Shutting down the class is not acceptable. Take-down rule not applicable.

I would have had the Principal move the class to the cafeteria, and when the bell rang to go home, she would still be siting in that chair until whoever is in charge of her get`s there. Then talk discipline.

In a case of emergency, pick up the desk with her in it and carry her out the building, but she stays in that chair.
That chair is not her property she is not on her property there fore either behave do as your told or get lost plain, and simple .
you know your right they could of done it differently called the cops and said it looks like she has a gun ,, or she is planning some terrorist activity in the school this way they would of swarmed her possibly killed her or subdued her a lot worse then what she got ..
hell she even be somewhere her step mommy wouldn't even know
Bottom line just because she is a kid ??? lets not use that excuse
you remember couple months ago ??? that man who was once a kid released from Guantanamo for terrorists activity when he was like what ?? in iraq what was his name Omar khadr
He has better chances of cashing in then this girl , Even the president of USA has had enough of school crap wonder if he steps in n says anything
"If you don't get out of that chair, I'm going to taser you in front of the class. 3, 2, 1..."

And after word gets around that she shit herself, it would be a long time before another student took it that far. Grow the fuck up.

Could you imagine some asshole at work being told to leave, and he/she stomping their feet and holding steady in their chair for so fucking long someone has to call the police to remove them? Yeah, fuck that person, I hope they drag them out by their hair so they remember to not be a douche bag next time.

For the liberals...Maybe the officer could have put soft gloves on and carefully pried her ass out of that chair, slowly increasing his applied force as to not hurt this sweet innocent person who was just trying to live here life, man.
"If you don't get out of that chair, I'm going to taser you in front of the class. 3, 2, 1..."

And after word gets around that she shit herself, it would be a long time before another student took it that far. Grow the fuck up.

Could you imagine some asshole at work being told to leave, and he/she stomping their feet and holding steady in their chair for so fucking long someone has to call the police to remove them? Yeah, fuck that person, I hope they drag them out by their hair so they remember to not be a douche bag next time.

For the liberals...Maybe the officer could have put soft gloves on and carefully pried her ass out of that chair, slowly increasing his applied force as to not hurt this sweet innocent person who was just trying to live here life, man.
Should of called for back up or tased her.
Tossing her was wrong
"If you don't get out of that chair, I'm going to taser you in front of the class. 3, 2, 1..."

And after word gets around that she shit herself, it would be a long time before another student took it that far. Grow the fuck up.

Could you imagine some asshole at work being told to leave, and he/she stomping their feet and holding steady in their chair for so fucking long someone has to call the police to remove them? Yeah, fuck that person, I hope they drag them out by their hair so they remember to not be a douche bag next time.

For the liberals...Maybe the officer could have put soft gloves on and carefully pried her ass out of that chair, slowly increasing his applied force as to not hurt this sweet innocent person who was just trying to live here life, man.

Physical assault of another person's child will always be the wrong choice unless you are defending yourself or others. She was acting up and no way can you let that behavior go unpunished, or you just encourage more bad behavior, but surely the excessive force was never warranted in that situation.

Suspend the cop, suspend the girl (for the same amount of time), within 2 days the kids will be talking about the latest Kardashian drama. The adults will be talking about it until the next cause du jour, but the kids have most likely already moved on.
Okay. However your first two sentences seem to convey a contradiction. If you despise cops why AREN'T you looking down on them too ?

I already said when I was 13 I'd have consented to banging an 18 year old chick, but she wasn't game. That was a very long time ago. I was fully aware of what I would have been doing and made other arrangements with a different young lady who was younger. It was the best 3 seconds of my life.

In the present I can't answer your question though, since it's of no interest to me. Therefore there is no criteria for me to evaluate. You'll have to come up with your lines for how to do the babysitter on your own. I can't help you there. Sorry.

You did however mention that you thought at least some individuals could develop the wherewithal to consent within "several years" of 13. Are you willing to put a number on that and are you saying that there never could be a person of 13 with the wherewithal to consent, ever? How do you know this?
pretty sure being almost Nov and school rules in place and this nitwit with a phone in class was obviously against school policy in class but hey shes above the school policies right cause shes black and coo yo
She's not above school policy man, but what if it was your daughter you got jerked around like that? How would you feel?
Officer Slam, as he is known around the school, is clearly a roid raging bully.

Maybe he is a racist pos I dunno..... But any cop would have done the same..

He did what he did because he's a cop not because he's racist
He did it cuz he's both, it's hard for me to believe that he would have done that to a 16 year old white girl
But the cops will slam a white man down to with the quickness I've been the one more than once who has had conflicts with them. But I'm a man a big grown man 6 foot for 220 pounds so when you come at me that come pretty hard
Your story is entertaining but a bit off the mark. As a strapping lad of 13, I had a relationship with a young lady 2 years older than me at the time, the 18 year old wasn't as interested as I was. Maybe she'd heard rumor I was too large for her small frame.
I apologize. A 15 and a 13 year old having sex is very different from what abandon UB and chesus portrayed.
I apologize. A 15 and a 13 year old having sex is very different from what abandon UB and chesus portrayed.
I portrayed?

Sorry, no. A 13 year old child does not have the wherewithal to make informed consent. Besides, his story has changed more than once on it. It went from a 21 year old when he was 17, to an 18 year old when he was 15 and now this version. I never portrayed, I simply insist that children don't have the wherewithal to make informed consent to have sex with adults.