Closet grow with pics


Well-Known Member
lol i like that clone location.... very nice pic of this mommas battle wounds...

butthead, im going to post pics as soon as two of my lazy ass girls (i hope) perk their leaves up and look a little more photogenic...

either way ill post pics of the two gorgeous thriving plants by tonight before lights out :)

right after their watering


Well-Known Member
Some new pics of our potential gals. This is day 6 of flower day 33 of life haha. The four in the solo cups are a little experiment of ours, were going to see what it will turn out like with 12/12 from seedling. So far we've noticed that they are growing very slow and are kinda weak looking. We will keep you guys updated on those. No signs of sex yet.

So let us know what you think!




Well-Known Member
finally!!! they look great to me!!!! goodluck with all this stuff.... sex should show up really soon, just be patient... u have all the time in the world once you find out whose male and female to pull the males, its just a matter of time u see some pistils or balls (god forbid)

do u know approx how much weight in dry bud you will get from these girls?

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
lol... yes there are many, many reasons to cut off leaves... in my case it was a lower fan leaf not getting any light under a scroged canopy with limited space.. when it's in full flower, ALL the fan leaves under the canopy will be trimmed. ;-)

Oh and a note for every one... Since I started trimming fan leaves I notice significant growth on the branches. Not 100% sure that it was a direct response to the trimming, but it seems like it.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply chrome! Were really not sure how much weight we'll get from these three. What do you think? Were hoping for a lot haha.


Well-Known Member
i would be happy with 10 grams per plant.... but im a noobie to yield approximations..

hey woflman, when you trim your plants can u take some pics of what you do... i would like to adopt your style



Well-Known Member
Me and you have similar situations. I have 1 gal(hopefully) that's about a month, 12/12 now, and about 4 seedlings that I've started under the 12/12. They are growing noticeable slower, like you said. Oh well, once they establish root systems they'll take off. I'm excited to see the 12/12 from seed results.


Well-Known Member
hey blink thanks, i hope they take off soon. i wish we could get more co2 to the plants, but for now we've been spraying them with seltzer water, so i hope that's good enough for now. if we ever get more plants, we'll probably upgrade to something better!

we'll post an update, probably tomorrow... check back!


Well-Known Member
i've heard it helps.... if u youtube "mr green" he swears by it....

some people say that the ratio of the plants actually absorbing the co2 is too low and they dont bother....

alot of people use it tho... i believe it does help to a certain extent...

my babies are doing well without it.... i feel like if i gave them co2 the plants would be way outta control...


Well-Known Member
thanks dude :) im going on vacation for 10 days.... hopefully my system will prove its worthiness in taking care of my babies for me while i am away ....

ill either have pics of dried up dead mj plants in 10 days... OR some beastly awesome surprise of future nuggy heaven pics when i get back