Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Because Donald didn`t use the word illegal,...kat42 just cheap shot you in the anchor eyelet. He goes right for the anchor chain, so beware.
Is bear scat 42 dropping little shitlets again? I know. He pretends to go for the slow blow, right before he hits you with the low blow. Basically, all of his arguments boil down to one thing. - "this country was built on racism"


Well-Known Member
Nice copy and paste of what they claim to do. But they have a track record of not reporting liberal hate groups, and having bias anti-Christian views. Their outrage is subjective, selective, and never reckons progressive groups guilty of the same things of which it accuses others. the reason SPLC cannot or will not change its criteria or at least begin including left-wing groups on its hate lists is that it cannot go against its progressive donors who are sending in such sizable sums–$38.5 million a year, with $256 million in assets feeding $300,000+ salaries.
by the way, if you are going to directly plagiarize a white supremacist website, try to change at least a few of the words around so that it doesn't trace back to said white supremacist website.


Well-Known Member
According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The criminal aliens identified by the Texas DPS have been responsible for the most heinous types of crimes — and in astonishing numbers. From the Texas DPS report:

A review of these 177,588 defendants shows that they are responsible for at least 611,234 individual criminal charges over their criminal careers, including 2,993 homicides and 7,695 sexual assaults.



Well-Known Member
by the way, if you are going to directly plagiarize a white supremacist website, try to change at least a few of the words around so that it doesn't trace back to said white supremacist website.
Labeled a hate group by none other than your beloved Southern Poverty Law Center. And you wonder why I don't put down citations for you. I bet you have one big "hate map" spread across the wall in your living room. Leaving off the biggest hate group all - SPLC. This is not a topic that the progressive media will pick up. If so, they would be labeled a hate group. It's just a list of groups that are not progressive. That's all. Nothing more.

This publisher here is considered racist by SPLC because of a book they published for somebody in France, 1971. LOL


Well-Known Member
Labeled a hate group by none other than your beloved Southern Poverty Law Center. And you wonder why I don't put down citations for you. I bet you have one big "hate map" spread across the wall in your living room. Leaving off the biggest hate group all - SPLC. This is not a topic that the progressive media will pick up. If so, they would be labeled a hate group. It's just a list of groups that are not progressive. That's all. Nothing more.

This publisher here is considered racist by SPLC because of a book they published for somebody in France, 1971. LOL
i'm just pointing out that you plagiarized a fucking white supremacy website.

that doesn't really mix well with your statements about how totally not racist you are.

Oh come on. I don't defend racists. That's ridiculous.
can you clear up this apparent misunderstanding for me, munchbox?


Well-Known Member
i'm just pointing out that you plagiarized a fucking white supremacy website.

that doesn't really mix well with your statements about how totally not racist you are.

can you clear up this apparent misunderstanding for me.
Whats ridiculous is you calling me somebody named munchbox, and believing that there are 16,000 hate groups in America. Has the Donald Trump campaign officially made the hate list yet? LOL

Is this a white supremacist website?


Well-Known Member
Whats ridiculous is you calling me somebody named munchbox, and believing that there are 16,000 hate groups in America. Has the Donald Trump campaign officially made the hate list yet? LOL
well, that's not clearing up my misunderstanding at all.

you claimed that you do not defend racists, and then i catch you plagiarizing from a white supremacist website.

so either you were lying, or you are too stupid to realize you were lying. which is it?


Well-Known Member
well, that's not clearing up my misunderstanding at all.

you claimed that you do not defend racists, and then i catch you plagiarizing from a white supremacist website.

so either you were lying, or you are too stupid to realize you were lying. which is it?
The SPLC explains a lot about how you think everybody is a racist.

That doesn't qualify as plagarism. They were numbers about salary information, and none of that post is anywhere near an original thought, that info is on numerous other websites as well. Also, that article is not copyright protected. Do you know what plagarism is? If it were a homework assignment, or I were to publish it, and it were copywritten, then it could be plagarism.


Well-Known Member
The SPLC explains a lot about how you think everybody is a racist.

That doesn't qualify as plagarism. They were numbers about salary information, and none of that post is anywhere near an original thought, that info is on numerous other websites as well. Also, that article is not copyright protected. Do you know what plagarism is? If it were a homework assignment, or I were to publish it, and it were copywritten, then it could be plagarism.
  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

so did you credit the author of that work for his idea, which comes from the white supremacy website "american renaissance"?


Well-Known Member
  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

so did you credit the author of that work for his idea, which comes from the white supremacy website "american renaissance"?
So how is it somebody else's work and ideas if I can post the same exact information from numerous other websites? And it's not a white supremacist website by the way.


Well-Known Member
So how is it somebody else's work and ideas
are you serious?

it is because someone else did the work of finding those numbers. then you took them and tried to pass them off as your own.

that's called plagiarism, dumbass.

And it's not a white supremacist website by the way.
here are some comments of theirs in a recent thread about the university of missouri.

Archie hour ago
We just want a "safe space" to share and revel in all our gloriously bright whiteness unmolested by coloreds.

Alucard_the_last2 hours ago
They can only major in stupid, useless majors since 'maf' and science is out of their realm. In all the math, science and technology courses I have taken, I can count the amount of negroes on one hand. I don't know what grades they got but I'm sure it was poor.

dmxincan hour ago
Read the site for a while. It is not "White supremacist," but "White separatist." That distinction is huge.

Generally, the goal here is to promote freedom of association without penalty, without government interference and the preservation of the White race (Whites are less than 10% of the world population, shrinking and without homelands not being invaded by the outside.)

dmxinc an hour ago

Why don't Whites stand up for themselves, their women, their children, their culture and their country? If a people does not do this, do they deserve to survive?

Those of us that have never bought into the anti-White rhetoric and the brainwashing of the past few decades are frustrated by our fellow Whites.

Association is forced in this country if you wish to survive. The government enforces diversity at every turn. Corporations have taken up the mantel as well.

1abcde2 hours ago
In addition, where is this white privilege? The only privilege I see is black skin privilege. Affirmative action going on for decades, racial quota's, preference in jobs, promotions and entrance into universities despite being under qualified. White liberals walk on egg shells to appease blacks.

I'm sick and tired of this propaganda that white men are evil.

Michael Christopher Scottan hour ago
We already are superior; we don't need a "movement" for it. Australian aborigines aren't very bright, but they have nothing like the propensity to violence that Afritard blacks constantly display.
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