Sorry, but you are wrong. Something called quotas are reverse discrimination. I lost out on a good job to a female because of quotas. How do I know? My friends brother was a senior manager there and said even though I had much more experience they chose to go with a female, as the company wanted to put more females in management roles.
The real kicker here is that after I left the interview which this particular manager was part of, The head manager said that even though I was more qualified, they could put the lady in the position and pay her less than me. Which incidently was less than the position started at. So, even though they want to advance women in the company and put more into management, they are still doing the wrong thing by paying less.
I have Native American blood in my lineage ( Cherokee ), so I have considered in the future to use the system to my advantage and put native on the application.
Whenever you hear "women and minorities are encouraged to apply" you already are at a disadvantage. I strongly believe people should be hired based upon their skill, merits, and experience. Hell, if this country can elect Obama then I think the nation has progressed enough that quotas should go bye bye. Or maybe that's how he got elected. Because most people with a modicum of knowledge know he had no experience other than a brief stint as a senator, and a community organizer with shady affiliations.