injunction/court case updates

Yes, hindsight is always 20-20, however, I wanted to keep my eye on their activities and sometimes in my line of work as a forensic auditor you have to accept the unacceptable in order to conduct research and amass the necessary evidence for legal action. I feel a great deal of personal responsibility for empowering Wilcox with my documents and I shall fight as hard to remedy the matter as I did to empower the psychopath. I have been slandered, intimidated and threatened by Wilcox and his close associates and enforcers but I would rather die taking a bullet for the cause than kill myself with thoughts of regret and the inability to respond which will kill me faster than any speeding bullet...
Well...I like the cut of your Jib. Yes even though you went back twice it would not impede proving negligence and misappropriating of donated funds. Your argument seems strong.
But of course Mr. Conroy is not going to go down easy. This would ruin his credibility and take him out as a Lawyer..imho. Who is you counsel ?
If what been going on is actual fact...I seriously doubt they will be able to cover every track. As of course anyone defending themselves would and will do.
Well...I like the cut of your Jib. Yes even though you went back twice it would not impede proving negligence and misappropriating of donated funds. Your argument seems strong.
But of course Mr. Conroy is not going to go down easy. This would ruin his credibility and take him out as a Lawyer..imho. Who is you counsel ?
If what been going on is actual fact...I seriously doubt they will be able to cover every track. As of course anyone defending themselves would and will do.
I wouldn't get too wrapped up in one side of this story....
Is there Lawyer that will be helping you on this?
Lock boxes eh...yup I see how that could be a real problem . Proving that seems impossible.
sounds like there has been a lot of unauthorized use of our money by these clowns.
I'm in full agreement to go after anyone who used and abused their status in the coalition.

We have not had any need for a lawyer to prepare the application for audit which is being filed in Alberta and Alberta court rules require that the parties to legal actions make their very best efforts at mediating the matter through dispute resolution before filing the legal at the court registry. When I served notice to Conroy and Wilcox the other day, I accompanied the application for audit with a letter to Conroy and Wilcox inviting them to voluntarily disclose the Coalition's audited financial statements and forget about going to the court house and airing all of their dirty laundry...but it is up to them...if Conroy and Wilcox fail to respond in a timely manner and we have to file the application and proceed to court and, if we require a legal representative to litigate on our behalf, it is incumbent upon Hizhonour to appoint appropriate legal counsel.
Well...what if they try to offer you a settlement to speak. Are you gonna fold or go all the way ?
Be easier to pay you off then make you go away ?
Reasonable Q's imo
Yes, I have an abundance of hard evidence of wrongful professional corporate and financial conduct by both Conroy and Wilcox who expelled me from the Coalition three times...the first time was in March 2013, after Conroy returned from Terrace BC where Bob Erb was benevolently dispensing his lottery winnings to cannabis activists and Conroy was there to represent the Coalition but Wilcox told me that Keith Fagan, the Prairaie Province rep at NORML Canada and owner of both Alberta and Calgary 420, advised Conroy not to work with me because I was 'trouble'. I told Wilcox that the only trouble I could cause Conroy was because I was the former founder and Secretary-Treasurer the Universal Compassion Club of Calgary (UCC), the sister club of Conroy's BC Compassion Club and the only person outside of the 'Kruse cannabis conspiracy' that knew that Conroy, as legal counsel for the BCCC, had counselled Hilary Black the president of BCCC to assist her good friend Debra Harper, president of the UCC to intentionally lie to the BC court in the matter of the defence of Wilreid Kruse getting busted for cultivating over 600 plants and brandishing weapons (BCPC flie No.3189C)
Debra Harper falsely told the court that the UCC had agreed with Kruse to cultivate the cannabis crop for the patients at the UCC but this was a lie fabricated after the fact in exchange for Kruse to supply to UCC in the future. The reason that Conroy master-minded the great cannabis deception was to further the medicinal cannabis cause.
Debra Harper operated the UCC consistent with Wilcox and the Coalition and failed to advise the members of the UCC of her deal with the devil and we only found out later when Kruse breached the terms of agreement by failing to provide any medicine once he received a conditional discharge for growing the pot and 50 hours community service at Kruse's favourite hangout, the SPCA, for brandishing weapons. The reason Harper was acting as president of the UCC at the time was because the former UCC founder and president, Grant Kreiger, was spending 30 days in jail for getting busted with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files...Kruse was busted in April 1999 and got the 600 plants discharged and did 50 hours community service for weapons meanwhile the UCC conveniently got busted 4 months later with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files and Kreiger got 30 days in jail...I told Wilcox that I was going to prepare a statutory declaration regarding this intentional deception and file it in BC court and hold those party to the conspiracy and slander of my good name accountable. Wilcox freaked out and expelled me upon Conroy's instruction..but Wilcox is a functional illiterate and Youtube videos do not replace proper documentation in legal format so Wilcox had to ask me back to prepare Conroy's tri-folds and posters and host the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo along with Wilcox's ex, Anne Genovy held at the end of June 2013.. Conroy also attend the Health Expo and gave the same little speech he gave at the Treating Yourself Expo held the previous month at the end of May 2013. I told Wilcox that I wanted to hold a proper board meeting with Conroy and thef Steering Committee members present; myself, Wilcox, Joy Davies and Steve Finlay in order to discuss legal strategy and to address my concerns about the slander that Fagan had circulated about me in Terrace BC in regard to BCPC File No 3189C. Once again Wilcox freaked out and Conroy instructed Wilcox to expel me from the Coalition, so Wilcox circulated slander that I was drunk and delusional the entire time while staffing the Coalition's booth at the Expo..this was strongly supported by Wilcox's partner and my co-worker at the booth, Anne Genovy,They spent a glorious summer strategically distributing lock boxes across Canada and gathering thousands of untraceable cash for their use and to finance their new and previously remote unaffordable lifestyle, jetsetting across Canada and hosting fund raising events and attending private pot parties. Conroy had claimed in his tri-folds and posters that he was going to file the injunction by September 30, 2013 but by the beginning of September he still had not even developed a template for soliciting Victim Impact Statements from suitable candidates to act as representatives for the pendng action. Wilcox was wrongly certain that Conroy would choose him to be the principle plaintiff because he was Conroy's client so Wilcox asked me back as the Coalition's Volunteer Coordinator and with a request that I prepare him a kick-ass Victim Impact Statement which I obediently did and was promptly expelled once I was finished the document....what else would you like to know?

I say do what you can, im a very unbiased person and only listen to the facts.

From what i see, your upset about them speaking badly about you. Then asking you back and there behavour continued and this whole hired/fired circle jerk happened 3 times over.

You brought up a incident from 1999 i mean thats 17 years dont have the money to walk down that road thats if you had the proof.

IMO it seems like youve been used and abused by the coalition. They kissed your ass when they needed too and kicked you to the curb when they didnt. Just make sure you understand going after the coalition and tieing up our attorneys time is costly to 44,000 patients.

Then again, if you have the proof then its already been costly.

As far as im concerned, you have posted theories and no proof. Im sure you can appreciate my unbiased opinion but understand we all encourage you to post *PROOF*
You guys need to understand who this woman is and what she has done...we all knew something was funky with the coalition and in particular wilcocks...he has not been forthright with us the people who funded his little expeditions....we can't forget about the 50% left outs...that's the point...
There has been a response from Jason Wilcox but it is not very clear. Nadine might post it today.

Note to JW - May I suggest that you hire an accounting firm as this is a very serious matter and it appears that no generally accepted accounting principals have been adhered to.
I say do what you can, im a very unbiased person and only listen to the facts.

From what i see, your upset about them speaking badly about you. Then asking you back and there behavour continued and this whole hired/fired circle jerk happened 3 times over.

You brought up a incident from 1999 i mean thats 17 years dont have the money to walk down that road thats if you had the proof.

IMO it seems like youve been used and abused by the coalition. They kissed your ass when they needed too and kicked you to the curb when they didnt. Just make sure you understand going after the coalition and tieing up our attorneys time is costly to 44,000 patients.

Then again, if you have the proof then its already been costly.

As far as im concerned, you have posted theories and no proof. Im sure you can appreciate my unbiased opinion but understand we all encourage you to post *PROOF*

Dear Bigmanc, please be advised that evidence is delivered upon disclosure...this is simply an examination of Wicox's financial administration of the coalition's affairs..however, I shall now post, for your information purposes, Wilcox's immediate and timely response, although I must confess that I had difficulty deciphering his grammatically challenged email...perhaps you can help to interpret the gobble-dee-gook for me as I have always encountered this difficulty when authoring letters expressing his 'desires'..

Re: Trust Account Audit - MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against Repeal aka Cannabis Rights Coalition
Reply| Nadine Bews Thu 2015-12-10 5:00 PM
To: Jason Wilcox [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Hello Jason;

Thank you very much for your timely response and for the information contained in the attachments, although I must confess that I found some parts of your response to be a little confusing as it is not apparent whether this letter is addressed to me or simply a cross-copy to me of a letter to Mr. Conroy requesting his advise and direction in this matter. Notwithstanding this drawback, I am hoping that this response is meant to be the commencement of a productive negotiation process so that we can begin to address and attempt to resolve the many outstanding and very serious allegations currently being expressed regarding you and your associate's method of conducting Coalition's financial and other affairs.

Please be advised that I shall distribute this information to the members of the Coalition-in-exile and we shall carefully review and consider their contents and determine which information in the audit application is still outstanding.

I look forward to receiving and reviewing your information and to working with you toward a satisfactory outcome for all parties concerned so that the Coalition continues to 'successfully' pursue its original objectives in a healthy, productive and inclusive manner and according to parliamentary procedure and consistent with the generally accepted principles and procedures governing accounting and business conduct in Canada.

Take care and stay inspired.

Nadine E. Bews,
Public Accountant & Forensic Auditor
Legal Chronologist & Historiographer
MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against Repeal, Founding Chair & Secretary-in-exile


Re: Trust Account Audit - MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against Repeal aka Cannabis Rights Coalition

From: Jason Wilcox ([email protected])

Sent: Thu 2015-12-10 3:39 PM
To: Nadine Bews ([email protected]);
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
You replied on 2015-12-10 5:00 PM.
Documents bank.pdf2 MB; Checks deposited from the office.xlsx9 KB; paypalMMAR.pdf18 MB; Bankk Statements TD.pdf2 MB; First deposit.csv397 bytes
Show all 5 attachments (22 MB) Download all Save all to OneDrive - Personal

In January 2014, I understand that there occurred a mass exodus of Coalition Steering Committee members due to concerns of Wilcox’s corporate and financial misconduct including the Coalition’s executive directorScott McCluskey, the representative from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Steve Finlay and Medical Cannabis Resources Instituterepresentative Terry Roycroft.

I highly suggest talking to Steve Finlay and Terry for they will not support such slander! In fact allot of what is in this letter is pure hearsay where is the evidence of any wrongdoing?

I have attached the olad records you already audited for us attached Pal Pal and Bank of Montreal

We moved to TD bank in Jan 2015 when we Incorporated as the CRC, all this years statements can be made available if it comes to it,

In closing how do we respond for we have fundraisers planned in 4 Provinces , this sort of lies and slander hurt our efforts. Remember John she wanted to go after your accounts all along which is why we removed her from the Coalition in 2013. This is 2015 Dec. He promise to get you and thee Coalition has been waged against us over and over since 2013 and now she has teeth. Lets show ours were a federal NPO and the slander hurts our names and members.

Some of 2015 is attached and in confidence first deposit into T.D. and a Bank Statement for your review, once done let us know how to best respond and please do not sugggest we still ignore.
Also note we were not incorporated till 2015 thus non of them were even more than Adhock volunteers like I,

Non of these people have acted in the leadership of the Cannabis Rights Coalition,

Not to mention documents are not in legal PDF and full of mistakes, I look forward to our talk tomorrow John where I hope our legal team can respond and silence this sort of slander. Same crap that was already placed all over social media and we wonder why people question the Coalition.

Show me a receipt for any donation from any party listed in compliant , I say there is none as I checked the thick file on donations.

Jason F Wilcox

Jason F Wilcox
Cannabis in Canada Inc.
Mobile: 604-653-7731
Click here to donate today
NOTE: This e-mail transmission, including any attachments, is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this transmission in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please notify MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against REPEAL, or The Cannabis in Canada Society immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete this transmission, including any attachments.

I just woke up and have a pounding sinus cold but umm that looks like a reply to Conroy not you? Did he send the wrong email to the wrong person?

Not to mention documents are not in legal PDF and full of mistakes, I look forward to our talk tomorrow John where I hope our legal team can respond and silence this sort of slander. Same crap that was already placed all over social media and we wonder why people question the Coalition.
Re: Trust Account Audit - MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition against Repeal aka Cannabis Rights Coalition

From: Jason Wilcox ([email protected])

Sent: Thu 2015-12-10 3:39 PM
To: Nadine Bews ([email protected]);
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
You replied on 2015-12-10 5:00 PM.
Documents bank.pdf2 MB; Checks deposited from the office.xlsx9 KB; paypalMMAR.pdf18 MB; Bankk Statements TD.pdf2 MB; First deposit.csv397 bytes
Show all 5 attachments (22 MB) Download all Save all to OneDrive - Personal

In January 2014, I understand that there occurred a mass exodus of Coalition Steering Committee members due to concerns of Wilcox’s corporate and financial misconduct including the Coalition’s executive directorScott McCluskey, the representative from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Steve Finlay and Medical Cannabis Resources Instituterepresentative Terry Roycroft.

I highly suggest talking to Steve Finlay and Terry for they will not support such slander! In fact allot of what is in this letter is pure hearsay where is the evidence of any wrongdoing?

I have attached the olad records you already audited for us attached Pal Pal and Bank of Montreal

We moved to TD bank in Jan 2015 when we Incorporated as the CRC, all this years statements can be made available if it comes to it,

In closing how do we respond for we have fundraisers planned in 4 Provinces , this sort of lies and slander hurt our efforts. Remember John she wanted to go after your accounts all along which is why we removed her from the Coalition in 2013. This is 2015 Dec. He promise to get you and thee Coalition has been waged against us over and over since 2013 and now she has teeth. Lets show ours were a federal NPO and the slander hurts our names and members.

Some of 2015 is attached and in confidence first deposit into T.D. and a Bank Statement for your review, once done let us know how to best respond and please do not sugggest we still ignore.
Also note we were not incorporated till 2015 thus non of them were even more than Adhock volunteers like I,

Non of these people have acted in the leadership of the Cannabis Rights Coalition,

Not to mention documents are not in legal PDF and full of mistakes, I look forward to our talk tomorrow John where I hope our legal team can respond and silence this sort of slander. Same crap that was already placed all over social media and we wonder why people question the Coalition.

Show me a receipt for any donation from any party listed in compliant , I say there is none as I checked the thick file on donations.

Jason F Wilcox

Jason F Wilcox
Cannabis in Canada Inc.
Mobile: 604-653-7731

I accidentally sent my rent cheque across the country once.
I just woke up and have a pounding sinus cold but umm that looks like a reply to Conroy not you? Did he send the wrong email to the wrong person?
This is a typical Wilcox email..confused and mis-directed and is written in a manner consistent with his Looney Tunes method of administering the Coalition and its finances and legal affairs; confusing.misleading and deceiving patients through some fast-talking Youtube videos..think speak or something like that...I just call it gobble-dee-gook...
Proof is proof, Nadine you seem experienced in this and i doubt you would approach this without it. Please share the same concern about slander in regards to the coalition. It could damage us and thats the last thing we need.

fyi im not apart of the coalition and am just a patient with that simple concern, the patients.
I haven't seen nor have we received any cease and desist orders so read into that what you may. Jason says in his response that he had a meeting with his legal team so we welcome any feedback. I commend Nadine for being so patient as I felt a Public Inquiry or even a Royal Commission would be required but Nadine suggested giving JW another chance to be forthcoming and the lines of communication are now open so that is a good thing and we hope for a positive outcome. In the meantime, we wait for The Honourable Judge Phelan's decision and hope that we all receive the news that us Left outs can have our gardens back.
MMAR have no real rights..if the police happen upon go to court like all the rest.
Been sayin it since day one as well.

How do figure?

This summer we had to call the cops on our neighbor. He went ballistic after we told him we were not going to trim our blackberry bushes. He started threatening to call the cops because of our illegal grow, so I told him to go ahead and do so if he feels inclined. Then he said he will just burn the place down so our insurance won't cover us, so I phoned the cops.

They came spoke to him, then stopped by our place. Asked if we had a grow, I said yes, I'm a MMAR patient who is still covered under the injunction. He asked how many plants I have, I said I have 4 in my flowering room(s) and maybe a dozen or so in veg. He then asked if 4 plants was enough for me to produce my meds? I said it is with the plants cropping out once a month. He then said I should look into some charcoal filters to help with the smell (apparently my exhaust wasn't running when he walked around the building). Then he wanted to know if I knew of any other medical grows in the community. I said No, even though it's almost every other house on my block (No joke).

Then he went on to say our neighbor has PTSD and claims the smell of marijuana triggers it. I just laughed and said that's funny, I see him smoking it all the time and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have a medical license. The cop chuckled and explained that he has told him not to talk to us anymore and if he has issues then he can get his wife to come over and talk to us. Then he drove away.

No cuffs, No court, he didnt even ask to take a look, just took my word on my plant count, offered me some advice on controlling the smell and away he went with a handshake and a smile.
If you think the little piece of paper will help you when your neighbor calls and the cops show to take your shit... think again.

MMAR pink piece aint worth the paper its written on.
You will easily see court..need a lawyer...could even have your house taken and kids as well.
Sure.. you may not be convicted in the end.
but the sad truth one has a clean bill to grow with out facing the law!

I keep sayin that and no one seems to follow.

so...if an MMAR will go through this...anyone can do the same and have the same END result.
BEING LET OFF! (: Specially if you suffer from some debilitating illnesses!

Police dont believe LP scripts...why would they believe an MMAR paper? There isnt anyone to ask anymore either. Patient info through HC isn't there anymore.