Monsanto is not just in our govt.

Bernie did say it may take a revolution!
You been hitting the processed foods again? Monsanto is not just in our govt.

Bernie did say it may take a revolution!

If everyone likes a fucked up situation the way it is, there's no incentive to change it.

Mr Obama removed the incentive to change when he averted the logical result of republican policies; Depression.

Now we have a country full of Fox economists who think the solution is the problem!
You guys are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment just like the honest people are with Obama.

He's been in politics for 40 years, been in DC for decades and nobody heard of him until a year ago. Why people think he's actually going to do anything different is perplexing.

I look forward to the excuses and blame game for why he continues down the same path regardless of what he campaigns on.
You guys are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment just like the honest people are with Obama.

He's been in politics for 40 years, been in DC for decades and nobody heard of him until a year ago. Why people think he's actually going to do anything different is perplexing.

I look forward to the excuses and blame game for why he continues down the same path regardless of what he campaigns on.

True, as speculation goes we should be able lower our standards for least the amount of time it takes the erosion to reach the Hill/Wall st. But why? Isn't 30 years of building/supporting China enough?

Just who is steering this ship?