San Bernardino


Well-Known Member
The FBI said it was self-radicalization here in the United States. Even more Muslims put out support for the US afterwards, for instance there were candle vigils in Iran; Khatami and Khameni condemned the attacks. Yusuf al-Qaradawi a very renown Muslim scholar called it a crime, the spiritual leader of Hamas condemned the attacks, even the Taliban condemned the attacks.
Muslims have been killing Muslims for thousands of years. More so than they kill other religions. Muslims disagree with each other all the time.
Joke: Trump was behind 9/11 omg.
More than a year before 9/11, Donald Trump predicted a terror attack on a major American city was inevitable.

"I really am convinced we're in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers," Trump writes in his June 2000 book, "The America We Deserve."

He even points the finger at Osama bin Laden.

"One day we're told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jet fighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan," Trump writes. "He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and new crisis."


Well-Known Member
So now that the FBI called this terrorism shouldn't most of you guys who said Obama wouldn't now be saying "Good job Obama!" Lol
Let's be clear as of 11:10 PM, PST, the Magic Man hasn't made a peep. Only the head FBI dude; notably the AG, his boss wouldn't refer to it as terrorism.

Obama is still trying to figure out how the hell "climate change" fits into all this.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why ISIS even bothers with the US. Looks to me like we're their best allies. Maybe Obama or his successor can foment some more anti-government rebellion in the Middle East. It works so well.

The jihadists have to be laughing their asses off. Why, the Americans are so tough and committed that they trade 5 Taliban commanders for one fucking US Army deserter! lol Then, after the Paris shootings Obama says he's going to participate in the Global blah blah summit and that's his "strong message" to ISIS. :p Can't make this shit up.

Do our "leaders" sit around in staff meetings and TRY to come up with new and improved ways to encourage terrorism?


Well-Known Member
I agree that's probably the main issue, but other minor issues include the access to and prevalence of guns in the US. After Australia's example, I don't see how that point can be logically argued
Smart guns which can only be accessed by its owner is the solution..but of course that would be too much of an inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
So you are work and your wife or teenager is at home, A intruder breaks in, but the gun won't work for them because you are the owner..

Unfortunately shit happens, question your government first..
I'm sure you can spring for an additional watch(es) coded to that gun if you can afford a gun hobby.

Stop making excuses OD.


King Tut
Smart guns which can only be accessed by its owner is the solution..but of course that would be too much of an inconvenience.
Technology has yet to advance to the point where it is as or more reliable than pulling the trigger. One of the biggest mantras amongst shooters is maintenance and training to ensure that EVERY TIME you squeeze the trigger, the gun goes bang.


Well-Known Member
Technology has yet to advance to the point where it is as or more reliable than pulling the trigger. One of the biggest mantras amongst shooters is maintenance and training to ensure that EVERY TIME you squeeze the trigger, the gun goes bang.
The technology is here.

Show me evidence that the smart gun does not work each and every time the trigger is pulled.


Stop making excuses.

Such an inconvenience..I wonder if any parents of the dead children felt inconvenienced as they were burying them.

Priorities, men.


King Tut
The technology is here.

Show me evidence that the smart gun does not work each and every time the trigger is pulled.


Stop making excuses.

Such an inconvenience..I wonder if any parents of the dead children felt inconvenienced as they were burying them.

Priorities, men.
Any time you rely on electronics, you increase the working parts susceptible to failure. Power outage/shortage, electrical short, etc. If one chooses to use this new tech, their choice. If I don't trust it, my choice.

I say we would be served just as well if we brought firearms training back into our schools.


Well-Known Member
Any time you rely on electronics, you increase the working parts susceptible to failure. Power outage/shortage, electrical short, etc. If one chooses to use this new tech, their choice. If I don't trust it, my choice.

I say we would be served just as well if we brought firearms training back into our schools.
You don't know's a watch, if your personal security is that important make sure you change the battery..might I suggest calendering?


King Tut
You don't know's a watch, if your personal security is that important make sure you change the battery..might I suggest calendering?
And when the recoil busts a solder on that microchip? Or if my family suffers a home invasion and I am incapacitated, who can use my gun to defend themselves? How long before some kid comes up with a device to scramble the signal between watch and gun? Guarantee government agencies will have said scrambler. If there's a physical altercation in which my watch band breaks?

Why don't we stick to personal accountability?


Well-Known Member
And when the recoil busts a solder on that microchip? Or if my family suffers a home invasion and I am incapacitated, who can use my gun to defend themselves? How long before some kid comes up with a device to scramble the signal between watch and gun? Guarantee government agencies will have said scrambler. If there's a physical altercation in which my watch band breaks?

Why don't we stick to personal accountability?
I think you're reaching and making excuses.

Personal accountability (current) doesn't work..obvi.
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Well-Known Member
It's not about a word. It's the refusal to acknowledge reality.

It's about the loons in this country that can't admit that social problems that involve the use of guns or any other weapon are a result of a people problem.

People make decisions to attack other people, to destroy property, and to become disruptive in general.

Even the loons realize this. How do you know? Have you ever heard of legislation to sequester the gun and not the human as a result of a crime? Is there legislation to limit the access of a gun to a human or is it the other way around?

This is about loons and their fucked up thought process. The O-Man is just a manifestation of the fucking loons that walk among us.
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Well-Known Member
Smart guns which can only be accessed by its owner is the solution..but of course that would be too much of an inconvenience.
unless you are ready to shred the constitution even more. There is no solution.
I believe the only people who should not be able to own guns are those in prison