Gov. Abbott: Texas to Block Syrian Refugee Resettlement

So will I. In the mean time, we can circle back to how Muslim beliefs do not at all parallel with liberal values.
How do Muslims feel about gays? Loved or hated?

Dec. 2nd, 2015

Bro, like I said before, neither do Christian beliefs.. We live in a secular country, that means no religion should hold influence in government, so I'm not sure why you're singling out Muslims or Islam. Christians used to kill gay people all the time, just like Islamic extremists do now.

What's the common denominator...

Bro, like I said before, neither do Christian beliefs.. We live in a secular country, that means no religion should hold influence in government, so I'm not sure why you're singling out Muslims or Islam. Christians used to kill gay people all the time, just like Islamic extremists do now.

What's the common denominator...

You seem to make alot of excuses for the Muslim terrorists tho, alot of comparisons come flying out as if to try justify their retarded acts of retardation.
You seem to make alot of excuses for the Muslim terrorists tho, alot of comparisons come flying out as if to try justify their retarded acts of retardation.
You're confusing "defense of" with "comparison of". Any argument against Muslim's could very well equally be made against Christians. My point is that religion in government, in all 31 flavors, is wrong and against the values of a secular society.
You're confusing "defense of" with "comparison of". Any argument against Muslim's could very well equally be made against Christians. My point is that religion in government, in all 31 flavors, is wrong and against the values of a secular society.
So there are Christians today beheading people, committing genocide on a large scale, throwing gays off roofs, blowing themselves up, etc?

Some ISIS members eat the flesh of their enemies for strength...

Christians may have done fucked up things in the past, but do try live today.
So there are Christians today beheading people, committing genocide on a large scale, throwing gays off roofs, blowing themselves up, etc?

Some ISIS members eat the flesh of their enemies for strength...

Christians may have done fucked up things in the past, but do try live today.
Like I said, the larger point that I was making was that religion in government is bad, any flavor you choose

Do you disagree with that?
Like I said, the larger point that I was making was that religion in government is bad, any flavor you choose

Do you disagree with that?
In an abstract and completely pointless discussion, yes all religion is fucked...

The issue today is the Muslim Terrorists, everything else is just liberal do-gooder distraction.
Bro, like I said before, neither do Christian beliefs.. We live in a secular country, that means no religion should hold influence in government, so I'm not sure why you're singling out Muslims or Islam. Christians used to kill gay people all the time, just like Islamic extremists do now.

What's the common denominator...

Christians used to kill Gay people all the time is false. It is no excuse for the killings today, but you feel it is. Good for you.

I fully expect you to cite incidents where the criminal was of Christian Faith,...That wont do sonny boy, your fooled mind is foolish.

You would need to show me an entire Christian Faith backing these killings you speak of, cuz I can show you an entire faith that will, and it`s not Christian.
OK, I'll wait for his response

Who, What, Where ???

Did Iraq surrender it`s army and all the hardware to ISIS which is now being used against Iraq and the People of Syria or whatever they want to do with it ? Yes, those coward bastards just up and ran , left everything, some believe it went so smooth, it may have been planned that way. A lot of those cowards were marched to their graves and shot lying in them.

Which Christian leader ordered the death of any Gay ? GOP showed you the Muslim one. You show me the one you have.
Do I think Iran should handle Mosul and the fields NE of it ? Yes, that was a discussion I was in and GOP was too. Iran and Syria are besties, a plan to let Iran have East of Mosul and Syria up to the border of Mosul that includes everything lost by Iraq North of the river.....wood fly and work.
If Iran keeps off the "drive Israel into the sea" path that their ex-President made them infamous for they're on course to be one of the bigger players in the region.

Alot of proprietary advanced weapons "Made in Persia" these days too, they have their own drones and everything.
Christians used to kill Gay people all the time is false.
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." -Leviticus 20:13

Ever heard of Matthew Shephard?

"(Theodosian Code 9.7.6): All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning a man's body, acting the part of a woman's to the sufferance of alien sex (for they appear not to be different from women), shall expiate a crime of this kind in avenging flames in the sight of the people."

^^ Burned alive in public for engaging in homosexuality

"During the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of France and the City of Florence also instated the death penalty. In Florence, a young boy named Giovanni di Giovanni (1350–1365?) was castrated and burned between the thighs with a red-hot iron by court order under this law. These punishments continued into the Renaissance, and spread to the Swiss canton of Zürich. Knight Richard von Hohenberg (died 1482) was burned at the stake together with his lover, his young squire, during this time. In France, French writer Jacques Chausson (1618–1661) was also burned alive for attempting to seduce the son of a nobleman."

"In England, the Buggery Act of 1534 made sodomy and bestiality punishable by death. This act was replaced in 1828, but sodomy remained punishable by death under the new act until 1861. The last executions were in 1835."

"In Nazi Germany, homosexuals were among the groups targeted by the Holocaust (See Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust). (In 1936, the homosexual Federico García Lorca was executed by right-wing rebels who became Franco's dictatorship in Spain, Hitler's ally.) Modern allies in Neonazis generally oppose homosexuality to the extent of supporting a renewed persecution the way it took place in Nazi Germany. Being homosexual is equated with being unmasculine and the German word ″Schwul″ ('gay') is used by German Neonazis as a curse word."

So there you have it, now if you want to condemn Islam and Muslim's for their view of homosexuality, to remain intellectually consistent, Christianity takes just as much blame. You don't get to say one is bad while the other is good.

Christians used to kill Gay people all the time is false. It is no excuse for the killings today, but you feel it is. Good for you.

I fully expect you to cite incidents where the criminal was of Christian Faith,...That wont do sonny boy, your fooled mind is foolish.

You would need to show me an entire Christian Faith backing these killings you speak of, cuz I can show you an entire faith that will, and it`s not Christian.

Are you fucking kidding me? Christians used to kill gay people all the time is false? Hahahaha have you just never picked up a history book in your life?

"Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia on September 22, 2000 and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord;" Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends."


Do I think Iran should handle Mosul and the fields NE of it ? Yes, that was a discussion I was in and GOP was too. Iran and Syria are besties, a plan to let Iran have East of Mosul and Syria up to the border of Mosul that includes everything lost by Iraq North of the river.....wood fly and work.

You're forgetting the Kurds that live in the north of Iraq and Syria and how they're Sunni. This wouldn't work at all. Moreover I can imagine that there'd be water right issues involved with this as the Tigris and Euphrates river run through the area and Iraq would not want to give up that water source or let yet another country dictate that. Also the northern parts of Iraq are mostly Sunni, while the south and eastern are Shia.
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." -Leviticus 20:13

Ever heard of Matthew Shephard?

"(Theodosian Code 9.7.6): All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning a man's body, acting the part of a woman's to the sufferance of alien sex (for they appear not to be different from women), shall expiate a crime of this kind in avenging flames in the sight of the people."

^^ Burned alive in public for engaging in homosexuality

"During the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of France and the City of Florence also instated the death penalty. In Florence, a young boy named Giovanni di Giovanni (1350–1365?) was castrated and burned between the thighs with a red-hot iron by court order under this law. These punishments continued into the Renaissance, and spread to the Swiss canton of Zürich. Knight Richard von Hohenberg (died 1482) was burned at the stake together with his lover, his young squire, during this time. In France, French writer Jacques Chausson (1618–1661) was also burned alive for attempting to seduce the son of a nobleman."

"In England, the Buggery Act of 1534 made sodomy and bestiality punishable by death. This act was replaced in 1828, but sodomy remained punishable by death under the new act until 1861. The last executions were in 1835."

"In Nazi Germany, homosexuals were among the groups targeted by the Holocaust (See Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust). (In 1936, the homosexual Federico García Lorca was executed by right-wing rebels who became Franco's dictatorship in Spain, Hitler's ally.) Modern allies in Neonazis generally oppose homosexuality to the extent of supporting a renewed persecution the way it took place in Nazi Germany. Being homosexual is equated with being unmasculine and the German word ″Schwul″ ('gay') is used by German Neonazis as a curse word."

So there you have it, now if you want to condemn Islam and Muslim's for their view of homosexuality, to remain intellectually consistent, Christianity takes just as much blame. You don't get to say one is bad while the other is good.

I thought we were talking about the Christians in the United States, ...Like as in our Country.

If you want to bring up the Bible and the Middle Ages, don`t bother me with that long ago.

Today in the United States, Christians don`t stone you, shoot you or throw you from cell towers,...Muslims will remains to the individual, they are doing it today as in our life time. The United States is the Example of how to tolerate different religions because religion is not rule or law. So,

Tell me about Christians in our life time today, in the United States are killing in the name of God,...Don`t tell me about a Christian doing a mass shooting, tell me about Christian leaders voicing kill in the name of god, because they represent the following. ISIS and other Muslim States have laws in our life time that condemn the behavior in their own way. That brings up the issue of killing in the name of God.

So far ISIS is killing in the name of their God. The US wants to beat them up for it.

They are Muslim, and to just go over there and pound them down, would have been great,...but time has passed, they are setting,...and still nobody wants to roll over Muslim land because they don`t know what the,.... do nothing but cry other good Muslims will do or how they will react to such an ass handing, You`ll see lawyers, guns, and money,......but wont like the smell.

The United States and it`s Cross on a church in every town says, nothing but pull out while Russia, who is also very capable starts to move in it`s favor now.

Muslims are killing in the name of God today dude,....Not Christians,....100, 200, 900, years ago don`t mean a thing today.
Are you fucking kidding me? Christians used to kill gay people all the time is false? Hahahaha have you just never picked up a history book in your life?

"Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia on September 22, 2000 and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord;" Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends."


You're forgetting the Kurds that live in the north of Iraq and Syria and how they're Sunni. This wouldn't work at all. Moreover I can imagine that there'd be water right issues involved with this as the Tigris and Euphrates river run through the area and Iraq would not want to give up that water source or let yet another country dictate that. Also the northern parts of Iraq are mostly Sunni, while the south and eastern are Shia.

So you don`t know the differences of a long fucking time ago and today. You also see an individual as a religion, wonder you feel that way.

I see everyone North of the river as ISIS because it`s controlled by them and nobody has left in the two years since they took it, Sunni, Shia, Yabadaba or doo, don`t mean much.